Environmentally friendly flooring for an apartment

Before starting repairs, you need to think about choosing a flooring. This issue should be treated with special responsibility, since the market offers a wide selection of floorings of the most varied quality. It should be remembered that the material should be not only beautiful, but also safe - the health of all households will depend on this criterion. For example, a newly laid carpet several months later will be a source of dust, debris and animal hair, and in some cases even cause an allergic reaction. We suggest considering an alternative - environmentally friendly flooring for an apartment that is safe for human health. They do not emit harmful substances in operation. It is worth remembering that even the most natural flooring is put on glue, which is not environmentally friendly. Today we’ll talk about how to choose an environmentally friendly floor in an apartment and how to install it. So, let's take a closer look at the list of environmentally friendly flooring that will bring not only beauty, but also safety to your home.

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A relatively new direction for the design of floors. Many people found material in their favorite bottle of wine or on the walls, but as it turned out, cork is more suitable as a flooring.

Important! Such raw materials are mined in the Mediterranean forests from the bark of a certain cork oak. Trees are not cut down to collect bark, as it is renewed every three years, which is ideal for the process of extracting raw materials.

Advantages of cork:

  • A wide selection of different colors and shades.
  • High strength flooring.
  • It has antimicrobial properties.
  • Helps reduce allergens in the room.
  • It is considered flame retardant.
  • Easy to maintain.
  • Able to repel insects, like natural cork oak.
  • The term of operation is up to 30 years.
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Bamboo flooring is a natural floor covering that is becoming the most popular. Many people think that bamboo is a tree, but in fact, it is nothing more than grass, combining the unique properties of wood.


  • Strong, easy and steady material.
  • Presented in a wide range of shades and textures.
  • Easy to maintain and install.
  • It is made from natural plant materials, which ripens for 3-5 years.
  • It fits perfectly into absolutely any interior.
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We are used to presenting linoleum in the form of a synthetic, unhealthy vinyl coating, but this is not entirely true. Low-cost options continue to be made from chlorinated compounds that are considered unsafe. But there are environmentally friendly linoleum, which can also be purchased on the construction market.


  • The composition of linoleum safe for human health includes only natural components - cork dust, linseed oil, wood flour, wood resin, hammer limestone pigment.
  • A wide range of bright colors.
  • Waterproof and fireproof material.
  • It has an insulating layer that protects the coating from stains.
  • Long term of use and wear resistance.
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Glass tile

Used bottles of wine or beer that are disposed of are turned into spectacular glass tiles.This is one of those original sources, which quickly and easily becomes an excellent raw material for the manufacture of floors, as well as the walls of the bathroom and not only.


  • Tiles are presented in a wide range of colors and patterns.
  • Does not absorb moisture.
  • Mold does not form on the coating.
  • It reflects sunlight well, which adds extra light to the room.
  • The eco-friendly glass floor is easy to maintain and almost does not get dirty.
  • Suitable for the implementation of various design ideas.
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Sometimes in the apartment you can see a beautiful glossy coating, similar to glass, but in fact, it is polished concrete, which is considered one of the environmentally friendly flooring.


  • Unlimited design possibilities - from creating the effect of ceramic tiles of various colors to imitating other natural materials.
  • Extremely durable, high quality material.
  • It is used for screed in many residential buildings and apartments.
  • If the coating is polished and then tinted, it is not necessary to lay the traditional coating on top.
  • Concrete slabs are easy to clean, install and do not require replacement.
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Polyester flooring

Such a coating is sometimes called a Berber carpet due to the fact that it looks very similar to the usual creole, but has significant differences. Paul out polyester made exclusively from plastic bottles, which are designed for the disposal of raw materials.


  • Very durable eco-friendly flooring.
  • It has minimal environmental impact.
  • It is made in a wide selection of tones and patterns, which makes it the embodiment of most color schemes.
  • Waterproof flooring.

Important! Berber carpets have some drawbacks that cannot be ignored. The cover is easy to hook on, and if the problem is not quickly resolved, the carpet may simply bloom. The recycled material has a rather rough surface, on which it is not very pleasant to walk barefoot.

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Rubber floors

Raw materials for the manufacture of such coatings are recycled tires. Most often, rubber floors are used in the playground or in the gym.


  • A beautiful, versatile and durable option.
  • Rubber flooring is gradually becoming an increasingly popular, environmentally friendly flooring in the kitchen, bathroom and terrace.
  • Large selection of colors and patterns.
  • It is convenient to walk on such a floor, since it does not slip.
  • It is considered moisture resistant, which gives the right to use the coating in rooms with high humidity.
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It turns out that the skin can be found as a floor covering. For these purposes, use the central part of the cowhide, which is taken as a raw material for the production of belts, bags and wallets.


  • Incredible strength and wear resistance and, at the same time, softness and warmth of the material.
  • Suitable for decorating the kitchen and other wet areas of the house.
  • Abrasions and scratches are not able to spoil the appearance of the coarse floor, but on the contrary, will make it even more amazing and unique for many years.
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Eco-friendly flooring will never go out of style, because only natural materials will not harm your body. Love yourself and be healthy!

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