French balcony in the apartment: the pros and cons of installation

Recently, French balconies in the apartment have been very popular - these are floor-to-ceiling glass structures mounted on a metal-plastic or aluminum profile. Such decorative loggias look very stylish, fashionable and elegant. In Russia, a similar decoration of facades appeared recently, but in European countries it has been used for a long time.

French balcony

Advantages and disadvantages

The French balcony translates as a door to a window, that is, it is some kind of a beautiful window cover fence. This is a small area equipped with panoramic windows and a wrought-iron or other type of fence. Only one person can be on it. It can be of any shape, but most often it is made in the form of a curved and slightly convex basket. Usually this space has a minimal function for the natural ventilation of the room. Most often it is made for beauty. The main advantages of such designs are:

French balcony what is it

  • the opportunity to save finances on the material, since there is no need to additionally reinforce the room and make a special fence;
  • no need to carry out exterior siding;
  • such a loggia does not need inner lining and insulation;
  • there is no need for additional lighting, the area is quite enough natural light;
  • beautiful panoramic view, which is hidden behind the partition of a regular balcony;
  • ease of installation, work is quick and clean;
  • beautiful aesthetic appearance.

This design also has disadvantages. The main disadvantages of a fake balcony include the following nuances:

What is a french balcony

  • windowsill not provided;
  • to protect from prying eyes, it is necessary to install special plastic thermal inserts in the lower part of the window or to glue a tinted film;
  • can not be used in the winter, and in the summer due to panoramic windows, the room may overheat, so you will have to install air conditioning or keep the windows open;
  • high installation cost;
  • frequent cleaning is required, the glass quickly gets dirty, which means you have to wash it regularly.

It is also worth noting that such spaces can be filled with various accessories. For example, hang a mosquito net. You can choose the material yourself, the final cost of the balcony will depend on this. Sashes can also be made in different versions, they are made deaf, partially or completely open. As for the fence, it can be a design in the form of:

French balcony what is it

  • forged metal;
  • stained glass;
  • frosted glass;
  • mirror film.

It is not forbidden to use several options at once, it all depends on the taste preferences of the owners, as well as on their financial capabilities. After you have figured out the material and installation option, it is worth measuring the total area of ​​the balcony.

In addition, you need to make sure that the concrete slab is in good condition, if not, you will have to strengthen it additionally, for which you will have to pay separately.

The main types

Such original balconies come in two forms. It is worth considering each of them separately:

French balcony is what is

  1. Without a platform is the easiest option. This is a small structure, which has a metal fence outside the room, and a door made of glass provides access to the balcony. In order to breathe fresh air and enjoy the beautiful view, it will be enough just to open the door.
  2. With a small platform - such an installation is considered more complex and costly. This is due to the fact that this option implies the presence of a small concrete protrusion. That is, the owner of the apartment or private house will have the opportunity to go outside and already there take a sip of morning coffee or tea.

Both types of architectural construction have their own characteristics, each of them not only differs in design, but also in the option of fastening. Accordingly, their cost will be different. The second design will become more expensive.

Much also depends on the choice of material. The window frame is usually made of wood, plastic or metal. Glass is also chosen to taste., you can leave it just transparent. Some prefer matte models to hide from prying eyes, while others add a touch of creativity and make glass colored - it looks very original and stylish.

You can also arrange a false balcony in different ways, some prefer the classics with clear geometric lines, while others stop on forged gratings with a variety of patterns and curls. You can give the fence and railing absolutely any shape, thickness and size, it all depends on the imagination of the owners. These elements are purchased already in the finished version or their manufacture is made to order according to the available drawings and pictures.

Most often, citizens use forged elements in bronze and copper design. Such architectural designs are now very popular. This is due to the fact that truly amazing patterns can be created from metal. Lattices will be able to decorate the appearance of the balcony and make it impeccable. Since metal has good ductility, shapes of any complexity can be created from it.

French balcony in the apartment

Also, panel loggias are often made, but they do not look so attractive, although this option is considered more budget. Yes, and installation in this case can be done with your own hands, without resorting to the services of specialists.

Decor and arrangement

The French balcony by itself looks elegant and sophisticated, but usually it is decorated with additional elements to create coziness. Many people install spros — decorative grilles on windows. They come in different colors, gilded models look especially good.

After installation, they seem to divide the window into various geometric shapes in the form of rhombuses, triangles or squares. There are more complex compositions with floral ornaments, as well as with various cells and honeycombs.

French balconies what does it mean

You can make a fence in the form of a mosaic or close it with colored glass - such a balcony will stand out from the rest. It is also good to install a tinted window, which additionally damps sunlight, and frosted glazing, on the contrary, will help to create a decorative effect. Stained-glass windows are very popular today - they will give the structure a well-groomed and expensive look, it is not for nothing that they were used in decorating palaces.

Do not forget about the small details, as they will give the interior a finished look. To do this, use accessories. Here again, you can use forged elements: beautiful flower buds, small sculptures, animal figures. They will no doubt attract the attention of passers-by and cheer them up.

Since French balconies require panoramic glazing, you should think about curtains in advance - they can enhance the effect of free space. But when choosing, it is worth giving preference to light and transparent fabrics of light color.

French balcony as it looks

In addition, they must be functional so that you can easily open the window or close it. Do not forget about the practical side, as they will periodically need to be washed. It is better to choose high-quality material that will last a long time.

At the very end, you can arrange indoor flowers on the balcony or let the vine plants on the lattice, which will beautifully entwine it.Especially great looks greens in combination with bright buds - this will give the loggia a fresh and flowering look. If the area allows, then you should put a stool on which you can sit down to read your favorite book. As you can see, even from the smallest and modest balcony you can make a real work of art that will decorate the facade.

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