Cold floors in a private house - what to do?

Given the current cost of utilities, many homeowners are thinking about how to make their home as warm as possible. The first thing to start with is the floors, because how warm can it be if they are cold? In order to eliminate this problem, you do not have to do them with heating or look for the cause in an unsuccessful layout. Everything can be much simpler. We will tell you about the main reasons why cold floors in a private house, what to do in order to solve this problem without radical solutions.

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Reason # 1. Cracks

Cold floor in winter at home, how to fix it? Of course, if it draws cold from the floor, it is uncomfortable to walk on it with bare feet, you can’t talk about any atmosphere of comfort in the house or apartment. And if you set a goal to solve this problem, you must first find out directly the cause of its occurrence.

Slots are the very first culprit for the floor becoming cold and not keeping heat. In order to get rid of them, you can use the method of our dads and grandfathers. The progress of work consists of the following stages:

  • Coat the cracks with putty. Shopping in this case will not work, so you have to do it yourself. To do this, mix PVA glue (for furniture) together with sawdust.

Important! In addition to PVA furniture glue, you can also use the “Joiner”, which is suitable for these purposes due to its water resistance.

  • Use a sharp blade to cut off the protruding clots of old paint.
  • Sand the floor with emery sand paper.
  • Check the surface for various defects and repair them. If there are problem areas in the boards, they must be fixed with screws.
  • Remove all debris and vacuum so that there is no dust.
  • Get wallpapers that will imitate wood in your design and texture.
  • Roll the rolls on the floor and cover them with a thin layer of parquet varnish, slightly diluted with solvent. This is necessary so that during bonding of the sheets, the adhesion is much stronger.
  • Cut wallpaper into strips equal in width to wooden boards.
  • Dilute the PVA glue with water to a liquid consistency, spread them on strips and boards. Glue wallpaper strips to the floor.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that wallpaper strips are best glued with an overlap. Thus, if the varnish bursts between them, this will create a peculiar decorative effect.

  • Press the strips firmly and smooth them with a clothes brush. This is necessary so that there are no bubbles and creases.
  • Remove excess glue with a clean cloth.
  • Leave the floor to dry completely for 3-4 days, then open it with parquet lacquer in at least three layers.

That's all, your new floor is ready. Surprisingly, it serves for quite some time, and you can simply forget about drafts and cold passing through the cracks.

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Reason number 2. Dampness

Dampness can create a lot of worries for each owner of a private household and an apartment located on the lower floors. This is due to the fact that in the spring, raw and cold air enters the basement, after which it enters an unprotected insulation. First of all, you need to protect the insulation itself directly, even with the most ordinary plastic stove.If a phenomenon such as dampness occurs on an ongoing basis, you should organize ventilation of the basement.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that the cause of the appearance of cold in the house can be mice, which make numerous moves in the walls and floor. Therefore, if there is a risk of the appearance of malicious rodents, you better set up various mousetraps in advance or simply have a cat.


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Reason number 3. Lack of insulation

Elimination of cold in the corners of the house can be done with the help of insulation. You will feel the lack of proper insulation instantly, especially if you live above a cold basement. To check the correct installation of the insulation, you can find the material that was used for these purposes on the Internet and specify how much it should be. After that, take a ruler and measure how much material you have. If it is not enough, you still have to open the floor.

Important! Expanded clay will be an excellent solution to this problem. This is a fairly light and harmless material that will serve as a perfect vapor and heat insulation.

If we are talking about the cold floor in an apartment or a private house, we offer you one fairly simple and budget option for solving this problem. The work sequence consists of the following actions:

  1. On top of the clay castle in the underground, tightly lay foam sheets 10 cm wide. This insulation completely cuts off the cold.
  2. Lay a layer of expanded clay on top of the foam sheets.
  3. Close the completely airy foundation and air gap for the winter.
  4. Install the floors themselves. They should be made of wood and lie on grooves covered with rubber tape. This is to ensure that the floors are separated from the walls.
  5. Lay out sheets of rubber that will perform a waterproofing function.
  6. Pour screed with warm floors, install flooring.


If you have a wooden floor on the logs, the problem of insulation can be solved as follows:

  1. Remove the cover. Do this very carefully.
  2. Treat the lags with a special compound.
  3. On the logs, fix the corner for tightening the cord, and then pull it.
  4. Attach the cord to the lags using a special furniture stapler.
  5. Lay foam sheets 5 centimeters thick. Seal the gaps between it and the tree with foam.
  6. Lay penofol on top of a 3 mm thick foam. Put the lags in place.
  7. Foam fasten from underground. This can be done with lids from cans and screws.


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Reason number 4. Cold foundation

If the foundation is with a base, the floor in this case, too, can suffer large heat losses. This problem can be solved with the help of foam sheets 2 cm wide. If desired, they can be put in two layers.


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Reason number 5. Laminate

Despite the general belief that laminate flooring is a rather warm coating, in fact, it is not at all. The main reason that laminate floors are cold is the high thermal conductivity of the finish layer. There are two ways to solve this problem: you can put a film infrared floor under the decorative coating itself or use a technical cork that has high heat storage properties.


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Reason No. 6. The absorption of infrared rays

Pay attention to a physical phenomenon that can cause cold floors in the house, such as infrared radiation. Sometimes it happens that the floors absorb heat so much that in the end - you yourself, without knowing it, heat the underground underneath. This is especially true for such a decorative coating as a laminate, since it has a high thermal conductivity. Therefore, if everything is insulated and you do not observe any cracks, put sheets of foil material under the decorative coating. Believe that you will immediately notice a huge difference.


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Reason number 7. Tactile sensations

This is one of the most unexpected causes of cold floors in a private home.In this case, the simplest physics works: there is simply no cold, and the discomfort to you creates a lack of heat.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that different decorative floor coverings have different ability to absorb heat from other sources.

That is why you can experience the unpleasant sensations of walking barefoot on the floor, if, in fact, it seems like it's not cold. To solve this problem, you can replace the decorative flooring itself. An excellent option is PVC tile. This material has the lowest level of thermal conductivity, unlike its other analogues.

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As you can see, the problem of cold floors is solvable. The most important thing is to correctly determine the cause of its occurrence. We hope that the above information will help you in solving this dilemma and in the end you will get a warm floor, which will be nice to walk barefoot.

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