How to glue vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base meter in the corners?

In the modern market a large selection of finishing materials is provided, but wallpapers occupy a leading position. In order for the result of your work to live up to your expectations, it is important to choose not only the pattern, color, but also the type of wallpaper. Vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis is an excellent option for decorating the walls of rooms. They are easy to glue, wash, repaint, without harming the canvas. The embossed texture will hide the unevenness of the walls. During gluing, the question arises: how to glue vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis, meter in the corners? Do not worry - wallpaper with a non-woven base perfectly glues even in such seemingly problematic places as corners. You just have to follow a few simple rules. This will be discussed in this article.
to contents ↑Types of Vinyl Wallpaper
Wall vinyl canvases come in two types - non-woven and paper based. The advantages of the first type are obvious. They are more durable, better hide irregularities on the walls, and it is much easier to glue such wallpaper, since the adhesive is applied only to the walls.
Before answering the question of how to glue corners with wallpaper on a non-woven basis, let's consider what types of such coatings exist:
- Smooth - suitable for kitchen, bathroom. This type withstands high humidity in the premises, they can be washed. There are also relief models with the image of brick or masonry.
- Solid - they pass air well and are the most resistant to mechanical damage. Wall paintings of this type can imitate various wall materials, for example, tiles, plaster, fabrics.
- Foamed is the most popular form. Such wall paintings have a foamed structure, which allows them to pass air. You can clean them with a damp rag.
- Silkscreen - their appearance resembles silk fabric. Such canvases are durable and strong. The price of this species will be slightly higher than in the rest.
Benefits of Vinyl Wallpaper
In such material, the following advantages can be noted:
- A variety of models - can be purchased in any color scheme, as well as textured.
- Improved sound insulation than paper.
- Sneaking flaws. They do not require perfectly even walls, small pits and cracks will not be visible under them.
Also to the advantages listed above is to add their resistance to moisture and mechanical damage, durability.
to contents ↑Important! Paint from the wallpaper does not emit any harmful substances, because it is made on a water basis.
Sticking Stages
The whole procedure after buying wallpaper and preparing the room for gluing can be divided into four stages.
Wallpaper Preparation
First, check all rolls for matching shades. Then move on to cutting stripes.
Important! Cut the strips so that the pattern matches when they are joined.
This stage is the most basic and important, it is necessary to treat it with complete seriousness. First, make precise markings on the walls to stick each piece. Next, apply glue to the wall and glue the strip.
Important! Choose only high-quality glue that is suitable for this type of wall paintings.
How to glue wallpaper near switches and sockets?
First de-energize them and remove the boxes from them.Next, stick the canvas and make a cross-shaped cut in places of sockets and switches. Then wrap the cloth inward and allow to dry. After that, cut off the excess with a clerical knife, put the boxes in place and connect the electricity.
After completing all of the above steps, it remains only to give the wallpaper time so that it is completely dry.
to contents ↑Important! Ensure that there is no drafts and a positive temperature in the room.
How to glue corners with vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis?
So we came to the answer to the question, how to glue non-woven wallpaper in the corners? In fact, the process is simple, you just need to follow some simple rules. We will consider how to paste on internal and external corners.
- Measure the distance from the edge of the last glued piece to the corner and add 5 cm.
Important! Take measurements in three places, as the angle may be uneven, take the largest of the resulting values.
- Prepare a strip of the resulting width.
- Coat the wall and corner with glue for non-woven wallpaper.
- Glue the canvas.
- Smooth the strip in the corner and on the wall using a dry rag or rubber roller.
Important! Make at a distance of 5-10 cm from each other several horizontal cuts if the wallpaper wrinkles in some places.
- Most often, the width of the lap of the wallpaper, due to the curvature of the angle, is not the same. Find the narrowest section, step back 1 cm from the edge of the strip towards the corner. From this point, measure the distance that corresponds to the width of the roll and, using a plumb line, draw a vertical line through this point. From this place and start gluing the next segment.
- Using a metal ruler, a sharp knife and a paint spatula, trim the seam.
Important! Trim two canvases at once so that there are no discrepancies in the cut lines.
- Remove excess wallpaper. First, the upper layer, and then - turning off the slightly upper canvas, the bottom.
After observing the whole process, your panels form an invisible joint. It remains only to smooth it carefully, for this use a rubber roller.
How to glue external corners with non-woven wallpaper? Such corners are not found in all rooms, but still they can be found quite often. The whole process of pasting is practically no different from the technology of pasting inside corners:
- To get started, prepare a canvas that corresponds to the distance from the extreme segment to the corner plus about 5 cm per inversion.
- Next, measure the distance for gluing the next segment from the closest inversion point to the corner.
- Glue the sheet with an overlap on the inversion that formed.
- Then cut the seams with a sharp clerical knife and remove any unnecessary parts.
to contents ↑Important! You can glue the outer corner with one canvas, but only if the angle is even. The discrepancy level is a maximum of 2-4 mm.
Stock footage
How to glue non-woven wallpaper in the corners and not only - we examined in this article. As it turned out, there is nothing complicated in pasting corners - having a little practice, you can easily do the job. Just follow all the above tips, and your room will look great, and the quality of vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis will please you for many years. Good luck with your repair!
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