How to make a wall in the living room above the sofa?

Perhaps the most enjoyable stage of repair is decoration. He closes all the processes, says the completion of the repair work. At this stage, housing is filled with details, acquires its own style, accents appear in the interior. The center room in a house or apartment is a living room. The whole family gathers here, the guests meet. Each owner agrees that it would be desirable for the living room not only to have style, but also to radiate comfort. Most often associated with comfort is a sofa - one of the central figures of the living room, a place of comfort. Particular attention should be paid to the area above the guest sofa, its decor. Approaching this stage of work, the owners often have a question how to make a wall in the living room above the sofa. After reading this article, you will find out which decor options are used in this zone, determine for yourself the most suitable option.

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Should I decorate the area behind the sofa?

The question arises: when does it make sense to decorate the area behind the sofa, and when is it better to leave everything as it is?

  • In the event that your sofa itself looks like a work of art, made according to a design project, and your goal is to put an emphasis on a bright and colorful element of furniture, it is permissible to leave the zone behind it in the form in which it is. As a rule, with this performance there is a game of contrast in the color of the wall and sofa.
  • There are sofas made with a high headboard. Most often, the headboard is upholstered or made of wood. If in your living room there is such an object, do not use additional wall decor over the sofa, this can create the effect of congestion in this area. Such an element of furniture is self-sufficient.
  • Sometimes, according to the design idea, the sofa is located at the window. This arrangement does not require additional decoration. This role in this case is played by the view from the window, especially when it comes to panoramic windows. If ordinary windows are installed in the room, the curtains play the role of decor.


In all other cases, it is better to resort to decorating the wall behind the bed, to emphasize and add zest using decorative elements.

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Possible decorating ideas

Making out the area behind the guest sofa, you can emphasize the style of the room, the idea and themes, tell a little more about the owners of the house. Details can say a lot, they can completely change the perception of the interior. Everything consists of trifles, and without them, housing looks empty, the interior is incomplete.

If the location of your sofa and the wall itself, suggest the presence of decoration or decoration, it is worth familiarizing yourself with possible ideas for decoration.


Using photo wallpaper

Making wall murals helps create volume without taking away the space of the room. Currently, there are many variations of photo wallpaper. In addition to the options proposed by the manufacturer, there are companies that can print murals with any pattern, image or photograph, made in high resolution.

On photo wallpaper you can put large-sized photos, graphic drawings, landscapes, inscriptions, maps and even paintings by famous artists. The abundance of choice is amazing. If you decide to dwell on this option, then you can be sure that you can get photo wallpapers that are most appropriate for your idea.

Using the photo stocks, you can choose a decent photo of details, landscapes, anything, and send it to print in large format. Thousands of options are available to your choice.


Storage system

Often you want to not only beautifully design the wall, but also to make the decor as functional as possible. In this case, you should pay attention to design using storage systems.

How to make a wall over the sofa in this case? Bookshelves, storage racks, and a multifunctional cabinet are mounted on the wall. The sofa, in this embodiment, is placed in the center, to the wall section, free from shelves, storage systems, they are all located around and above the sofa. This is a very interesting solution that looks stylish, especially if there is the use of unusual and non-standard shelving. In addition to performing decoration functions, storage systems solve a very serious problem: they provide a place to store books, things, various items.


Using stylus or film

Slate paint or film, also called chalk, is an incredibly stylish and creative solution. You can easily purchase such paint in a hardware store. Many online stores sell chalk film of various formats. The design of the wall in this way allows you to independently draw a drawing of any subject, create inscriptions, write wishes. It is enough to paint or paste over the wall, to get colored crayons. You can at least every day change the design of this zone.

Important! At the present time, slate paints are not limited only to black color, the palette of choice has expanded significantly.


Using screen

How else can I decorate the wall behind the sofa? The screen installed behind the sofa looks very interesting. There are an incredible variety of variations on this decor element. Screens are made of various materials, come in incredible shapes and sizes. You can make screens yourself, it would be a desire and ideas.

Use wooden screens, carved screens, backlit screens, decorated with fabric, photographs, mirrors, mosaics, with prints and textures, painted in all kinds of colors. In this case, the flight of fantasy is unlimited.


Living wall

The use of plants living walls in the interior is gaining incredible popularity. The special design is a panel with flowerpots for plants. The necessary types of plants are planted in it. This composition looks very impressive.

Important! Particularly noteworthy are the wall paintings of stabilized moss. This plant does not require special care, it looks very unusual, suitable for fans of the Eco-style.


Gypsum panels

Recently, many companies manufacturing 3D gypsum panels have appeared on the services market. In special forms, gypsum blanks of any shape are cast, which comprehensively create an unusual three-dimensional panel. Such panels are very stylish and modern, can be made in any color. The elements are mounted on “liquid nails”.


Using mirrors

A great option is decorating the wall with mirrors. This technique visually increases the space, beats out the light, which helps to fill the room with light even more. It will be very correct to use mirrors in the design of living rooms of a small area.

Important! It is worth considering an important point - the use of mirrors does not look harmonious with all interior styles.


Niches in the wall

If you decide to decorate the wall behind the sofa with a niche, then you should take care of creating one during the repair process. Niches of any shape and size can be built from drywall. Niches with a highlight look advantageous. Take care in advance of conducting electricians, think about which light source should be used.

Important! Often niches are additionally used as shelves. There you can put candles, decor elements, frames with photos.


One or more paintings

An excellent solution would be to hang a picture on the wall.It can be a picture on canvas, framed without glass or with glass. You can set the style using an interesting baguette design. The picture can be drawn independently, ordered from the artist or purchased ready-made version.

Keep in mind that if you decide to hang one picture on the wall in the living room, then you need to center it. In the case of using several paintings, there are many variations of their location. They can be located randomly, in the center, hanging with an offset from the center, decorated in the form of a triptych. Explore the various layouts and choose the option that suits you best.



Brick wall decoration is still very popular. In this case, you can choose from many options. You can use imitation of masonry made of gypsum, purchase a special brick made of natural stone for interior work. It can be white brick, red, sand, also you can paint it in any color.

Important! If the room is located in an old building with interesting and high-quality brickwork, you can clean and prepare the wall, leaving it in its original form. This solution is relevant for interiors in the Loft style.


Photos in the interior

Unique coziness can be achieved by decorating the wall with personal family photos. You can hang them in frames by doing this according to your chosen layout. Placing photos on clothespins attached to a stretched string or fishing line can be considered a great idea. In this case, you can easily change the composition periodically, update family photos.

Important! Various studios provide photo printing services on canvas and foam board. Photos designed in this way look minimalistic and concise.


Shelf use

It is a good idea to install shelves in the area above the sofa. You can fix the shelves with special corners, mount on hidden mounting systems. Various decorative elements, collectible exhibits, cups, photographs and any objects dear to the heart of the owners will look appropriate on such shelves.


Thematic design

If the room is decorated, adhering to the peculiarities of the culture of one of the countries, or according to the interests of the owners, then in such an interior you can use themed design. How to decorate the wall over the sofa in the living room with themed design?

  • You can put a Buddha image or figure, African masks or figurines, attributes of one of the countries on the wall, if this is in accordance with the idea.
  • In the interior for a musician, you can hang on the wall the appropriate musical instrument.
  • In a room with a nautical theme, you can place an anchor, oars or a helm above the sofa, in the hunter's house - figures or stuffed animals, compositions of horns, guns.

In short, the decor uses those items that emphasize your personality, the interests of your family.


Wall Clock

The big clock looks good on the wall behind the sofa. Among the many options you can choose a unique model. Watches symbolize life and movement, carry a semantic load. There are interesting large-sized models, models in which there are separately numbers and a mechanism with arrows that you independently place on the wall and fix it.

Important! Some people use the idea of ​​placing a few not too big watches. An interesting solution is to place a few hours, which set the time of the key capitals of the world.


3D wood panels

Particularly popular were volumetric panels made of various materials. Wooden decorative panels look interesting. They are made of wood cuts of different sizes, laid in panels in the form of mosaics, paintings of plywood elements painted in various colors. You can use three-dimensional geometric figures made of wood, placed in a special sequence, wooden planks and carved using a laser device composition.



This will not be about Soviet carpets on the wall, but about modern unique models.Making handmade carpets is a whole art. They are unusual and modern. Do not forget that textiles create a special cosiness in the room. If you decide to dwell on the design with the help of a carpet, you should know that the modern designer tapestry looks great on the wall, carpets with ethnic motifs brought from Eastern and African countries, voluminous textile carpets, which are used to combine various materials.



Do not forget about such an interesting and practical solution in the design of the area above the sofa as decorating with lamps. You can use all kinds of sconces and wall lights, LED lighting, placed in the form of a specific predetermined shape. You can choose the fixtures according to the style of the interior, make shades yourself from improvised means. When decorating the walls above the sofa, all kinds of carved shades give a special mystique to the atmosphere, they create a play of light and shadow.


Combined Design Method

This design option combines several decoration options at once:

  • Along with the shelves, you can place wall lights on the sides of them or on the bottom.
  • Together with photos you can place small mirrors in a frame. If you placed a large mirror in the center above the sofa, then it will not be superfluous to hang wall sconces on its sides.
  • It is possible to combine shelves and paintings, or small shelves and photographs within.
  • It perfectly dilutes the brickwork with a picture selected according to the theme and style of the room.

The most important rule for combined use is not to overload the interior with a mix of various decor. It is worth maintaining a balance, combining decor with the mind.

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Stock footage

As you can see, there are many options for how to decorate the wall in the living room above the sofa. The final option will depend on the flight of your imagination, ideas and wishes. Do not neglect the design of such an important area. Having designed it properly, the interior will sparkle in a new way, gain style and coziness.


