How to cut GVL?

Gypsum fiber sheets (GVL) are used for finishing works. Of course, in popularity they are significantly inferior to drywall, if only because they were released into mass production much later. In terms of strength and fire safety, GVL is significantly superior to drywall. The primary decoration of walls and ceilings, the arrangement of bulk floors, the construction of protective ducts - these are the main areas of use of this material. Today we will figure out how and how to cut GVL.

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Properties of gypsum fiber

Gypsum fiber sheets and gypsum board, which has already become familiar, are united by the fact that the basis of both materials is gypsum. The features of GVL include:

  • The use of fluff pulp as a reinforcing material.
  • Homogeneous structure.
  • Lack of external coating.
  • Absolute incombustibility.
  • Higher density than drywall sheets.

Important! Many firms are engaged in the production of this building material, but the products of the Knauf company are most in demand. If you compare the properties of drywall and gypsum fiber coatings from Knauf, you can see that they serve as a wonderful complement to each other. Their use in finishing works guarantees a permanently positive effect.


An important distinguishing feature of gypsum fiber is that it cannot be bent like gypsum board. Therefore, it cannot be used, for example, for arched structures and other structures of complex configuration.

Gypsum fiber sheets are ideal for arranging dry floor screed with expanded clay. Here they show their qualities perfectly:

  • The floor is able to withstand significant loads.
  • Good thermal insulation.
  • Perfectly smooth surface.
  • The ability to withstand up to 70% humidity.
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Tools for work

Sometimes not very experienced home craftsmen believe that you can cut gypsum fiber with the same tools as a drywall sheet. However, with this approach, masters expect unpleasant surprises. Gypsum-fiber building material is too fragile when broken, it does not bend. Therefore, perforce, we have to select specific tools:

  • Construction knife for GVL with a blade thickness of 12 mm or more. Cutting is not an easy task, the blades become dull quickly enough, so they will have to be changed quite often.
  • GVL can be cut with a special hacksaw. Using it will help to avoid a lot of dust formation.
  • Many people ask: is it possible to use a circular saw or a grinder? In principle, this is not forbidden, but on condition that the room is well ventilated. This produces a lot of noise and dust, but there is a chance to get the job done quickly. If you chose these tools, then you can not do without a respirator and goggles.
  • Ideal for sawing - electric jigsaw with built-in vacuum cleaner. However, dust generation cannot be avoided here either, therefore a respirator and special goggles will also be needed.


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Action algorithm

If you decide to cut the GVL sheets with a cutter or a hacksaw, the procedure will be as follows:

  1. Mark the sheet, draw cut lines on it. Marking lines are useful in order to apply a rule or ruler to them.
  2. Draw a sharp knife several times along the cut line so as to obtain a furrow from ⅔ of the material thickness.
  3. Place a wood rail under the cut line.
  4. Break the sheet with a sharp but accurate upward movement.


If you did everything right, then the edge edges are flat, and there are no problems with the docking.

Important! For a slight fit, you can use a peeling planer. For a fold, a boot cutter or chisel is best suited. With a significant amount of work, you can use the milling cutter.

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As you can see, there are many different tools that are suitable for cutting GVL. And many of them you do not even have to purchase if you have your own arsenal and periodically do some kind of repair work. The main thing, as in any other construction process, is to observe carefully and take into account the properties of the material.


