How to choose a practical flooring?

When overhauling a house or office, the question becomes relevant: how to choose a practical flooring? The variety of materials on sale is truly enormous. The specific choice depends on the purpose, usage scenario and functionality of the room. The characteristics of the various materials presented in construction stores are different. Some - require careful care and are suitable only for living rooms, others - due to water resistance, can be used in rooms with high humidity and a high risk of contamination, for example, in the kitchen or in the bathroom. Currently, you can find coverage for every taste and financial opportunity. Low-cost species include laminate, some varieties of carpet and linoleum. Parquet board, various varieties of parquet, natural and artificial stone have a higher cost.

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Criterias of choice

When choosing a practical floor covering, you need to consider such factors:

  • The cost of the acquisition of material and its installation. For example, if there is a financial opportunity, you can lay expensive floors in all rooms. Or in one of the rooms to use expensive coverage, and in others - to limit to more budget options.
  • Practicality, wear resistance. In rooms with high traffic it is logical to use more durable and wear-resistant finishes. This is a ceramic or porcelain tile, linoleum or laminate.
  • The composition of the material. If you prefer exclusively natural materials or there is an allergic person in the family, then it is preferable to use natural and environmentally friendly coatings. These types of finishes are also recommended when arranging a nursery.
  • Appearance. Often, the type of coverage is associated with its cost. For example, a piece parquet or a bulk floor with a three-dimensional image looks great, but it is also expensive. High-quality expensive coating will last longer, and also emphasize the high status of its owner.
  • Life time. It all depends on how often you are going to make repairs in the apartment. For example, carpet service life is on average 5-7 years, convenient PVC flooring will last up to 10 years, and marble flooring is almost eternal.
  • The presence of animals in the house. This factor also needs to be taken into account. For example, dogs and cats scratch their cork with their claws. If there are pets in the house, carpet is also undesirable. It is difficult to clean it from wool and other unforeseen canine-feline surprises.

Now we will consider what materials for finishing the floor are preferable in various rooms.

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Living room

This is the place where the whole family often spends time. For this reason, the floor must be practical, wear resistant, durable, safe and, of course, beautiful. It is advisable to purchase a sound natural coating for the hall, safe and expensive:

  1. More budget varieties - cork, laminate, linoleum, carpet, and also a massive board.
  2. Of the expensive options in the hall, you can use natural stone (for example, granite or marble), granite or parquet.

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Bedroom, home office

Here you need to choose not only beautiful, but also comfortable materials that are comfortable to walk barefoot:

  • Of the inexpensive materials, carpet tile or carpet is most preferred.

Important! It is advisable to choose a coating of wool or other natural material, provided that there is no allergy.

  • More expensive materials for covering the floor in the bedroom - parquet or parquet board.

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The choice of material for finishing floors in the nursery is the most difficult task. The main requirements for them are practicality, durability, ease of care, environmental safety:

  1. Of the inexpensive options for children, they get linoleum, marmoleum, carpet tiles, carpet or laminate.
  2. Parquet or parquet board - more status varieties.

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Kitchen, dining room

The floors in the kitchen and in the dining room should not only look aesthetically pleasing, but also be practical, resistant to wear, easy to clean, because they often have to be washed from stains and dirt.

Important! It is important here that the floor fits into the overall design of the room.


  • Of the options for low and medium price categories, linoleum, ceramics, laminate, bulk polymer or cork floors are distinguished.
  • Materials of an expensive and representative category - 3D-bulk floors, natural stones or porcelain tiles.

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Bathroom, bathroom

Requirements for floors in the bathroom or toilet:

  1. Moisture resistance.
  2. Resistance to wear.
  3. Ease of maintenance and cleaning.
  4. Lack of slip.
  5. Attractive look.

Here, the choice of practical flooring can be:

  • Inexpensive and medium cost options: moisture resistant laminate, PVC tile, ceramic tile, linoleum, artificial stone.
  • Elite-class ceramic tiles, mosaics or self-leveling floors are more expensive finishes.

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This is a zone of an apartment with increased traffic, it is often walked in street, not quite clean, shoes. For this reason, it is in the hallway that all the dirt brought from the street accumulates. Therefore, the flooring should be wear-resistant, easy to care for, moisture resistant and non-slippery:

  1. Of the coatings belonging to the budget and mid-price category include linoleum, low pile carpeting or artificial stone.
  2. Among the expensive types of finishes can be noted mosaic, high-quality ceramics or natural stone.

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  • Given the specifics of the room, the most preferred for glazed balconies and loggias are: board (terrace or solid wood), ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, linoleum or artificial grass.
  • If the space is not glazed, then the most practical finish is ceramic.
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Stock footage

Before stopping on one or another version of the flooring for an apartment, evaluate your financial capabilities, as well as the comfort and durability of the finish. Not in the last place - the purpose of the room, as well as your personal preferences.

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