How to seal a hole in drywall on the wall?

One of the most popular finishing materials for interior work is drywall. It is convenient to use, with its help you can quickly build a flat wall or ceiling, erect a partition or structure of any shape and size. Drywall is a fairly lightweight material, so it is simple and convenient to install it. However, its lightness entails its biggest drawback: the surface created from drywall is very easy to damage. A mechanical shock may form a hole in this material. If you don’t want to go the easiest way and hang a hole in the picture, it will be useful for you to know how to close a hole in the drywall on the wall.
to contents ↑Preparatory work
Depending on the extent of damage, the work to eliminate them will differ. Before proceeding with the elimination of defects, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface and ensure the availability of the necessary materials and tools. Since the damage surface, as a rule, has uneven edges, it is necessary to remove all hanging elements with a sharp knife, to trim the edge.
In the future, for work, you may need the following materials and tools:
- Drywall sheet of the right size. If the wall damage is more than 8-10 centimeters, you will need drywall to make a patch. At this stage, you can enjoy your thrifty. If you have not thrown out the drywall remnants after the repair, they will come in handy.
Important! Do not forget that if you repair damage in a room with high humidity, you will need to use moisture-proof drywall, it should have been used earlier, during the repair work.
- Putty. In order to smooth out cracks and irregularities, to close a small hole, you will need a putty mortar. It’s good if you still have a part of the undiluted mixture after repair, otherwise you will have to buy a whole package of material.
- Drywall screws. You will need them in order to fix the plasterboard patch. Well, if you have a screwdriver for working with self-tapping screws, this will significantly speed up the work process.
- Wooden blocks or metal profiles for drywall. If the hole in the wall is too large, it will need to be repaired with a patch that will be attached to the bar or profile. And in this case your thrifty will be on hand, for these purposes the rest of the materials are perfect.
- Serpyanka. This material will strengthen the surface in places of restoration, prevent the occurrence of bubbles and cracks. It is usually sold in rolls. It is most convenient to use sticky serpyanka. If there is no adhesive base, prepare ordinary PVA glue in addition to the serpentine.
- A sharp knife for cutting drywall. With this tool you will need to trim the edges of the material at the points of damage, cut a patch of a given size. A construction knife is perfect for these purposes, it is also called an assembly knife or a painting knife.
- Capacity for mixing the solution. It can be any household bucket, often use paint buckets. If the area of damage is small, a small bowl or basin is suitable.
- Construction mixer.This tool is optional, but it helps to carefully and efficiently place the putty mixture.
- Building pencil. In this case, an ordinary simple pencil is also suitable. With it, you will need to draw the boundaries of the future patch.
- Ruler. An auxiliary tool for creating an accurate patch form. It is most convenient to use a metal ruler.
- Putty knife. With it, you will apply putty on the surface. Than to close up a hole in drywall, if not with putty and putty knife, because this one is an excellent duet that remarkably smooths out all irregularities.
- Sandpaper. You will need it to clean the edges of the drywall, as well as to grind the finish layer of the putty surface. For finishing, you should buy fine-grained paper.
to contents ↑Important! If the damage was caused due to constant household effects, such as the constant hit by the furniture doors on the wall from drywall or door handles, then the cause of the damage must be eliminated so that it is not necessary to mask defects in the wall again and again. It often happens that doors in a room hit the wall with a handle. This occurs in the absence of door stops. In this case, it is enough to install a stop on the floor so that the door handle does not hit the wall and does not provoke destruction.
Repair minor damage.
Damage to the plasterboard surface can occur for a variety of reasons. Any mechanical impact by a heavy object or impact may form a hole or a dent in the wall. Knowing how to close a hole in drywall, you will not despair at the sight of damage, but quickly and efficiently eliminate such a defect.
If the damage to the wall is minor, it is no more than 8-10 centimeters, or even a small dent, you can easily remove it. For work, you do not need a sheet of drywall - just prepare putty, putty knife, sickle and sandpaper.
In this case, you should adhere to the given algorithm of actions:
- First of all, we prepare the container for kneading the putty mortar and, according to the instructions from the manufacturer of the building mixture, knead the putty in it. It is necessary to pour the dry mixture into water, this will ensure uniform distribution and prevent the appearance of lumps. Putty must be thoroughly mixed.
- Then cut off the sickle of the desired size and apply it on top of the damage. It should with a margin cover defects in the wall.
- If the mesh you have chosen is not made on a self-adhesive basis, we fix it with PVA glue.
- Next, putty putty on top of the mesh with a spatula and level it on the surface. It is necessary to carry out the work carefully, do it with a thin layer.
- Let the first layer dry and immediately apply the second.
- After the surface has completely dried, we grind it with fine sandpaper.
- After receiving a smooth and smooth surface of the wall, paint with the desired shade or stick a piece of wallpaper. Thus, you completely eliminate the defect and return the wall to its original appearance.
Sealing large holes
If the damage in the drywall turned out to be large and is about 10 centimeters, then you will need to close the hole with a home-made patch.
How to close a hole in drywall with so much damage? To do this, you need to follow the recommendations:
- Wielding a metal ruler and a pencil, it is necessary to circle the damage in a rectangular quadrangle that would completely block the hole.
- Using a sharp construction knife, cut a rectangle in the wall, moving strictly along given lines.
- On the edge of the cut rectangle on the wall, remove the top layer of cardboard, at a distance of several centimeters from the edge.
- Cut the edge at an angle of 45 degrees.
- On the prepared sheet of drywall, draw a rectangle corresponding to the size of the cut out figure, cut a patch with a sharp knife along the line.
- From the back of the cut rectangle, cut off the edge at an angle of 45 degrees, inward. This is necessary for the patch to fit snugly against the hole in the wall.
- On the edge of the hole on the wall, apply a prepared putty and put on it a patch corresponding to the size of the rectangle in the wall.
- After complete drying, it is necessary to putty the surface. On the perimeter of the rectangle, you can glue a sickle and put a layer of putty on it. After the first layer has dried, apply the second final layer of the solution.
- After the surface dries, it must be sanded with fine-grained sandpaper.
- After all of the above procedures, it is necessary to bring the surface of the walls to their original form. Paint the damaged area with the paint used to paint the wall, or glue the damaged area with wallpaper.
Now you know how to seal a hole in a drywall wall.
Important! It happens that the area of damage is too large. In this case, the most correct solution is to remove the whole sheet of drywall on which the damage is located and replace it with a new one. Further, in a familiar way, it is necessary to close up the joints, using a sickle and putty with a spatula.
Alternative option
If the damage is more than 10 centimeters, but not so large as to change a whole sheet of drywall, it is necessary to fix the patch on a wooden beam or metal profile for drywall. At the stage when a rectangular hole in the wall is cut out and a patch is ready, for its subsequent fixation, it is necessary to fix a timber or metal profile in the hole from the inside of the damaged sheet. To do this, you must:
- Prepare a wooden beam or metal profile, which is longer by a few centimeters in diameter than the hole.
- Insert them into the hole by screwing a long self-tapping screw in the center. This self-tapping screw is necessary so that the bar can be easily held in the hand.
- Pull the beam or profile to the wall, fixing them on the front side with self-tapping screws on drywall.
- Then fix the prepared plasterboard patch to the wooden beam or metal profile using self-tapping screws.
- Having reliably fixed the patch, perform the above steps for puttying and leveling the surface and decorating the place of the former damage.
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After reading this article, you are familiarized with how to close a hole in drywall and, depending on the extent of damage, you can choose the most suitable method. Whatever the damage, it is worth knowing that it is always better to eliminate the cause of the damage, especially when it comes to regular household exposure, rather than constantly masking the damage.
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