Which is better to use glue for furniture repair?

Home furniture, especially one that is used daily, often breaks down. It may cause scratches, cracks, or chips. And in this case, repairs can be done with your own hands without the help of specialists. This will take a little time and high-quality glue, which can be found in any hardware store. Surely, those who first took up such work, the question arose: what is the best glue for furniture repair? You will find the answer in this article.

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Features of choice

It would seem that repairing a loose chair is a simple five-minute affair. Parts are taken, adhesive is applied, and done. But this work has its own nuances that it is important to know before using glue to repair furniture.

Experienced experts advise you to pay attention to the following points:

  • On the packaging, manufacturers necessarily indicate the types of surfaces to be glued. This is an important point. An improperly selected composition can lead to fragile fixation. Certain types of adhesives can give good adhesion of wood to wood, but they will not connect wood to glass.
  • It is important to pay attention to the components of the adhesive for furniture repair. Additives can provide heavy-duty fastening, but at the same time damage the surface. If plastic can still withstand such experiments with various chemical compositions, then, for example, chipboard is not so strong.
  • If you find in the composition of a substance such as trichloroethane, immediately refuse to purchase. This component is harmful to human health. Another significant minus - when water gets on trichloroethane, the oxidation process begins, which can forever ruin the look of your furniture.
  • But if synthetic rubber and solvent are present in the composition, then get this glue for furniture repair without hesitation. These substances are safe and harmless, in addition, they provide reliable fixation of various surfaces.
  • Manufacturers of building materials are actively fighting for the consumer. Therefore, they have long been offering formulations in which pigment is added, and some companies have rich colors. So picking up glue for furniture repair of the right shade will not be difficult. And this will be a very correct decision, since yellow spots or white stripes from ordinary compositions will not decorate your furniture, for example, from mahogany.

Important! Pay particular attention to an indicator such as adhesive density. Minimum values ​​should be within 1.1 g / cm3. This is a rather fluid consistency, but it will be enough for a secure hold. Anything below this mark will not provide adequate adhesion to the materials to be bonded.

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Types of glue

As we already said, the very first indicator when choosing an adhesive for repair is the types of surfaces to be joined. The main set of components that manufacturers use depends on this characteristic. Unfortunately, the instructions are often not enough to determine which composition is suitable for a particular compound. To clarify the situation, we will consider in detail varieties of glue for furniture.



  • The most popular and most inexpensive composition is PVA or polyvinyl acetate. The principle of its operation is simple: the water emulsion, absorbed into the wood, quickly solidifies, forming a sticky film.The whole process is fast, in just 5 minutes. There are types of glue that are suitable only for interior work, but there are also moisture resistant compounds used for repairing garden furniture.

Important! The disadvantage of this composition is the yellow color, which can appear after completion of work. And even coating the top with a stain or varnish will not help to eliminate this drawback.

  • In second place in popularity is animal glue, which is produced from the skins and bones of animals. They contain protein - thanks to it, the compositions and get excellent adhesion characteristics. It is sold in the form of grains or granules that need to be dissolved in water and heated. There are also ready-made jelly-like formulations - they just need to be diluted with water.

Important! The most important advantage of this glue for furniture repair is its environmental friendliness. After hardening, the surface can be ground and even planed.


  • Acrylic compounds. Without toxic additives, they are very suitable for use in a children's bedroom. This glue has a greater penetrating ability than PVA, gives a fixation that can withstand strong mechanical loads. It is also odorless and resistant to moisture.
  • To connect any plastic parts or surfaces, experts advise choosing a contact compound. Use such glue for furniture repair as accurately and accurately as possible. Gripping of surfaces occurs instantly, and after joining parts to change the position of one of them will fail.
  • Liquid consistency polyurethane adhesives are typically used for oily wood and other non-porous materials. Its fluidity allows you to get almost invisible on the surfaces of the seam. The main advantage is moisture resistance, therefore, for the restoration of garden furniture, such glue is simply necessary. The use of a clamp is optional. Open exposure time is a maximum of one minute.

Important! After gluing, the joint should not be subjected to mechanical stress for two, or even better, four days.

Kleiberit PUklei 501


Also, manufacturers of various materials for construction and repair offer customers modern two-component compositions. When they are combined, a chemical reaction follows, which gives a reliable fixation of the surfaces. Two main types of glue are distinguished here:

  • Urea-formaldehyde glue is very well established among repairmen. It is not only waterproof and durable, but it can also fill cavities or gaps between parts. It is sold in powder form, which is mixed with water before use. Also included is a liquid catalyst - hardener. An additional component is applied to one part of the compound, diluted powder to the second. After - the junction is fixed with a clamp and kept until the composition solidifies.
  • Resorzion glue for furniture repair differs from its predecessor except in composition. The rest - has the same characteristics: durable, reliable, waterproof, tolerates various weather changes, so it is ideal for repairing garden furniture or bathroom furniture. It is sold in the form of resorzal-formaldehyde resin and hardener. Both parts are mixed before use. When hardening, the composition forms a reddish-brown seam, so it is better not to use it for repairing light furniture.

Kleiberit PUklei 501

Important! The use of two-component formulations requires special care. Special protective equipment will be needed both for the skin and for the eyes. After work, the room must be well ventilated. Vapors of this adhesive composition are toxic and in high concentrations are hazardous to health.

If you experience discomfort, such as dizziness, it is advisable to go out into the air. If a drop gets into your eyes, you need to rinse them with running water, and if it gets on your skin, gently wipe it and wash this place with soap and water.

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Glue application

When answering the question of what is the best use of glue for furniture repair, it must be taken into account that the composition should not only be of high quality and durable. Ease of use also plays an important role. It all depends on which surfaces you plan to restore:

  • Polyurethane adhesive is suitable for fixing furniture edges. Using a gun, you can process even the smallest areas in hard to reach places.
  • Animal glue is suitable for working with plywood. The viscosity of the composition can be varied for different situations by adding a little less or a little more water to the powder. If you did not like the result, then this shortcoming can be easily eliminated. It is enough to heat animal glue so that the composition melts, again becomes viscous, then incorrectly fixed parts can be corrected.
  • Contact adhesive based on rubber or butadiene is the best option for restoration work with soft upholstery, compounds of fabric base, wood, leather, plastic parts. The glue line is quite flexible, so its scope is so wide, it is also resistant to temperatures and even humidity.
  • The acrylic composition can be safely picked up when restoring children's furniture, plastic furniture and chipboard. It is able to provide reliable fixation to both small details and large surfaces.
  • PVA furniture glue is intended for gluing wood-shaving cloths, veneer, pressed cardboard, laminate, plywood, wood. It forms a strong film of increased elasticity and does not change the structure of the material used in the work. It can also fix surfaces of various sizes.
  • If your furniture has formed large gaps between the parts, then you should opt for a two-component composition. After hardening, the surface can be treated with sandpaper and traces of restoration will be invisible.


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Rating of the best adhesives

It used to be that many craftsmen used glue of their own manufacture both for repair and for furniture production. Now the construction market offers a huge selection of compositions. In order not to get confused in this variety, we present you a rating of adhesives, compiled on the basis of consumer feedback.


Moment Joiner PVA universal

The domestic manufacturer, which cannot but rejoice, tops this rating. Glue PVA Moment Carpenter on a water-dispersion basis perfectly glues plywood, MDF, particleboard, veneer and even paper plastic. The main thing, after use, clamp the parts for 15-20 minutes and stand them in a vise or clamp day.

Another plus of the composition is that it does not paint glued surfaces. You can work with it at temperatures from plus 5 to plus 30 degrees.

Important! Cons - low moisture resistance and the inability to work at low temperatures.


Krass PVA PVA D3

The leading position is also occupied by the products of the Polish company. An analogue of a domestic manufacturer - Krass PVA PVA D3:

  • It is used in the restoration of garden and kitchen furniture, when laying parquet and laminate, when installing windows and doors.
  • It gives a strong connection, elastic and transparent seam.
  • It is not afraid of moisture, so it can even fix raw wood.
  • The absence of organic solvents makes this composition environmentally friendly.

Important! A long drying time is offset by a fairly budget price.


KLEIBERIT 303.0 and 501.0

The German brand “Kleiberit” is found wherever bonding is present. This product of a company that has existed for almost 70 years has passed the test of time. The 2 teams were recognized as the best:

  • Kleiberit 303.0 waterproof glue holds together various types of wood, even exotic and hard. After drying, the adhesive layer has a white color, and its frost resistance reaches -30 ° C. Consumers also prefer it for its strength and quickness of setting.
  • Kleiberit 501.0 polyurethane adhesive also has moisture resistance and heat resistance.It can glue not only wood with wood, but also with mineral tiles, ceramics and concrete. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Users note that it is convenient to use, does not drain, gives a strong connection. But it is difficult to launder by hand, after working with it, good ventilation of the room is required.


EAF Epoxy Adhesive

Of the epoxy compounds, buyers note as the best adhesive for furniture a universal means of EAF, which has long been present on the building materials market:

  • Its main advantage is its affordable price.
  • The quality of joining parts during furniture restoration is very high, the seam is strong and reliable.
  • This composition does not shrink and is resistant to moisture.
  • Various excipients can be incorporated into the composition to enhance adhesiveness.

Important! The disadvantages of the master include a long hardening time and inconvenience in working with this composition.



Of the variety of polyurethane compounds, consumers also give preference to this Belgian company, since its composition withstands harsh conditions of use:

  • SOUDAL 66A glue is a super-water resistant material, it can glue even very wet wood.
  • In use, it is a foam that perfectly fills any cracks and bumps.
  • Thirty-degree frosts and even heat of 100 degrees Celsius are not afraid of a durable seam.
  • Its high adhesion allows the composition to be used for internal and external work.

Important! Its main drawback is the high price, but for such excellent characteristics it is difficult to call it a minus.



Another German company is also a leader in the building materials market. UHU produces two-component adhesive with ultra-strong abilities:

  • The epoxy resin at the base of the composition allows you to glue various materials of any area, with the exception of only glass.
  • The setting time of the composition is 1.5 hours, the time of final solidification is one day. After the final hardening, a seam is obtained, which is distinguished by impact strength and resistance to aging.
  • Moisture to this composition is not terrible, so they can glue wet wood and repair garden furniture.

Important! Many include the need to prepare a working mixture to the minuses, although this does not take much time. The two components are mixed to a homogeneous mass and applied with a spatula or brush.


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Preparation and conduct of work

In order to use the glue for furniture repair to give the best results, you need to prepare the surface to be treated and to ensure that it becomes homogeneous, without defects:

  • The surfaces to be bonded must first be cleaned of dust and dirt.
  • Plastic surfaces can be further treated with a solvent to remove all fat deposits.
  • Wood is best treated with sandpaper, the finest grain size. A rough surface will contribute to adhesion, but do not get involved in processing so as not to damage the structure of the tree itself.


Now it’s worth saying a little about what other points you need to consider when using the adhesive:

  • If there are no special instructions in the instructions, then the adhesive must be applied with an even, not very thick layer on the surface, and on both parts. This is important for connections such as stud with socket.
  • When working with a two-component composition, as a rule, the resin is applied to one part, the hardener - to the other, unless there are special instructions for use from the manufacturer.
  • When using long-setting types of glue, a clamp may be necessary. In this case, the device does not need to be fixed strongly, otherwise, all the glue will squeeze out.
  • The contact composition is applied with a thin layer on both surfaces, after which they are connected to each other and fixed for a short time either with your hands or pressing something heavy on top - here it all depends on the type of glue.

Important! Materials containing synthetic additives require special conditions of use.In addition to the use of special protection, work must be carried out far from open sources of fire.


  • Experienced craftsmen advise to connect the parts and rub them together after applying glue. Excess composition and air will be removed, while the glue is more evenly distributed between the parts.
  • If the manufacturer did not attach a special applicator to the purchase, then you can use the most ordinary brush or even a cotton swab for small parts.
  • For restoration work, it is best to use brushes with a wire ring - it gives rigidity to the villi and moves or is removed as the bristles wear out.
  • In order to glue hard-to-reach spots with glue, or if the joint is very narrow, it is better to use a regular plastic syringe.
  • If the glue came to the surface, it is best to immediately remove it. After solidification, it will be much more difficult to do, traces may remain on the furniture.
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The chemical industry does not stand still, and today there are a huge number of such compounds. When deciding what is better to use glue for furniture repair, one should be guided not only by its variety, but also by the manufacturer. It is also worth remembering that quality products may not have a too low price tag. And one more tip: in order to get a good result, use only fresh glue for furniture repair. Temperature extremes also adversely affect its quality. Try to keep the packaging in a cool place, protected from sunlight.

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