Do-it-yourself fireplace in the apartment

Over the many years of its existence, the fireplace has evolved from a mandatory attribute of any home into a beautiful decorative element. However, traditional stove equipment requires not only a solid foundation, but also a chimney, so many homeowners in apartment buildings do not even dream of romantic evenings at the hearth. Fortunately, modern technology has overturned the idea of ​​traditional classic fireplaces, and today anyone can make a fireplace in the apartment with their own hands, using electric models with imitation of flame and smoke. Modern models look no worse than traditional ones, do not require complex redevelopment, mandatory coordination with supervisory authorities, do not smoke and do not clog the apartment with combustion products. Today we will tell you which model of equipment is best used for installation, and how to make a fireplace in the apartment yourself.

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Options for fireplaces for installation in the apartment

Making a real wood-burning fireplace in an apartment is a rather complicated task:

  • It can only be installed in rooms located on the top floors of the building or in houses of an old building with a built-in chimney, since it is forbidden to use ventilation shafts to remove smoke.
  • In addition, the fireplace installation can weigh half a ton, and such loads on the floors are contraindicated in apartment buildings. According to sanitary norms and rules, the maximum load on the floors can be no more than 150 kg per square meter.
  • Since the construction of a traditional fireplace is considered the reconstruction of a residential building, and the installation of the chimney is considered as reconstruction (since it will pass through the attic, roof and ceilings), for the arrangement of such stove equipment it is necessary to obtain two permissions for conducting the corresponding work from specialized services.

Due to the difficulty of obtaining documents and the need for a careful selection of equipment models, many apartment owners prefer other types of fireplaces, the installation of which is affordable for any craftsman who does not know anything about furnishing furnaces and brickwork.


Gas furnaces - heat without firewood

A model of gas equipment can be installed in the apartment, if it is possible to bring a chimney into the street. For the functioning of the gas hearth, the same chimney will be required as for a column or a heating boiler. In many cases, the owners use a ventilation duct in the kitchen to remove exhaust gases.

Important! The only condition for installing a gas model of the furnace equipment is main gas. It is extremely dangerous to store and use gas cylinders in an apartment. In addition, before installing the equipment, it is necessary to obtain a permit from the gas service, and after installation by specialists, the fireplace must be registered with devices subject to regular monitoring.

The design of gas fireplaces consists of the following elements:

  • Cast iron or steel firebox.
  • Burner.
  • Chimney.
  • Facing.

Important! For decoration use artificial stone, ceramic (heat-resistant) or clinker tiles.

A modern gas hearth is a real fireplace in the apartment, equipped with automation and remote control. The device has the ability to connect to a thermostat and has a gas control system.Such gas-fired furnaces instantly begin to work and heat the room. Modern devices have several advantages:

  • The safety level is significantly higher than that of wood-burning equipment, since gas fires do not spark.
  • Maximum ease of maintenance. The furnace does not require firewood and traction adjustment.
  • It does not form smoke.
  • Silent work.
  • The device does not need fuel reserves.


Biofireplace - a safe flame without smoke

A worthy alternative to a gas burner that requires a chimney and the approval of the relevant authorities is a safe biofuel fireplace. A compact, environmentally friendly fireplace can be installed anywhere in the apartment - in the bedroom, in a small living room, in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

Important! Eco-fireplace is easy to fit into any interior design. If desired, it can be decorated with a classic wood fireplace or decorated in a modern technological style.

A modern bio-device works on environmental fluid and has a lot of advantages:

  • Does not smoke.
  • Does not form fire hazard sparks.
  • Almost does not burn oxygen. The amount of carbon monoxide from such equipment is not greater than from a paraffin candle.
  • Compactness. Ecofireplace can be installed in any room, even the smallest.
  • No approval is required for installation.
  • There is no need to install a chimney.
  • Easy installation. Installing a biofireplace is not difficult - in most cases, it is enough to carefully read the manufacturer's instructions.
  • The variety of models. Manufacturers offer compact fireplaces in decorative cases, which can be used for structures made of drywall or other material or built into furniture and wall niches.

Important! For small-sized apartments, wall-mounted models of mini-fireplaces are ideal.

Electric fireplace - flame without fire

Modern models of electric fireplaces can not be attributed to conventional heaters. New technologies made it possible to accurately depict the effect of the flame, while the installation of such a model does not require an additional ventilation system. On sale there are not only decorative models of devices, but also decorative and heating devices that perform the role of heaters in combination.

Installing an electric fireplace in an apartment with your own hands is no more difficult than connecting a refrigerator or other household appliance. It begins to function immediately after plugging in the power outlet.

Important! Electric hearths can be built into ordinary portals, furniture, false walls, decorative cases made with one's own hand.

The effect of a real flame in an electric furnace is created by an integrated steam generator. The steam generated from ordinary water is highlighted with halogen lamps with a special filter. Thanks to modern lighting, the lower part of the furnace looks brighter, visually resembles a fire, and the upper steam cloud imitates smoke.

Important! Steam fireplaces are not only safe, but also beneficial to human health, since steam humidifies the air in the room and helps to improve the microclimate in the room.

The advantages of the electric model include the following features:

  • Compactness.
  • Low price.
  • Simple installation.
  • Security.
  • Aesthetics and style.
  • The ability to install in any room without additional communications and redevelopment.
  • Simplicity of operation.

Next, we will tell you how to make a fireplace in your apartment with your own hands, and to use the device for many years, follow the rules of operation: regularly check the condition of the wiring and install stabilizers to protect the hearth from power surges.


False fireplace - warm atmosphere without heat

If not one of the above types of fireplaces is suitable for you, then you can equip a fake fireplace, which, of course, will not increase the air temperature in the apartment, but can create a cozy and original atmosphere in the home:

  • An artificial hearth can be made of drywall, repeating the shape of a classic analogue.
  • The frame can be made of a metal profile or wooden blocks.
  • Drywall sheets should be sheathed with dry plaster, and for cladding use artificial stone, tiles that mimic bricks or decorative plaster.

These ideas can be used in the manufacture of such an interior item:

  • Original foci are obtained from lightweight and easy-to-use polystyrene foam. Create a fireplace yourself or use a ready-made project. After decorative cladding, no one will even guess about the nature of the base material.
  • The simplest and fastest false fireplaces can be made from a ready-made portal. For a budget option, a polyurethane mold is suitable.
  • You can even use affordable cardboard to simulate a fireplace. Take as a basis a simple diagram of your favorite fireplace portal, transfer it to cardboard. Glue the blanks together with PVA glue according to the pattern, and seal the joints with masking tape to smooth out all the bumps. Leave the product to dry and start decorating.

Important! Lightweight materials should be used as decor: plastic panels imitating brick or masonry, “brick-like” vinyl wallpapers, polyurethane film or wallpaper for painting. To revitalize the hearth, use lamps and LED candles.

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How to make a fireplace in the apartment?

The procedure for installing an electric fireplace in an apartment is quite simple compared to installing other structures, so we will talk about how to make a portal for a hearth out of drywall. The material is easy to install, environmentally friendly and resistant to temperature extremes. The process of manufacturing and installing a fireplace in an apartment consists of several stages.

Stage number 1. Choosing a place for mounting the device

For these purposes, use any free wall, preferably in the living room. Please note that the fireplace should correspond to the area of ​​the room, so you should not plan to place a large structure in a small room.

Stage number 2. Purchase of an electric hearth

Having decided on the location of the outbreak, go to the store for the device, focusing on the size of the model, manufacturer and price. In a small apartment, it is better to install a small shallow fireplace.

Important! The most compact models have a depth of 7 cm. Among the manufacturers, one can distinguish the German company Hark, the Irish Berry, the British Burley.

Stage number 3. Fireplace sketching and material selection

Draw a project of the hearth and select the material for decoration, since the thickness of the drywall will depend on the cladding:

  • If you plan to use porcelain stoneware or decorative stone for decoration, then choose drywall 12 mm thick.
  • For lighter finishing materials, a thickness of 8 mm is suitable.

Important! On the sketch of the hearth, indicate all sizes and provide a place for installing an electric fireplace in compliance with all the gaps specified in the instructions. According to the finished drawing, calculate the required number of materials.

For work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Drywall sheets (moisture resistant).
  • Metal profiles.
  • Dowels for mounting the frame to the surface (to brick or concrete).
  • Self-tapping screws for metal (for frame).
  • Self-tapping screws for attaching drywall (with countersunk head).
  • Countertop made of stone or wood (laminated particleboard).
  • Glue for a tile.
  • Suture grout.
  • Putty.
  • Decorative finish.
  • Hammer drill.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Hammer.
  • Level, tape measure and marker.
  • Scissors for metal.
  • Stationery knife.


Stage number 4. The construction of a pedestal under the portal

The portal is the front of the fireplace with decorative cladding:

  • The podium can be made using an MDF worktop with a laminated sheeting. Such material is immune to heat and moisture. The modern market offers a wide color range of materials, so each consumer will be able to choose a countertop to his liking.
  • The shape of the pedestal may be different.If you plan to install a wall fireplace, then make a rectangular top, and if you plan an angular model, it is better to make a pentagonal.

To slightly elevate the structure, use a frame made of a metal profile (5x5 cm or 5x4 cm). At the end of the installation, close the podium with a plastic baseboard matching the color of the countertop.

Important! The area of ​​the pedestal should be larger than the area of ​​the fireplace itself.

Stage number 5. Making a frame for framing the hearth

For the frame, use a metal profile for racks and rails with dimensions of 5x5 cm and 5x4 cm, respectively, as well as small self-tapping screws “bugs” for their fastening.

Step-by-step instructions for making the frame:

  1. Cover the entire area of ​​the wall that will be in contact with the structure, refractory material, for example, asbestos sheet.
  2. Mark the structure on the wall according to the drawing. Be sure to use the building level for this purpose.
  3. Install the frame from the metal profile according to the markup. You can immediately mount the structure to the wall with screws and dowels, but it is much more convenient to assemble it separately, and only then make fasteners to the surface. Fix all the elements of the future design with the help of “bugs”, and for additional rigidity use a large number of jumpers.
  4. Make an arch from the profile by cutting it with a “fringe” using scissors. Bend the element and screw it to the crossbar.
  5. Form the inside of the hearth intended for the firebox. To do this, measure the size of the appliance, add the width of the refractory tile (or other heat-resistant material) to the resulting figure.

Stage number 6. Production of a frame for the chimney

The frame for the chimney when installing a fireplace in the apartment with your own hands is attached on one side to the wall and is made of a metal profile of 10x4 cm and 10x5 cm as follows:

  1. Make holes for self-tapping screws in the profile 10x5 cm.
  2. Attach the profile to the wall, make markings for dowels.
  3. Make holes for plugs, hammer them into the wall with a hammer. After that, fasten the profile itself using self-tapping screws.
  4. Reinforce the structure with a 10 x 5 cm profile in increments of 50 cm.

Important! Bring the frame to the ceiling so that the fake chimney is very similar to the real one.

Stage number 7. Power cable connection

Make communications to the location of the electric fireplace. Use for this purpose cables with “self-extinguishing” insulation with a cross section of 2.5x2 mm. Inside the structure, place the cable in a metal “sleeve”.

Important! If the apartment has grounding, then use a three-wire cable for wiring communications, and for the fireplace use a ceramic outlet with grounding.

Take care of installing the circuit breaker when installing the electrical outlet. In this case, you will not need to constantly remove the outlet when you turn off the fireplace. You can turn the device on and off using the switch.


Stage number 8. Frame cladding

After all work on the wiring of communications will be carried out, the frame must be sheathed with sheets of drywall:

  1. Measure and cut drywall parts using a clerical knife.
  2. Fasten the sheets to the profile using self-tapping screws.
  3. Putty the seams with a serpentine tape.
  4. Reinforce all material corners with galvanized steel corners (perforated).
  5. Treat the surface of the structure with a primer and putty.
  6. Try on the electric furnace to the finished frame. Make holes in the drywall opposite the ventilation lugs in the device so that the firebox does not overheat during operation.

Stage number 9. Decorating an apartment fireplace

Decor involves painting and lining the structure with other materials. If desired, you can make the design of the fireplace, radically different from the design of the facade and walls, using elements of gypsum stucco moldings, embossed inserts. wood panels or decorative plaster.

Recently, modern materials have been especially popular: artistic tiles, stone-stylized coatings, as well as decorative elements made of metal and glass.Use those decorative elements that best fit into the interior and style of the room.

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Based on your experience and imagination, create your own unique model of the hearth. It can be a classic English fireplace or a modern one that matches the style of the room. The main thing is that with the advent of a man-made fireplace, a warm, sincere and cozy atmosphere reigns in the house!


