Ceramic tiles - fashion collections and the best manufacturers

Making the bathroom in the apartment, kitchen and hallway becomes simple and affordable with ceramic tiles. It helps to create not only comfort and coziness, but also the original interior. If it is not originally planned that your home will be made in Retro-style, then before facing the premises, you should learn all about new trends. Industry trends, which are represented by leading manufacturers before each season, allow designers to unleash their own potential, and consumers to improve and decorate everyday life. In this article we will learn about what ceramic tiles are, fashion collections and the best manufacturers.

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High ceramic fashion

Modern technology has led to the fact that ceramic tiles have long gone beyond the boundaries of kitchens and common areas. Now it is used in the design of many rooms - halls, loggias and open terraces.

Important! What is most surprising, the tile has taken root even in the interiors of children's rooms. Colorful decorative panels laid out of tiles add bright colors to the rooms, make the cleaning process much easier, which is of great importance in the case of children's rooms.


Manufacturers annually demonstrate everything that the industry can present to their customers at a peculiar high fashion week - at the international exhibition of ceramics Cersaie in Italy. There you can see all the popular tile collections. Only the best tile manufacturers who produce products that meet the following criteria are allowed to participate in this event:

  • efficiency;
  • quality;
  • advanced technology;
  • severity;
  • simplicity of solutions.


Experts and visitors to the exhibition note that the decoration material changes its appearance from year to year, becoming more convenient. Tiles are being improved both in terms of design and in terms of their practical qualities. We offer you to find out what the best tile manufacturers presented this year.

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New items:

  • One of the main trends that was presented at the last exhibition is tile with a very naturalistic imitation of wooden slices. It can repeat even the most exotic breeds, have an aged surface and natural defects.
  • The tile copying the texture of stone and semiprecious metals, which has been a leader for several seasons, also does not lose its relevance. Marble or other rock material is not only more beautiful, but also more affordable in terms of installation. Manufacturers make such tiles lighter, more resistant to dirt and damage.
  • The original novelty presented this season is a material that imitates lace, macrame, tweed and other fabrics popular in the textile industry. She made a real boom among those who appreciate such an exclusive.
  • The tile design imitating the skin of animals, marine inhabitants and even reptiles was even more delighted.

Important! This year's trend is a mixture of seemingly completely different textures. Manufacturers not only competently combine them, but also make collections that allow you to design walls, ceiling, apron and even floor in an original and unified way. In this case, the surfaces will differ from each other.


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Original variations

Designers, despite a large number of innovations, do not push to the background and classics. They complement it with modern accents:

  • They decided to update the Country style with metal and even stone inserts. Thus, Modern appears in the rustic notes.
  • Ethnic style, which is great for a fireplace and an apron in the kitchen, is complemented by original patterns that further emphasize the national color.


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Actual colors

The best tile manufacturers, playing with the texture, do not forget about color. There are also new items and favorites here:

  • This season, kings are recognized as kings - white, black and gray tones. Neutral shades, combining with each other, complement each other and create perfect harmony.
  • This year, the designers identified a place for succulent and matte coatings in the bathroom, living room and hallway. The kitchen is excluded from the list of applications of such materials.
  • The marine palette, relevant in the past season, gave life to blue in the new collections. True, now this is not a sky blue hue, but rather blue.
  • The blue-gray tile remained in favor. It looks great in an apron, combined with pastel and wood shades. But more designers, like consumers, fell in love with him for the coolness and cleanliness with which this shade fills the room.


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Dimensions and drawings

It is worth noting that the correct play of light in the presented collections, a variety of structures, simplicity and relevance of accents make the interior almost a work of art:

  • The tiles are complemented by a relief pattern that emphasizes the seriousness of the dark tone or dilutes it.
  • Mosaic glass moldings are another stylish accent that has not gone unnoticed.
  • The geometric pattern, which is present in many collections, resembles the shape of the leaves and fits perfectly into the modernist style. However, the geometry in the form of hexagons and trapezoids was not left aside.
  • Manufacturers also presented another novelty - three-dimensional tiles, which form the third dimension on the wall. This effect is achieved due to the large number of faces and the play of light on each of them. Additional lighting increases the depth of the structure, focuses on decorativeness.
  • The most daring manufacturers offer to go beyond the usual framework and design walls in the style of graffiti. This kind of art on the street is considered an act of vandalism, in the apartment such a decision creates a unique atmosphere and causes curiosity at first sight.


While manufacturers offer very bold and unusual solutions for wall cladding, simpler and more modest solutions are recommended for flooring:

  • Subtle colors, without additional solutions and decor - this is what designers offer as a flooring. Apparently, the saturation of the walls is thus compensated.
  • Another trend of the season is rectangles and squares. This year a new format is being introduced - a tile of 30 by 90 centimeters. Its use involves full integration under the interior. Minimum seams, maximum solid surface. This solution is suitable for those who want to achieve the effect of maximum space.


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Top manufacturers

It would be unfair to talk about popular tile collections and not stop at the best manufacturers. The exhibition evaluates not only beauty and originality, but also the quality of the products. And here there are leaders who are noted not only by colleagues, but also by consumers.


Kerama marazzi

The opinion that this is Italian tile is wrong. One of the leaders in the market is the unification of Italy and Russia. Modern equipment and specialists come from the first side, and production facilities from the second. As a result, products are rolled off the assembly line, which are presented in large quantities in all construction stores. Moreover, it is not inferior in quality to real Italian products, has a lot of advantages:

  1. The solutions that designers offer are of genuine interest.If you look through the product catalog, then the buyer may get the impression that he made a trip. One model reminds of India, the other - of Italy, the third as if just brought from London.
  2. The durability of products is commendable. It is produced by dry pressing, which makes it durable. In addition, technology is constantly being improved, which allows to improve performance.
  3. The company has excellent indicators of customer focus, demonstrates a high level of service.
  4. In the assortment of the company there are more than 2000 items of various ceramic tiles, and company stores are in many cities.

Important! A fly in the ointment is added by some designers who believe that floor and wall tiles in collections are not always successfully combined in the interior.


Fap ceramiche

The products of this company are truly Italian tiles. All of it comes off the assembly line of the small town of Sassuolo:

  • The factory has a very strict quality control. As befits real Italian products, it has practically no shortcomings.
  • Due to the small production capacities, in the brand's assortment you can find only 30 tile collections.
  • The company specializes in producing tiles for the bathroom, but you can also find options for the hallway or kitchen.
  • Exclusive Italian designers conquer at a glance. There are both solutions in the classic version, and unique designs. Many products are excellent imitation of stone, marble, wood.

Important! The disadvantages include the fact that in some collections there are deviations in size. They are not critical, no more than 1 millimeter. Another disadvantage of the products is the very high price.



Another leader among buyers is the Spanish tile Novogres. Moreover, she holds her position for more than 30 years:

  • All ceramics of the company are produced on the latest equipment, which has no analogues. This allows you to get elements with high resolution in three projections.
  • One-time firing gives a very durable product from red clay, and technological equipment allows you to process white clay.
  • A special pride of the production of the company's products is their perfectly smooth surface, strict geometry of the form.
  • Deviations from the claimed form are very rare.
  • With this approach to the production process, you can no longer talk about quality. It is impeccable.
  • In the catalogs you can find both calm collections and the latest trends. To create new designs attracts famous artists and designers who themselves set the fashion.

Important! The disadvantages of this company include the high cost of production. But compared to Italian colleagues, the manufacturer is not so much shocking the buyer.



Many buyers recognize this manufacturer by the company dolphin on the logo. This is not one company, but several at once. Some produce showers and bathtubs, others produce furniture, and others produce tiles.

Today the assortment of this company represents 40 collections in a wide variety of colors. Among this variety, you can find both budget and luxury options with an exquisite pattern.

The floor tiles of this manufacturer have one very good quality - it does not fade, it does not wear out. Another distinctive mark of the company is the production of tiles of rare sizes - 20 by 30 centimeters and 20 by 60.

Important! Not all plants monitor the ideal quality of products, therefore, products are found in the collections with a not very even lateral surface. A disadvantage, many consumers consider the excessive fragility of cheap collections.



The products of the Kharkov plant are pretty well established among the world's leading brands. And there are several reasons for this:

  • Many customers no longer question the quality of Golden Tile tiles, as they checked it on their own experience.
  • A wide range with interesting 60 collections is even a little surprising.But there is an explanation for this - the Ukrainian brand often collaborates with Italian designers, which results in beautiful products. Well, plus its own design bureau is headed by an Italian.
  • Tiles of six standard sizes come off the assembly line, but the company also specializes in a rare size of 15 by 60 centimeters.

Important! The disadvantages include the fact that sometimes there are significant deviations in size. But then the price and the absence of deviations in shades rehabilitate the company in the eyes of customers.



This company is one of the oldest in the post-Soviet space. With all the ensuing pros and cons.

A modern company with popular products has appealed to many customers. The image of the Minsk brick factory is not the best move for marketing, in addition, the name left over from the Soviet era does not always inspire confidence. However, this does not interfere with the launch of more than 80 tile collections in different colors.


You can leave the Soviet quality mark on these products, since the tile is very strong and fracture resistant. Product sizes are different. From tiles 10 by 10 cm to elements 28 by 40 centimeters.

Important! By cons, consumers include discrepancies in tile sizes from those declared by 1-2 millimeters. But problems with geometry do not prevent the company from staying in the lead for several decades in a row.

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Now, knowing what new trends this year, you can safely plan repairs. Whether it is a cozy interior in a calm style or a room tiled with lace underneath is up to you. Every year, manufacturers adjust to the wishes of consumers and present not only interesting and varied new products to the market, but also quality products. In turn, we note that good tiles cannot be cheap, because manufacturers pay for the services of designers and spend money on modernization, which allows them to remain leaders and win the love of customers.

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