Carpet on the stairs

In the interior, the staircase mainly occupies a central place. It is necessary to treat its decoration with special attention. There is a large selection of coatings, one of aesthetically interesting is the use of carpet. The carpet on the stairs will ensure the safety and ease of operation of the stairs. In addition, this decoration does not require installation skills and will be a budget way with which you will create a beautifully decorated interior. Before starting work, we will understand its features, types, advantages. And also we will tell you how to make a staircase a carpet with your own hands.
to contents ↑Material Features
In the manufacture of the material from which the carpet is made on the steps of the stairs, natural and artificial fibers are used.
Important! Combined is considered the most practical. Such material is durable, thanks to synthetic fibers, is able to repel water and will last a long time. Part of the natural fibers provides both a pleasant touch and excellent thermal insulation.
Types of carpet:
- Needle Punch. This option is based on canvas. The fabric is punched with needles into which yarn is drawn. This species has no pile, but it is more wear-resistant and inexpensive.
- Needle stitching. This option is a mass of loops made of strands. A coating of this kind is also called loop. Cutting the loop, get a pile.
- Woven. This is when the pile threads are intertwined with warp threads. Such a carpet is characterized by mechanical strength and does not lose its size during installation.
Carpet selection
It is possible to lay a carpet on a ladder of any form, thanks to its elasticity. There are some nuances when working with it:
- Material with a thick base or long pile is difficult to pull on the steps.
- It is undesirable to use linen with acrylic or wool fibers, because the carpet you choose should be easy to clean and dry quickly.
- Carpet for stairs in the house is subject to wear, so it is better to purchase reinforced material in which synthetics are added.
- The seamy side must be non-slip, and it must also be resistant to fire.
- Choose products for which the outer surface has antistatic properties.
- Buy rubber mastic based carpet for concrete stairs. Such a base will make the steps warmer.
- Choose coatings with a rubber base if you do not plan to apply glue when laying.
Important! Choose carpets that will fit into the overall interior of the room.
Carpet Advantages:
- Soundproofing. Using a fleecy surface, sound is absorbed.
- Thermal insulation.
- Easy styling. It is not difficult to do this job, no special skills are required.
- Anti-slip coating that makes using the stairs safer.
- Protection of steps against damage.
- Suitable for laying on any surface - tiled, wooden, from parquet and laminate, as well as concrete.
- Pleasant sensations when walking on it barefoot.
- A variety of shades allows you to choose the material for any interior, while making the house beautiful and cozy.
To lay a carpet on the stairs, you will need to prepare tools, calculate the required amount of material, prepare the surface, and only then finish.How to do this - we will consider in more detail.
Tools for work:
- A sharp knife for cutting.
- Hammer.
- Saw.
- Reiki with spikes.
- Hammer and chisel.
- Construction stapler with staples or nails.
- Material for the substrate.
- Glue, if the adhesive method of fastening is used.
Surface preparation
Before you finish the stairs with your own carpeting, you need to put in order, check the evenness and stability of the steps:
- Eliminate the creak on the wooden stairs - to do this, hit the bottom of the wedges or attach a tread to the riser.
Important! Small irregularities are not necessary to eliminate, because a two-layer coating will make them invisible.
- Smooth the edges of concrete or stone steps with cement mortar and strengthen with metal corners after drying.
- Correct the erased edges of the wooden steps with a plane, and then grow them with wooden planks using countersunk head screws.
Calculation of the required amount
To correctly calculate the required amount of material, it is necessary to adhere to this principle of calculation:
- Start measurements from the top step. Measure each riser and tread, adding 4 cm to them, then sum the resulting numbers.
- Calculating the amount of material for the rotary type of stairs, measurements are made on the outer edge. The width parameter takes the size of the widest step.
- For open structures, add 4 cm to the width so that you can turn it up later.
- From the upper platform to the riser of the lower stage, a calculation is performed.
Consider these points when covering spiral staircases:
- Finishing on them is carried out by fragments that are individually tailored to each step, because their sizes usually do not match.
- It is necessary to cut the material into pieces whose dimensions are larger than the total size of the tread and riser.
Important! For ease of cutting, use patterns that can be made of thick paper along the fold lines.
Work Rules:
- Unfold the carpet before starting work for a day so that it straightens.
- Do not trim the carpet in rooms where the temperature is below 15 degrees.
- Carpet can only be laid on a clean surface.
Sheathing stairs
The easiest option is to lay the carpet in the form of a track in the middle of the entire structure. For this, it is necessary to spread the material throughout the staircase and secure with special holders. This method allows you to remove the coating for cleaning, as well as to shift the carpet.
Important! The finish of the whole structure looks prettier.
Finishing the whole staircase:
- Nail the solid plywood slats and two rows of nails as spikes at the bottom of the risers and on both sides of the steps.
- Cut the felt backing into pieces. Their dimensions should correspond to the distance between the rails.
- Fasten the backing using nails or a stapler.
- Starting from the top of the structure, lay the carpet, while tightly covering each step with material.
- Drive the cover with a mallet or chisel into the gap between the rails.
Important! Make wedge-shaped cuts at the edges of the carpet, which is tucked to avoid the formation of bubbles and irregularities.
- Use a sharp knife to adjust the material on the side of the wall with the sharp knife.
- Fasten with a special flight with a profile to the V-shaped free edge.
Concrete staircase finish
When laying a carpet on a concrete staircase, you can use special glue to fix the coating.
Phased work:
- Prepare the glue and apply it to the concrete over the entire surface of the steps.
- Paste each step with prepared strips of coating.
- Smooth the material with a rubber-tipped spatula.
- Work on the horizontal plane, and then on the vertical.
- Using a metal guide, cut off the excess part of the carpet after drying.
Important! Installation in this way is longer, but there is an advantage: if necessary, you can replace individual elements, you do not have to remove the entire canvas.
Detachable finish
Do-it-yourself carpet finishing of the stairs can be done in such a way that the coating will be removable.
Important! This method is suitable only for direct designs.
Execution process:
- Take measurements.
- Spread the carpet on top.
- Attach special rods in the corners of the steps.
to contents ↑Important! This method will make it possible to remove the carpet for ventilation in the fresh air and cleaning.
Stock footage
A staircase covered with carpet is a practical solution. This type of coating is inexpensive, subject to proper installation will last for many years. It will not be difficult to install yourself - use the tips and recommendations described above. With the right selection of material, such a coating will look very harmonious in any interior, and will also make walking on the steps silent, comfortable and safe.
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