Chalk wallpaper

Nowadays, there are many ways to decorate a nursery. On the construction market, you can find roll materials of various quality and nature, that is, there is the opportunity to choose some suitable canvas, with which you can decorate the room and thereby provide the child with the opportunity to actively develop. From this point of view, chalky wallpaper for drawing is a rather interesting option, you can paste over a nursery, and the child will begin to show interest in this art. This article will focus on these materials, their varieties and features.

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What are chalk wallpapers?

Wallpaper for drawing with chalk - a material that allows you to turn the wall into something like a blackboard, on which you can safely draw with chalks of different colors. Such canvases are produced in rolls, the length of which is 50 m and the width is 107 cm. You can purchase the whole roll or a separate piece. The seller will be able to cut pieces of the required size at will, which means that he will not have to overpay for surplus.

Important! When buying such materials, you should take into account allowances when cutting, because it will be unpleasant if, upon returning home, you start gluing wallpaper, and you find that there is not enough at all.


Simply put, slate wallpaper is a self-adhesive film. To stick them on the wall, it is enough to remove the protective paper layer from the wrong side. The bonding technology of this film is extremely simple. The front side of the chalk canvases is represented by vinyl spraying, which helps to form a surface for drawing with chalk. It is well washed with a damp cloth.

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Advantages of using slate wallpaper:

  • Self-adhesive film can be used repeatedly, if desired, can be re-glued to another place.
  • There are no traces left on the wall.
  • You can glue the canvas on almost any surface - on a tiled base, painted walls, glass, tables.
  • Such a pleasure is much cheaper than purchased easels and boards.
  • To erase chalk, you do not need to use special liquids - a damp cloth is enough.
  • The surface can withstand up to 10,000 erasures.
  • The ability to cut wallpaper for any area, starting from 1 m, of any shape (plants, animals, fruits).

Important! With chalky wallpapers you can even glue the doors of a linen closet or chest of drawers, so you get a rather interesting object for art decor in a children's room.

It should also be noted that there are two options for such paintings on sale. One - allows you to get a black slate surface, the other - emerald green. It is recommended to choose a color, according to the stylistic design of the children's room.


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What is marker wallpaper?

In the nursery, you can draw on the walls not only with chalk, but also with dry markers. In this case, the possibilities for artistic expression are significantly expanding. But this is not the biggest plus that marker wallpapers have.

Advantages of canvases for drawing with a marker:

  • This material, in fact, is the same self-adhesive film that is glued using the same technology as chalk canvases.
  • Marker rolls can also be glued to any surface, with the exception of lime plaster and chalk whitewash.
  • The top layer of wallpaper is strong enough, due to which it is not afraid of mechanical influences, does not attract dirt and dust.
  • The material makes it possible to create multicolored drawings on the walls at home. When drawing with a marker, white dust does not appear, as is the case with chalk. That is, trash will not accumulate in the room.
  • One roll has a width of 90 cm and a length of 50 m. The seller can cut the necessary piece to cover with wallpaper not the entire wall, but only its specific part, to create an interactive whiteboard in the center of the room.


Such materials are expensive, which is why they should be used very carefully. In case of self-bonding, it is recommended to observe the following rules:

  • To make it convenient for the child to draw and write on the wall, it is necessary to glue the canvas perfectly evenly.
  • It is necessary to pay maximum attention to the joints between the canvases.
  • It is advisable in the process of selection and use of the material to nail immediately across the entire width of the wall from below the wooden rail. Possible garbage will be collected on it, the room will remain clean.


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Coloring Wallpaper

Perfectly develop fine motor skills of hands wallpaper for drawing in the form of coloring. You can paste them over the entire room or select for this only a certain part of the wall. Anyway, the child will receive a large area for creativity and entertainment.

Coloring wallpapers - canvases that have a black and white drawing or graphic images with a complex plot on the front side. Armed with paints, pencils or felt-tip pens, the baby will be able to color the whole picture on his own or with the help of his parents.

Kitchen View 2

In the process of coloring black and white pictures, the child studies various phenomena and objects. There are coloring books on sale that can be painted first and then wiped with a damp sponge. Almost all world manufacturers produce such colors in their collections. For some, these are full-fledged paintings, while others produce only borders, the width of which is 5 m. They can have a variety of topics, from ordinary patterns to complex abstract paintings.

Important! As practice has shown, such wallpapers are interesting for children of all ages. The main thing is to choose the right plot in order to lure the baby into the process.


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Where are such wallpapers used?

Cloths for drawing with chalk or a marker can, in principle, be used not only in children's rooms, but also in the kitchen and in the whole home interior. In addition, they will find their application in modern restaurants or cafes, because on such a wall you can write a menu for the week or current discounts and promotions. Large supermarkets and shops are no exception. They simply look gorgeous in the interior of children's institutions or corners of shopping centers. Another area of ​​their application is photo studios - wallpaper design separate zones for photography.


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How to stick marker or chalk wallpapers on your own?

If you want your kid to also have such a wall for painting in the nursery, then you can make this idea a reality on your own.

Glue the surface with such wallpaper as follows:

  1. Remove the protective layer from the inside of the web.
  2. Apply the film to the surface with the sticky side.
  3. Iron a wallpaper with a soft rag to let out excess air and form a reliable grip on the wall.
  4. The canvas for painting is ready, now you can take on markers and crayons.
  5. If you suddenly want to glue the film somewhere else, just carefully remove it and reuse it according to this scheme.
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Such wallpaper can be glued to a variety of hard surfaces, for example, on tile, metal, wallpaper, wood, with the exception of whitewashing. Do not deny yourself and your child the pleasure, especially if you notice creative impulses in him.

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