DIY metal staircase

The design of the stairs in your own house - internal or external, must be planned at the project stage. As a rule, a professional architect takes on this responsibility. The specialist takes into account design features and how harmoniously the staircase fits into one or another interior. But what if you like to do it yourself? If the process itself, like the excellent result, is a pleasure? In this case, you just need to study our guide on how to design a metal staircase with your own hands.

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Metal allows you to create configurations and forms of almost any kind and complexity. Stairs can:

  • lead to the attic;
  • to be installed in cottages;
  • connect the first and second floors.

Important! The opportunity to equip the iron staircase to the second floor with your own hands with wrought iron railings, ornate balusters, massive starting poles and other elements makes their design very sophisticated. Often on the metal stairs with their own hands they are lining the side parts or the entire flight of stairs with various materials - wood, drywall, plastic. But it is metal that allows you to make an open structure that looks light and airy, while not losing strength and reliability.

Design options

Most often, among the stairs to the second floor in a private house made of metal with your own hands, you can meet the following options:

  • The first option, in which the steps are mounted to metal braids.
  • The second option - on the bolts - structures without a base, which consist of steps and are attached with special bolts mainly to the bearing wall.
  • In the third version, the main role is played by beams, which are installed under a slope, the so-called bowstrings.
  • Do not forget about such an option as spiral staircases, which are twisted in a spiral around a supporting central base.
  • And one can not help but recall such an invention as prefabricated metal stairs. They are sold in the form of factory-made ready-made modules, which can be assembled even with a child, because they are very reminiscent of a children's designer.

Important! Stairs to the second floor in a private metal house can only be supported on floors. For greater reliability, you can install several supports under the spans of the structure.


Steps made of concrete, porcelain stoneware, corrugated iron can be an excellent decoration for your design, the main thing is to determine why and where the staircase will be used. This will become the main criterion for choosing a finishing material:

  • If you plan to install a metal staircase with your own hands in the living room of your house, then in this case the steel will combine perfectly with the wooden steps.

Important! In order to emphasize sophistication and luxury, you can increase the width of the structure.

  • The staircase between the various rooms, or the entrance to the attic, can be more modest. Here, the main determining factor will be the convenience of daily use of the structure, so both wood and other building materials will be suitable for decoration. With their help, you can give the design a finished look and comfort to the room.
  • If you plan to use the structure only on the street, then you can leave the staircase in its original form, without decoration.
  • A metal staircase with your own hands can be equipped with not only standard types of steps, a carpet, a wear-resistant laminate, parquet dies, and facing ceramics are quite applicable.

Important! Technological, durable material combines wonderfully with any type of finish - with wood, concrete, brick, natural stone, glass and its organic counterpart.

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General requirements

Do-it-yourself metal stairs from wood or concrete structures are not particularly different. The principles of design and calculations for interfloor joints are the same, and the typical requirements for them do not differ:

  • In private households, the minimum width of the stairs should be 900 millimeters.
  • The slope of one flight of stairs should be constant.
  • The optimal height of the steps of the metal stairs with your own hands is 160-180 millimeters.
  • The minimum allowed step depth is 270 millimeters.
  • The guard must withstand a side load of 100 kg.
  • The maximum permitted distance between the racks of the fence is 150 millimeters. For a family with children - 120 millimeters.


Many design organizations use computer programs to create a 3D model of a metal staircase construction with their own hands. It is easy to change the parameters of individual elements. After approval of the final version, the computer prepares working drawings and specifications:

  • If you plan to create a drawing on a computer using any graphical application, then do not forget to choose the same scale for all the schemes. Be sure to transfer the resulting images to the coordinate axis.
  • If you decide to act the old fashioned way and draw drawings using a piece of paper and a pen, then designers advise you to draw a diagram of the metal stairs with your own hands in horizontal and vertical projections.

Important! Such a careful planning approach will allow you to calculate the location of each part in the structure to the nearest millimeter.

To avoid mistakes when planning a metal staircase to the second floor with your own hands, drawings should include the following parameters:

  • To calculate the required number of steps, take a simple formula into service - the span length is divided by the height of the step. The obtained value can be approximate, you can either tailor it to the quantitative data you need or make adjustments already at the installation stage.
  • Stepping on a ladder when climbing or descending, any person leaves a mark. It is considered a step in the stairs. The generally accepted standard that many masters use is 60-65 centimeters.
  • The width of the tread is an integral part of the step, it is also the depth of the step, which should allow the human foot to be firmly fixed on the surface.
  • The riser height is the height of the step, that is, the distance between two successive tiers. Also included in the distance allotted for a step.
  • The length of the step is the width of the staircase itself, should allow a person to freely pass with the load.

After the notes have been made and the detailed plan of the product has been drawn, you can begin to manufacture the parts of the metal stairs with your own hands and install it.

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Manufacturing recommendations

After the do-it-yourself metal staircase project is completely ready, you need to purchase all the necessary material and prepare the required tool for work. And remember the general scheme of actions:

  • Before you make a staircase to the second floor with your own hands from metal, you need to cut all the blanks in accordance with the design dimensions.
  • Further, it is recommended to collect the filly, which will be mounted on a metal frame and hold the steps.
  • After that, the main supporting corners of the staircase made of metal are welded with their own hands and the installation of the kosour directly.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the assembly among themselves of the main structural elements, namely the welding of steps and fences.
  • If this is a metal staircase with your own hands for the street, then to protect it from external influences, it must additionally be coated with an anti-corrosion compound.
  • The operating procedure and assembly principle are the same for both external and internal structures, and should be carried out in a strictly established sequence.
  • When making the main attachment points for the steps yourself, it is important to prevent any distortions and inaccuracies, as this can lead to deformation of the finished product.

Important! All the filly ladders made of metal with their own hands should be exactly the same and mirror each other. It is best to make these elements from a metal corner.

Ladder on Kosoura

This original and superficially simple design requires special attention compared to other lifting systems. One kosour takes the weight of the entire march. In addition, the shape of the profile of the metal staircase with your own hands should take into account additionally arising torsion loads. Therefore, it is important to choose the right shape and cross-section of the kosour:

  • A pipe with a cross section of 150 by 150 millimeters and with a wall thickness of at least 6 millimeters is ideally suited for a medium-static design.
  • The staircase on the kosoure from the channel is considered convenient for installation work. The profile is stable, there is no need to twist it, exposing it on floors.
  • The channel is laid on a shelf, which has a sufficient width, providing rigidity and reliability of the installation.

The installation of the steps of the metal stairs with your own hands, or rather the filly, is also simple and convenient, which can not be said about the pipe.

Important! A feature of single staircases on the kosoura is the airiness of the structure. But it is worth considering that the central kosour requires the presence of platforms under the steps, to which individual supports are welded, one, and preferably two:

  • They can be of different shapes, usually rectangular or triangular with a slit.
  • The supports are installed at an angle to the kosour and form a horizontal plane for attaching the steps.
  • The fastening to the beam itself is done using electric welding.



Bolts - the name comes from the German "bolz", in the translation "bolt" - this is fasteners that hold the metal staircase with their own hands:

  • Using them, you can fix one side of the march on the wall, and the other on the handrail, which will be the supporting element.
  • Or there is another option: the ladder is laid on steel rods, which are the support. Bolts are attached to the wall with rubber gaskets.

Important! Such a compact and lightweight metal staircase with your own hands is ideal for small rooms. Significant space savings are due to the fact that the steps are mounted exclusively on the wall.

Ladders on bolets are currently very popular and in demand, because they have several advantages:

  • These do-it-yourself metal stairs, although they seem light and airy, are actually capable of supporting a weight of about 1,500 kg. So the reliability and safety of the structure is beyond doubt.
  • Due to its airiness, such a staircase does not prevent the penetration of light into the room, which visually makes it larger.
  • When installing such structures, braids and bowstrings are not used, but railings or fences are required. Elegant railing will further emphasize the weightlessness and lightness of the stairs

Spiral staircase

Spiral staircase made of metal with their own hands from their "counterparts" in terms of structural foundations is not much different. But she is the leader in compactness and will save space in any room. Another plus is its unusual appearance. Such an original staircase will not only fit perfectly into almost any interior, but will also give it a sense of style and originality.

Well, now let's move on to the minuses, which have accumulated a lot:

  • Such a staircase made of metal with their own hands resembles a twisted spiral in shape. A fall from such a design can end very badly. Injuries will be much greater than in the same accident on a regular staircase.
  • In winter, spiral staircases made of metal with their own hands, due to constant thaws and frosts, are almost always covered with ice, if there is no janitor who is ready to hourly maintain her perfect condition. Therefore, this design is not suitable for outdoor installations, but supermarkets often neglect this advice.
  • The screw design, although it is considered strong and reliable, but still it “walks”. Constantly exposed to invisible eye vibrations. And vibration over time leads to a weakening of the main fasteners and joints.
  • Since the spiral-shaped metal staircase with your own hands is quite narrow, your main problem will be the question of how to raise large furniture or appliances to the upper floor.

There are several types of spiral staircases:

  • If you are a beginner, then you should focus on the easiest installation method. It is based on one supporting pillar, which is the supporting structure.
  • In a more complex version, wedge-shaped steps are used. They are attached to a pole installed inside the structure. The foundation is best made of brick. Such a ladder made of metal with one's own hands is considered not very reliable, because due to constant vibration, the fasteners weaken, and this also leads to the destruction of the supporting wall.
  • The most difficult option is the installation of steps to the central support, without fixing it to the walls. This option is worth choosing if you prefer safety, durability and a beautiful appearance.


Corner Staircase

Perhaps it’s worth separately mentioning such a design as a staircase from a corner with your own hands. For it use a corner, channel, profile pipe or profile. The channel, as a material for the construction of external and internal staircases, has the following advantages:

  • provides structural strength even at high loads, the most important point in the job is to take care of the strength of the butt joints;
  • maintains the maximum load of a deflection;
  • the frames from the channel do not creak and do not vibrate;
  • ease of manufacture allows you to build a staircase from a corner with your own hands;
  • the manufacture of stairs from a corner and a channel provides ample opportunities for decoration.

A simple closed staircase frame is a structure of a supporting base made of a channel in pairs connected to each other and corners welded to it. They are a support for laying steps. Particular attention should be paid to the thickness of the corner, because the reliability of fastening treads and risers depends on it. The steps themselves are laid on the corners in the following way:

  • Directly on top, completely closing the corner;
  • In the frame of elements additionally welded to the installed corner.

To ensure maximum stability of the frame, do-it-yourself stairs from the corner are fixed to the floor and wall with anchor bolts, however, for greater reliability, it is recommended to concrete the lower part of the structure. As for the decorative part:

  • Cladding of such a design inside the house can be any - from drywall, wood, glass and even stone. It all depends on the interior of the room.
  • Finishing the exterior stairs is usually simpler. For steps, metal corrugated sheets are used, and the railing is decorated with forging.
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Having studied the simplest ways and learning how to make a staircase to the second floor with your own hands from metal, you can safely proceed to work. But for starters, we recommend building a simple structure that leads, for example, into the cellar. And then already an experienced performer is quite capable of making a more complex, more aesthetic metal staircase with his own hands, which is not a sin to brag about.

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