Installation of gas heating boilers

In any house should be not only comfort, but also warm. And you can provide a comfortable indoor temperature in various ways. Each owner tries to choose the most effective and economical option. Therefore, the installation of gas boilers has recently become increasingly popular. Such a system saves an impressive amount of money. But it is worth considering that the installation of gas heating boilers is not an easy task. The equipment cannot be hung up somehow, because the safety of the people living in the house depends on the installation. In order to prevent errors in the work, we will consider this issue in detail.

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Gas heating boiler

The connection and installation of the mounted gas boiler depends on its type. Therefore, you need to understand exactly how the device works, which of its varieties to deal with. Any gas boiler is a compact device, the maximum power of which is limited to 42 kW. Its main elements are as follows:

  • A gas burner that transfers gas to the chamber where the combustion process takes place. Using nozzles, the fuel is distributed as evenly as possible. Modern modulated burners can maintain the set temperature and regulate the power of the flame.
  • The heat exchanger along which the coolant moves. The ideal option is a copper device, the efficiency of such equipment is higher. In condensation boilers, there can be two such elements.
  • An expansion tank designed to compensate for excess water resulting from heating.
  • Circulation pump. Powerful models can have two of these elements.
  • Boiler automation or a system of devices whose task is to maintain a given temperature in a heated room. May include appliances powered by electricity or non-volatile.
  • Devices that control and regulate the operation of the boiler.
  • Fan. Used only in turbocharged models.
  • Security system. It stops the operation of the boiler in the event of a hazardous situation.

Important! Many modern models are additionally equipped with self-diagnosis systems, which are able to determine about 90% of faults. The number of the diagnosed failure is displayed, which is promptly corrected by the master from the service.

Types of boilers

According to their functionality, gas heating units are divided into two groups:

  1. Single-circuit. Designed for heating only. They are connected to the heating circuit and heat up the coolant. The organization of hot water supply in this case is carried out by installing an electric or gas water heater of any type.
  2. Bypass. They heat the room and provide hot water. An additional circuit for heating water is built into the boiler. The technological feature of the device is the impossibility of simultaneous heating of water and space heating. The priority action of double-circuit units is water heating, the heating operation stops at this time. Given that it is possible to heat water quickly, the boiler heats the entire building quite efficiently.

Important! If it is planned to include both heating of the heat carrier and supply of hot water in the tasks of the gas unit, then it is better to purchase a double-circuit boiler. They come with one or two heat exchangers.When equipped with two can simultaneously serve two circuits.


Boiler groups

Before installing gas heating boilers, it is also worth clarifying the method of fuel combustion. Here, all units are also divided into 2 groups.

Devices with an open combustion chamber

Their second name is natural draft heaters. Oxygen, necessary for burning, they take from the room in which the device is located. To divert combustion products, they need a traditional chimney. Thus, a mandatory requirement for the installation of such a boiler is the arrangement of good ventilation.

Important! If the heater is mounted in a residential building, then high-performance fresh air ventilation must be equipped. The best option for installing a heater with an open firebox is considered to be the presence of a separate room, the so-called furnace, where it is placed. Systems with natural ventilation are quite popular due to their low cost and non-volatility.

Devices with a closed combustion chamber

Such devices take the air, without which the combustion process is impossible, taken from the street. For this, the devices are equipped with coaxial type chimneys. Such a chimney is made in the form of a structure of two pipes, one of which is embedded in the other. Through the inner pipe, the products of combustion are discharged to the outside. At the same time, street air enters in the opposite direction through the gap between the two pipes.

Important! It is clear that boilers with a closed firebox do not affect the composition of the air inside the room, which makes it possible to install them even in living rooms. In this case, a coaxial chimney becomes a necessity. But it is worth considering that installing gas heating boilers with such an exhaust system will cost more.

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Required Documentation

Before proceeding with the installation of gas heating boilers, it is necessary to prepare documents and perform certain actions:

  • Building norms and installation rules are described in SNiP 31-02-2001, as well as amendments of 05.26.2004 and SP 42-101-2003. These documents describe general provisions related to location, fire and operational safety requirements.
  • Further installation instructions can be found in the installation manual that the manufacturer encloses with their products.

Before proceeding with the installation of wall-mounted gas heating boilers, you will need to perform several required points:

  • Get on hand a gas supply contract for an individual developer.
  • Prepare a project. Project documentation is most often developed by specialized institutes with the appropriate license for this type of activity: gorgaz, raigaz, oblgaz, and mingaz. It is not needed only if the heat generator changes to identical in power and model.
  • Your next step is to coordinate the project with local representatives of the gas service. If everything is in order, then you get permission to install.
  • After installing gas heating boilers, the correct connection must be checked by the engineer of the district or regional gas organization. If all the norms are met, it is this specialist who issues a conclusion on the basis of which you can open the gas valve leading to the boiler.

Room requirements

Gas equipment is classified as explosive and fire hazard. Therefore, to the room where the installation of gas heating boilers will be made, special requirements are made:

  • The area for the installation of one boiler must be at least 4 m². Moreover, the total number of boilers in one room can never be more than two.
  • The ceiling height of the room is not less than 2200-2500 mm.
  • The window, which is mandatory in the boiler room for natural lighting, must be sized for every 10 m³ of room volume 0.3 m² of window area, but in any case not less than 0.5 m².
  • The width of the doorway should be at least 800 mm.
  • The distance between the front door and the boiler can not be less than 1000 mm, but it is better if this interval is 1300-1500 mm.
  • In order to be able to carry out repair and maintenance work, the necessary free space must be provided in front of the boiler, which must be at least 1300 mm.
  • The boiler must be installed stably and in a strictly horizontal position - this will minimize possible vibrations and noises.
  • The floor in the boiler room must be made of non-combustible material and perfectly flat.
  • The walls should also be made of non-combustible materials, and the surfaces near the walls of the boiler can be additionally insulated with heat-resistant materials.
  • Cold water must be supplied to the boiler room. In the floor of the room, it is necessary to equip the system for draining the coolant into the sewer.
  • Electrical outlets must have an earthing circuit, as some elements of the boiler, for example, an ignition or pump, are connected to the power supply.
  • It is necessary to provide access to the chimney, in particular - to the inspection window to control the passage of the channel and the possibility of cleaning.

Important! There is only one exception to the rules for installing a mounted gas boiler. If the heating boiler has a closed combustion chamber, then the volume of the room is not standardized, and the presence of a window with an exit to the outside is not necessary.


Ventilation and chimney requirements

Ventilation systems and vents of the products of gas combustion in the boiler room must be installed in compliance with the rules for installing gas equipment, since a malfunction or ineffective operation of these systems can lead to equipment inoperability or, even worse, to an emergency and even explosive situation.

For ventilation and the chimney, normative documents impose the following requirements:

  • Ventilation and chimney ducts should be separated.
  • For fresh air to enter the boiler room, it is necessary to provide forced ventilation. An entrance window is made at the bottom of the outer wall or entrance door. The size of the ventilation window must be not less than 1/30 of the total area of ​​the room, but not less than 80 mm² per 1 kW of installed gas unit power — for air flow from the street, and not less than 300 mm² per 1 kW if air flow comes from another premises.
  • Ventilation ducts must always be open, as air must circulate constantly.
  • The boiler is recommended to be installed as close to the chimney as possible.
  • The chimney arranged in the wall should have two input channels. One is the main one for the installation of the chimney, the second is the revision. It must be placed below the first at least 250 millimeters, because it is intended for technological cleaning.
  • The chimney exhaust opening must not have a section smaller than the outlet pipe of the boiler itself.
  • The chimney must not have more than three bends or turns.
  • The chimney is made of stainless or carbon sheet steel. The use of asbestos-concrete pipes or others made of laminated materials is permissible only at a distance of at least 500 mm from the chimney pipe of the boiler.

Important! For the operation of the boiler to be safe and the heating system itself to be efficient, favorable conditions must be created to maintain normal traction. Therefore, it is very important to calculate the total height of the chimney pipe and its location above the roof surface so that the tip does not fall into the area of ​​the so-called wind backwater.

Trim requirements

Special requirements are also imposed on the wall decoration in the room where the installation of gas heating boilers will be carried out:

  • According to the norms, the wall in the boiler room under the boiler can be sheathed with an asbestos plate covered with stainless or galvanized steel.
  • The protective screen should protrude around the boiler perimeter by 10 cm.
  • Cladding of a brick or concrete wall with ceramic tile or plaster is allowed.

The requirements for the finishing materials used for the ceiling when installing a mounted gas boiler are separately specified:

  • According to existing standards, it is forbidden to use plastic when lining, to paste wallpaper on the ceiling.
  • Installation of gypsum fiber or gypsum plasterboards with subsequent alignment with plaster mixes and putty and painting with water-based paints is allowed.

In the case of installation of gas heating boilers in a wooden house, safety requirements are tightened:

  • When installing mounted boilers, the wall is closed with basalt insulation, at least 5 cm thick. It is covered with sheet steel at the top.
  • Thermal insulation material for installing the boiler on a wooden wall must be selected among non-combustible materials, with thermal stability and the ability to withstand heat above 1000 ° C.
  • For work, basalt (non-mineral) cotton wool is best suited.
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Immediately before installing gas heating boilers, you need to unpack the equipment and, first of all, check the delivery for completeness:

  1. Check for all parts according to the operating instructions. It should be attached to each kit.
  2. If during this check you did not find any part, then you should immediately contact the supplier.
  3. Also check for signs of use on your equipment. The new kit should have a perfect look. Dents, chips, signs of repair - all this is an occasion to contact sellers with the requirement to replace equipment.

Important! Make sure that the technical data indicated in the passport exactly match those written on the boiler itself. In addition, they must match the numbers indicated in the operating instructions for the device.


  • Immediately before starting the installation, you need to rinse the boiler pipes, which may contain various debris that has got inside during the manufacture of the device and its transportation.
  • It is also advisable to flush the heating system pipes. After the preparation is completed, you can proceed with the installation.

The specifics and installation procedure of a floor gas boiler depends on the number of circuits involved and the type of combustion chamber. Most often in houses they put double-circuit devices with a closed firebox. We will consider in detail the installation of gas heating boilers of this particular modification.

Installation of wall gas heating boilers

Low-power heating boilers that are hung on the wall can be installed in ordinary rather than specially equipped rooms. The exception is living rooms and bathrooms. The ideal place for the unit is the kitchen. All necessary communications have already been summed up there.

When installing a mounted gas boiler, pay particular attention to the requirements:

  • Under the boiler can not be located cabinets, washing machines and generally any equipment. This place should remain free.
  • There are also certain requirements for certain distances. For example, from the boiler to the wall should be at least 2 cm. From the equipment wall to the protective screen, this minimum should be 3 cm.
  • If the wall, which is located next to the boiler, is made of non-combustible materials, then the distance to it should be at least 10 cm. If combustible materials were used to decorate the walls, the distance increases by 2.5 times.
  • A screen made of a material that is considered non-combustible is required if the walls of the room are made of either wood or frame technology.

Important! According to the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station, asbestos is unacceptable in residential premises - this material is too harmful to health. Therefore, to protect the walls, as an alternative, you can apply a tile or a thick layer of plaster. It is worth remembering that the protective screen should be larger than the boiler itself. 10 cm on the side and bottom and 70 cm on the top are prerequisites.

The installation of wall-mounted gas heating boilers is carried out in the following order:

  • Mounts for the boiler are installed in the wall, gas equipment is installed on them.
  • The chimney must be mounted in advance. After installation, the boiler is connected to the air exhaust system using a pipe.
  • Make sure that the outlet from which your equipment is powered is grounded. Only then connect the electricity.
  • Only after the previous steps can you proceed to the connection of the circuit.


Installation of a floor gas boiler

Now we will consider how to correctly install the floor gas boiler. There can be 2 options:

  • If you plan to use high power equipment, then it is worth taking care of its installation in advance. Even at the stage of designing the foundation. It should be reinforced concrete under the room where gas heating will be located. Also, it should be perfectly smooth. Then there will be no such unpleasant consequences as vibration and noise during the operation of the equipment.
  • If the boiler room is located in a room where the floors are wooden, then it is necessary to prepare and make an even base of non-combustible materials. For this, either brick is suitable - it needs to be laid flat or ceramic tile.

Important! If you chose the second option, then note that under the tile you need to put a base of metal and asbestos sheets glued together.

  • The base for the floor gas boiler should be slightly larger than the equipment itself. According to the rules, the screen should protrude at least 10 centimeters on each side.
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Preparing for the first launch

When all systems are connected to the boiler, you should not immediately start it up. There is no rush to install gas heating boilers, because the functionality of the system itself as well as the safety of people who live in the house depend on how well done the connection diagram is:

  • Before a test run, the heating system is filled with water. The fluid is pumped to a pressure of 2 atmospheres.
  • Water is pumped as slowly as possible to remove the maximum amount of air collected inside.
  • The system is checked for leaks. All leaking connections must be sealed immediately.

To identify insufficiently tight connections on the gas line, you need to arrange a check with a soap solution. Apply it to all joints and observe. In poor-quality areas air bubbles will appear. All found malfunctions should be eliminated and re-checked.

Important! The first start-up of equipment should be carried out only in the presence of a gas service representative. With regard to the installation of gas heating boilers, consultation with specialists is mandatory in the future to protect everyone living in the house or indoors from various troubles.

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In general, the installation of wall-mounted gas heating and floor-standing boilers is a simple matter if you first study all the rules and understand thoroughly how to carry out such work. In addition, if you independently install the device for heating in your home, you can significantly save financially. It is necessary to remember the main rule - the gas boiler before installation must be examined carefully from the outside, to make sure that there are no traces of chemical or mechanical effects on it. The choice should be stopped on high-quality and well-known brands that will most effectively meet all the requirements for their use.

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