Installation of plastic windows in a wooden house

Plastic windows have long gained their popularity. They are reliable, durable and protect not only from the cold, but also from noise. The choice in favor of plastic is increasingly being made not only by the owners of city apartments, but by the owners of cottages and even small country houses. Here, often people prefer to take the decision on the installation issue into their own hands, because the installation of plastic windows in a wooden house by specialists adds about 40-50 percent to the price. But most importantly, most manufacturers cannot guarantee a quality installation. What caused this is a topic for another discussion, but as a result, many homeowners are installing double-glazed windows in a wooden house with their own hands. And are ready to share their secrets in this article.

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Basic concepts

Do-it-yourself installation of plastic windows in a wooden house begins, first of all, with mathematics. According to statistics, the structure of wood shrinks by about 35 centimeters. This value depends on the material itself, which was selected for construction. A year after the erection of the building, the house can sit on:

  • 45-65 centimeters, if the walls were built of logs;
  • 35-45 centimeters, if the usual timber was chosen as the basis;
  • 15-35 centimeters if glued beam was used in the work.

Important! These data must be taken into account without fail. Such deformation may cause windows to be pressed to the base. You simply cannot open and close them.

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Installation of plastic windows in stages

Specialists who are professionally engaged in the installation of plastic windows in a wooden house strongly recommend that you first wait the time needed for shrinkage, and only then proceed with installation. By the way, not only a new building, but also an old house can shrink. Therefore, to obtain a high-quality installation of double-glazed windows in a wooden house with your own hands, it is worth observing special technology.


If you want to avoid pressure on the window unit, you do not need to reinvent the wheel. Everything has been invented for a long time. This method is called by the master “piglet” or “casing”. The essence of this technology is simple:

  • Using a chainsaw, make a vertical ridge-crest at the end of the log, which is adjacent to the opening.
  • Then take a bar measuring 10 by 15 centimeters. It is necessary to make a carriage from it as follows: using a chisel, make a cut on the beam so that a connecting vertical groove is obtained.
  • The dimensions of the carriage and the protrusion-crest should coincide with each other, then you will get a simple but reliable mount.

Important! The connection of these parts during the installation of plastic windows in a wooden house using self-tapping screws or nails is excluded. Such rigidity will not give the desired effect. But the comb-groove connection will provide free movement during shrinkage.

  • In the opening, the pigtail should be in a certain location. Between its upper edge and the log there should be a gap of about 20-12 centimeters. In case of multi-year deformation of the structure.

Important! All manipulations with the beam when installing plastic windows in a wooden house are carried out using a building level to prevent skewing on the structure. In the finished grooves, the main strut of the window frame is installed, the desired opening is formed.Moreover, the construction level is also used in the process.


Measurements for a new window

When installing plastic windows with your own hands in a wooden house, it is not recommended to carry out calculations yourself. Sometimes deviations of a few millimeters can lead to problems in the future. It is best to call a professional for this job.

But if we are talking about a country house, to which the path is not close, then this work is unlikely to be done for free. Therefore, we learn to take measurements on our own:

  • Possible slope slope is checked only when the window is closed. Then a plumb line is made in the right and left corners. The cord is the same size with a weighting on the end.

Important! If the distances from the weighting agent to the proposed window sill are more or less the same, then do not worry. If the skew is more than 10 centimeters, then you will need to calculate the useful width. So professionals call the gap between the vertical projections from the top points.

  • When the window is open, the clearance width is measured. To make your measurements more accurate, arm yourself with an ordinary awl. Use it to measure the depth of the side protrusions. Comparing the preliminary width of the window and the dimensions of the quarters, adjust the desired value of the width of the window block to a smaller side. At the same time, note that the profile of the frame should be closed by protrusions of 35-40 millimeters.

Important! If the thickness of the quarters is different, then it is worth narrowing the future window, and eliminate the asymmetry by slopes.

  • The height when installing plastic windows in a wooden house is measured from the outside, from low tide to the upper border of the opening. The obtained value must be checked - using the awl, determine the depth of the upper quarter at 2-3 points. 40 millimeters is enough for a joint. The depth of the lower quarter should be equal to 25 millimeters. At low depths, the height of the window decreases.
  • Next, the distance from the upper boundary of the opening to the windowsill is measured and compared with the estimated height. The difference should be 40-60 millimeters. This is necessary for the desired clearance for the foam.

The dimensions of the windowsill for installing plastic windows with your own hands in a wooden house are calculated as follows:

  • To the found width of the opening, add allowances of 80-100 millimeters on both sides. This will be the length.
  • The width is determined by the thickness of the inner part of the wall, plus the departure of the windowsill, plus 20 millimeters required to enter under the frame.

Important! When measuring the windowsill and drainage, it is taken into account that the thickness of the plastic window will be narrower than that of the old wooden structure.


If you decide to do the installation of plastic windows with your own hands in a wooden house, then you should think about the delivery issue in advance. Manufacturers are unlikely to undertake this service for free. Therefore, please note that for delivery you will need to hire a light truck, in the back of which a pyramid is mounted, on which frames will be installed and fixed.

Before signing the receipt of the finished product, check the following parameters:

  • correct assembly - all angles should be 90 degrees;
  • welds should not have visible defects - bubbles or undercuts;
  • The plastic profile must not be scratched, chipped or cracked.

Also carefully inspect the surface of the windowsill. It should be perfectly flat and smooth.


In order to properly make the installation of plastic windows in a wooden house with your own hands, it is recommended to remove the sashes - this will facilitate the design itself and your work. And then just stick to a certain sequence, which is worked out by experienced craftsmen:

  1. Lay out the crests of the opening with tow and secure it with a construction stapler or carnations. This will protect your home from drafts and cold.
  2. Then lay the bottom of the pigtail. On the ridges fasten the bars-carriages.
  3. Install the second jumper in the upper carriage cutout and lock it in a horizontal position.
  4. When the box for the future window is ready, fix it with self-tapping screws. Twisting them, make sure that the latches do not enter the crests of the log house. Otherwise, the structure loses its mobility and will no longer be so resistant to shrinkage of buildings.
  5. If there are cracks left after installation, they must be repaired. To do this, use the same tow.
  6. The next stage of installing double-glazed windows in a wooden house is no different from installing windows in a city apartment. Just pay special attention to those places where plastic and casing are in contact.
  7. If the gap between the pig and the wall is large, then fill it with thin boards, each of which wrap tow. If the house will shrink a lot, you can take out these boards one at a time and avoid distortions.

Important! To install double-glazed windows in a wooden house with their own hands, experienced craftsmen advise using not a standard white profile, but windows that mimic the structure of a tree. Such double-glazed windows will ideally fit into the interior and will look great against the background of a wall made of timber.



Finishing during the installation of double-glazed windows in a wooden house performs not only a decorative function. It also allows you to close all that "beauty" that has turned out after installation, foaming and warming. And for these purposes, you can choose different materials:

  • Flat plastic straps are the easiest and most affordable option.
  • Carved wooden platbands will cost you more, but will become the highlight of the look.
  • If you opt for shaped rounded platbands, they will also be able to give your building an interesting exterior.
  • Profile platbands will be appropriate if you plan to make the lining with material such as siding.
  • For wooden housing, manufacturers now offer another worthy option - platbands made of polyurethane. They, unlike wood or plastic, do not fade in the sun. Another plus - they do not crack from severe frosts. The advantages include the fact that such a material can be coated with paint of any color.

Important! When installing double-glazed windows in a wooden house with your own hands, do not forget about the slopes. Here, the best choice would be either plastic or wood. Putty should not be considered, since there is a likelihood that when the house shrinks, such a surface will simply crack.

Errors in the installation of double-glazed windows in a wooden house

If this is your first time installing double-glazed windows in a wooden house, there is a risk of spoiling the window itself. Therefore, we have compiled a list of the most common errors that should be avoided:

  • Incorrect measurements. This can result in gaps that are either too small or too large. In this case, you will need a little more polyurethane foam than planned.
  • It is better not to save on foam when installing plastic windows in a wooden house. Its disadvantage leads to the fact that the metal parts of the window will be constantly in the cold, and this will give condensation on the glass. But excess moisture in a wooden house is useless.
  • Use this material only when the double-glazed windows, together with the wings, have taken their place and fittings are installed on them. At this stage, there is a constant load, and the foam will lie down as it should, and in a smaller volume.
  • In no case should you screw the frame close to the wood. At least - after shrinkage, you will not be able to open the window, at most - with a strong deformation, the bag and glass will simply be crushed.
  • It is better not to use long fasteners when installing double-glazed windows in a wooden house with your own hands. Only a part на screwed into the casing is enough. Butt ends should not contain pieces of metal. Mounting occurs diagonally, with the gradual screwing of screws. So you can achieve a perfect fit.
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Of course, installing plastic windows with your own hands in a wooden house - both in the new and the old, should not be considered simple and easy.However, any difficulties can be solved by adhering to the recommendations of specialists and the developed scheme of this process.

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