Installation of ceiling skirting

Ceiling frames, or fillets, as they are called in a professional environment, are the optimal finishing material with which you can mask most of the flaws in the ceiling lining, walls and connecting lines between them. Also, this detail is able to emphasize the special style of the room. That is why information on how to properly organize the work process of finishing the ceiling with a skirting board will not be superfluous. In this article we will consider the installation of the ceiling plinth and everything related to the decoration of the ceiling with this material.

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Variations of ceiling skirting boards

Manufacturers of these products produce baguettes in several versions, and each type of product has its own consumer demand. Next, we will consider the most common options for ceiling skirting boards, their advantages and disadvantages.

Polyurethane baseboards:

  • The most purchased product among the finishing options, easy and convenient to install.
  • Despite the fact that the baseboard is quite light, the product has a certain strength, so it is easy to install it for one person.
  • Due to the special composition, polyurethane skirting boards can be installed in rooms with high moisture levels.
  • The skirting board bends perfectly, so they can draw a ceiling of any complexity.

Polystyrene baseboard:

  • This type of skirting board, like polyurethane skirting, is lightweight.
  • The installation of a ceiling polystyrene baseboard will provide additional sound insulation of the connecting joints of the plates.
  • With prolonged exposure to artificial light, fillets lose their original saturated color.
  • Products are not particularly durable, on the basis of this, it is necessary to work with them with caution.


Skirting PVC:

  • PVC skirting boards are not intended for use in rooms with poor ventilation or high humidity.
  • The method of decorating PVC walls with skirting boards is considered by the master to be the most budgetary.
  • The color scheme of products allows you to choose baguettes based on the design of the room.
  • The disadvantage of using PVC fillets is their weak strength and elasticity. Insignificant efforts lead to dents, which greatly spoil the final result of the finish.
  • Products should not be treated with paint - from its components the frieze may become deformed.

Important! If you plan to install ceiling plinths yourself, we recommend that you opt for products made of polyurethane. Products have an affordable cost, the material is lightweight and has a long life, they use high-quality raw materials for their production.

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Where to begin?

Before you take up the painting of walls or wallpapering, you should think about the option of edging the room. In case the walls require wallpapering, the ceiling plinth must be installed before this process.

Important! If you stick a baguette on top of the wallpaper, then in places where the wallpaper did not adhere well to the wall, bumps may form. As practice shows, wallpapers change much more often than they change the shade of the ceiling, therefore, in order to avoid frequent installation of ceiling skirting boards, it is better to fix them first in the first place.

How to calculate the number of skirting boards for a room?

Want to know how to fix a ceiling plinth? To get started, first of all, you will need to correctly calculate the number of strips for decorating a room before buying baguettes. In a calm environment, use a tape measure to measure the length of smooth walls, as well as turns and bends. If you glue the wallpaper yourself, then such a calculation will not cause any difficulties:

  • Calculate the perimeter of the room where you plan to install baguettes.

Important! To make the finish look more attractive, use fillets of at least 2 m. Thus, you will have fewer joints.

  • Next, the result should be divided by the length of your chosen baseboard, for example 2 m, as a result - we get a figure that determines the number of required baguettes.

Important! Not always as a result of calculations an integer is obtained. If this happened to you, then you need to round off the fractions to an integer in a larger direction.

  • If, as a result of a miscalculation, you get an integer, get one or two units of the baseboard more.

Important! Additional skirting boards may be necessary if one of the strips is defective or a defect appears on the surface during installation.

  • If the walls in the room are too curved, then do not glue the long stripes of the plinth, this can cause them to break.
  • So that the glued ceiling baseboard looks beautiful around the entire perimeter of the room, we recommend gluing strips of approximately the same length, rather than combining long and short ones.

Important! When marking with a simple pencil on the wall, draw a line so that after installing the fillets it was not visible.

Necessary tools for installation:

  • A sharp clerical knife or hacksaw for metal;
  • Tape measure and pencil for marking;
  • Miter box - a special tool that will help to qualitatively cut the corners of baguettes;
  • Capacity for putty or glue;
  • Rubber spatula.
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How to choose a skirting board in accordance with the dimensions of the room?

In order for the baguette to look harmoniously in the room, there are certain rules that must be adhered to:

  1. If the ceiling height in the room is no more than 2.5 m, the width of the mounted baguette on the ceiling should not exceed 9 centimeters.
  2. With a ceiling height of 2.7 m for a room of 15 square meters. m set skirting board up to 10 cm, from 15 to 23 square meters. m - skirting board choose from 9 cm to 14 cm.
  3. If the ceilings in the room are 3 m or more, use a skirting board 10-15 cm wide for small rooms and 15-20 cm for large living rooms.
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Skirting board

Installing the ceiling skirting board with your own hands is not a very complicated process, however, all installation work should be carried out very carefully and leisurely. Otherwise - a quality repair in the room cannot be achieved:

  • To perfectly join slices in corners, use a tool called a miter box, with it you can easily cut an angle on a baguette of 45 degrees.

Important! First, cut a suitable angle on the baguette, and then adjust its length.

  • Most skirting boards are asymmetrical in shape - one side is longer than the other. The long side is glued to the wall, and the short side is allowed to the side of the ceiling.
  • If all the angles are 90 degrees indoors, cutting and docking them will not be difficult.

Important! In order to cut the corners of the plinth beautifully, the side that is located on the ceiling is laid on the bottom of the miter box.

  • The ceiling baguette must be laid evenly on the surface of the miter box and pressed firmly to the surface. Thus, the corners will be obtained without unnecessary gaps.
  • How to fix the ceiling plinth to the ceiling, if the corners are uneven? Attach one strip to the wall and draw lines along the sides of the baguette to the very corner, do the same on the other side of the corner.
  • With a pencil, mark the points of intersection of the strips on the ceiling and the wall, then transfer the points to the baguette, a cut should be made at these points.

Important! If you do not want to spend time drawing and calculating angles, you can purchase a corner mount for the ceiling plinth in the store. Fillets are inserted into the holes provided in it without precise trimming along the walls.

  • When you install the baseboard on the ceiling for the first time, practice cutting corners on excess parts. It is necessary to cut the parts along the outer corner, leaving 1 mm for adjustment, the excess is easy to grind.

Important! You can get rid of an unaesthetic gap in the outer corner with acrylic sealant. At the end of the repair, paint the corners.

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What glue to choose to install the skirting on the ceiling?

So, how to calculate the number and size of the skirting board - you already know, then you need to determine which glue the fillets should be mounted on. Earlier we wrote that the baguette is made from PVC, polystyrene foam and polyurethane, so for each of them it is necessary to choose the appropriate adhesive composition.

The main criteria for choosing glue:

  1. For products from foam, wood and polymer skirting boards use polymer adhesives. The most common among them are made on the basis of aqueous polymers that are readily soluble in water, based on liquid hardeners of plastic polymers and organic solvents.
  2. Mostly for mounting baguettes use PVA glue, “Bustilat”, “Dragon” or silicone sealants.
  3. In most cases, gypsum or polystyrene fillets are glued to the putty solution, it also covers the gaps between the skirting boards, the ceiling and the wall.
  4. Wood products are installed not only with glue, nails and screws are also used.


How to apply glue to the ceiling baseboard?

  • Before applying the polymer glue, prepare the walls and ceiling for better adhesion.
  • In the case of processing the walls with plaster or putty, they are pre-coated with a primer.
  • If the surface is covered with plastic or wood, degrease the surface.
  • The baseboard is glued to the ceiling, using the putty as follows: it is laid on the back of the fillet along the entire length, applied to the wall and slightly pressed. Excess adhesive mixture is removed with a spatula or finger.

Important! In the event that the wiring is hidden under the ceiling baseboard, it is pre-mounted to the ceiling or wall so that the wires do not pull the baseboard and do not complicate the gluing process.

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How to install a ceiling plinth? Mounting options

During the repair process, you can use one of the three most common ways to install a baguette on the ceiling:

  • Adhesive to the wall.
  • Sticking on the wallpaper.
  • Mechanical fastening. This method of mounting fillets is mainly used when installing suspended ceiling in panels. In this case, a special frame is mounted around the perimeter, on which a baguette is further fixed.

The use of any of the options has its advantages and nuances:

  • If you are installing a baguette for the first time without an assistant, we recommend attaching the baseboard by gluing it to the wallpaper.
  • The best option for the master is the installation of fillets on the wall. As a rule, the wallpaper in the room is changed much more often than the ceiling is repainted, in which case you will not need to re-install the ceiling skirting.

Next, we will take a detailed look at the step-by-step installation process of ceiling fillets.


Method number 1:

  • Before installing the skirting board, align and ground the ceiling and walls in the room.
  • Apply glue with a spatula to the inside of the baguettes.

Important! Try not to use a large amount of glue so that its excess does not protrude.

  • For a few minutes, attach the prepared strip to the wall, then remove and wait for the glue to set.
  • After a few minutes, attach it back to the wall, crushing a little.

Important! Do not put pressure on the baseboard with great effort, as cracks and dents can form on the surface.

  • Coat the subsequent parts of the baseboard with glue along the length and lateral parts in contact with the previous plank.
  • Having reached the corner, use a tape measure to measure the distance to it and cut the baguette using the miter box.
  • When the entire perimeter of the room is glued with fillets, fill all joints and gaps.
  • After drying completely, the baguette can be coated with paint to give the desired shade.

Important! The method of sticking baguettes on top of the wallpaper involves the exact sequence of actions, as described above.

Option number 2:

  1. Before starting the installation of the baseboard, angular elements are mounted around the perimeter of the room.
  2. Then, with an interval of 30 to 50 cm, a bar is attached to the wall to install the baseboard.
  3. Plinth installation is carried out on the frame.
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Over time, each master chooses a convenient method for installing fillets. In our article, we talked about the most used methods, how to install a skirting on the ceiling. Having carefully studied them, you can choose a method convenient for you and feel free to start repairing the room yourself. In order not to spoil the materials, work carefully and slowly, so your walls will have the best decorative design.

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