DIY suspended ceiling in the bathroom

Choosing how to decorate the ceiling in your bathroom, it is better to abandon options such as painting, whitewashing and wallpaper. The fact is that hot steam and a high level of humidity adversely affect any decorative coating. The most convenient and practical solution to this problem may be the installation of a suspended ceiling. It looks great, is able to last a long time, is inexpensive. From this article you will learn how to equip a false ceiling in the bathroom with your own hands, how to choose the most suitable material, get acquainted with the main aspects of installation.
to contents ↑Key Benefits of Suspension Structures
Owners of urban apartments and private houses nowadays increasingly prefer suspended ceilings. Let's find out why installing a false ceiling in a bathroom is in such demand:
- Under the hinged structure, you can easily mask the sewer pipes, ventilation duct, electrical wiring. It is these problems that are typical for bathrooms located in apartment buildings.
- The suspended canvas copes with masking the unevenness of the main ceiling. Of course, its surface can be leveled with plaster, but it is better to hide too large differences under special constructions.
- False ceilings are simple in execution, even a novice master can cope with installation.
- Mounted canvases are resistant to external factors and are quite durable.
- Such designs can be decorated with mounted fixtures.
- This method of decoration involves a lot of options for decorative decoration.
Plastic panels or drywall?
Having decided to make a suspended ceiling in the bathroom with his own hands, everyone is faced with the problem of choosing the right material. Fortunately, modern stores offer only two options, which are ideal for decorating the bathroom:
- plastic panels;
- drywall.
Important! Naturally, with increased humidity, only moisture-resistant material should be used. Proper installation and high-quality finish ensure a long service life of the structure.
When choosing a material, be guided by the following recommendations:
- Plastic is much better in resisting the effects of hot, humid air than sheets of drywall.
- In terms of cost, these two materials are practically no different.
- The technology for working with them is quite similar.
- Plastic ceiling panels are a finished layer of finishing, that is, after their installation, you do not need to perform finishing work.
- Drywall sheets must be subjected to additional finishing, which involves sealing the joints between the sheets, plastering the surface, applying a layer of decorative finish.
- The time required to install the drywall construction is much longer than when working with plastic.
- It is worth noting that plastic is an incredibly fragile material, so the panels must be handled carefully so that they do not form chips or cracks. In this regard, drywall is less demanding.
That is, when choosing between plastic and drywall, focus on your own preferences, because each option is good in its own way.
to contents ↑What is needed to install a false ceiling?
If you still prefer plastic, then, in addition to the main material, prepare all the necessary materials:
- Hammer or drill.
- Hacksaw for working on metal.
- Sharp knife.
- Fasteners in the form of dowels, self-tapping screws with press washers.
- Roulette.
- Building level.
- Pencil or marker.
- Metal profile and CD profile.
- Suspensions.
- Starting bar.
- Ceiling baseboard.
Self-assembly of suspended plastic construction
Choosing plastic panels to make a stretch ceiling in the bathroom with your own hands, first determine their thickness and color. It is important that the material matches the design of the room in color, meets the requirements of building standards in thickness. Experts recommend using panels with a thickness of 5-10 mm for the ceiling. Next, we consider in detail each stage of arrangement of the plastic structure.
Before starting the main work, do a number of the following:
- Remove all objects that could interfere with the repair work from the bathroom.
- If you are unable to make something out, protect these things properly.
- Remove the old suspended ceiling, if any.
Important! You can not touch the previous ceiling decoration, since it must be removed only in case of severe damage or damage by mold and fungus.
Install the hinged plastic ceiling according to the proposed scheme:
- Mark up. Draw a horizontal line across the walls at the future ceiling level using the building level. When calculating the distance from the main to the false ceiling, also take into account the dimensions of all communications that are hidden under the canvas and the height of the recessed fixtures is mandatory.
- Arrangement of the frame. According to the length of the walls, cut the metal profile. Make holes for dowels in increments of 500 mm in it. Attach the profile to the wall, mark the places for future fixtures. Drill holes for dowels in the wall, fix the profile with their help on the walls. Then cut the CD profile into small pieces to fit the width or length of the room. Insert the pieces of the guide profile into the already mounted metal profile. In places of inserts fix them with self-tapping screws and additional suspensions.
- Panel installation. Cut each panel to the required size. Install a starter rail or ceiling plinth to indicate where the installation began. Insert the first bar into the starting rail, slightly bend, bring the second end to the right place. Press the panel against the wall and secure with screws. Install the remaining panels in the same way, make sure that they are mounted end-to-end or connected with a special lock.
- Mounting fixtures. This should be done before installing the panels, that is, immediately after the arrangement of the frame. Route the wiring to each fixture. Leave cables with a good margin and use double insulated wiring. Check wiring for functionality. It is necessary to make holes for the lamps in the course of laying the panels. Do it better with a knife. Then install each lamp in place, connect them with terminals to the wiring. Insert the bulbs.
to contents ↑Important! From plastic panels you can make not only ordinary, but also a multi-level, modern, beautiful ceiling. No less interesting is the idea of installing panels of different shades or colors.
DIY ceiling installation
If you are interested in how to make a suspended ceiling in a bathroom from drywall, then study the information described below. Installation technology is not much different from the previous version, it includes the same steps, in particular:
- Room preparation.
- Installation of the frame.
- Installation of drywall sheets.
- Finishing work.
To equip a suspended ceiling from drywall, you must do the following:
- Around the perimeter of the room, install a guide profile, secure it with special dowels. In accordance with the marking, install the suspensions, they should be located strictly perpendicular and in the middle of this line.
Important! Make sure that the distance of the first fastener from the wall is at least 10 cm, mount all subsequent fasteners in increments of 30 cm.
- Fix the suspensions with dowels, install the main frame on them, fix it with screws. Install and snap the crab mechanisms. Then, using metal scissors or a grinder, cut the required lengths from the jumper profile. Place them under the crabs, align and secure with screws.
Important! Between the sheets of drywall there should be a distance of at least 5 mm to ensure the leveling of the material during thermal expansion.
- Close the seams with the mounting grid, plaster on top. Level the surface of the plates, apply the finish layer.
- As a result, you will have a smooth and even surface. It can be painted, tiled or wallpapered.
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We considered all possible options for arranging a false ceiling in the bathroom, especially the installation of plastic and drywall panels, which will allow you to perform all the steps correctly, clearly and without consequences.
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