Inexpensive high-quality design projects of a children's room

Children's room is a whole world for a child. Such a room should be both originally designed, convenient to use, its layout and the furniture used should be transformed and changed along with a growing baby. Today you can find interesting designs for the children's room, which are intended for both very young children and teenagers who already want the individuality and originality of the design of such a room.

Children's room project

Features of arranging a child’s bedroom

A feature of the layout and arrangement of the nursery is that its design and the furniture used should be updated every 2-3 years. An original and interesting room, which was ideal for a child aged 3-4 years, is no longer suitable for a baby who has just started to go to school. Also, the teenager needs to properly equip the nursery by installing a high-quality desk, a comfortable bed and using original modern styles in the design.

General requirements for the arrangement of a children's room:

  • high-quality light, including natural and artificial lighting;
  • safety of furniture and interior decoration;
  • color schemes should correspond to the preferences of the child, his gender and age;
  • environmental friendliness of decor elements, decoration materials and furniture used.

Features of arranging a child’s bedroom

Another feature of the arrangement of the nursery is the strict requirements for the materials and furniture elements used. All of them should be made of high-quality and completely environmentally friendly materials. At the same time, it does not make sense to use ultra-expensive furniture from solid wood of rare varieties, since the child is growing rapidly, accordingly, beds, tables, chairs and other items will often need to be changed.

A properly planned nursery will be perfectly suited for inexpensive and simple conversions, allowing you to change the style of design and functionality of such a room.

The space is necessarily safe for the baby. It is necessary to completely exclude heavy unstable objects, rickety racks, sharp corners, which a child can hit during his active games.

Baby for newborns

Often young parents make a typical mistake when arranging the children's room of their dreams, they use expensive high-quality furniture, lay spectacular natural parquet, paste the walls with imported wallpaper or use various decorative plasters. Such beautiful pink doll rooms, though they look interesting, however, practically not adapted for real use.

Baby for newborns

For example, in a nursery for a newborn, it is not recommended to use impractical fabric draperies, beautiful and complex lighting devices, folding furniture with sharp corners, which will simply be unsafe for the baby. The optimal layout is at the same time simple and made using natural materials, which should be completely environmentally friendly.

The applied decoration and furniture should be moisture resistant, as it will require almost daily hygienic cleaning of the room. You should completely abandon the inexpensive chipboard and similar wood-like materials.Despite all the sellers' statements about the environmental friendliness and quality of such inexpensive furniture, such panels will give off formaldehyde and an unpleasant odor, which is extremely harmful for very young children.

It is best to keep the nursery for the newborn in bright colors, the walls can be glued with ordinary inexpensive wallpaper, lay a laminate or warm tile with a corrugated surface on the floor. Of furniture, you will first need a crib or a cradle. The choice of the latter today is extremely wide, you can pick up both the simplest options and cribs for newborns worth 100-200 thousand rubles or more. It must be understood that the child will grow up quickly and in literally 2-3 years, it will be necessary to completely change the furniture used.

Design a room for a preschooler

The style of room design for a boy and a girl will be different. The older the child becomes, the more pronounced the differences will be. A preschool child’s boy’s can be decorated with various ships or planes, but for a girl, Barbie or Smesharikov’s styling will be an excellent option. With minimal cost, such a transformation of a child’s from a newborn to a preschooler can be accomplished using various photo wallpapers, which have an affordable cost and are easy to use.

When choosing a children's color scheme, pastel colors should be preferred. It may seem to many that such a room for a child must be framed in bright, catchy colors. However, in reality, such flashy reds, yellows and lemons will soon become boring and irritating. The best color for the nursery will be saturated, calm, but not pressuring the psyche in any way.

Design a room for a preschooler

When developing a design project for such repairs, it is necessary to try to lighten the interior, use transparent chairs, open shelves, light furniture and wall decoration. It is also mandatory to equip a play area where the baby can simultaneously retire and spend time in his many games.

Often parents try to equip the nursery for growth. Indeed, it is burdensome for the family budget to carry out repairs and complete remodels literally every 2-3 years. Partly you can save later on redevelopment and the purchase of new furniture using various modular collapsible structures. In such a case, the only thing that will have to be updated in the future is a desk and a full bed, which should fully fit the child’s height.

Proper zoning of the room

The basis for the layout of the nursery will be the correct zoning of the room. In such a room, the following zones should be distinguished:

  • sleeping area;
  • play area;
  • space for study.

Proper zoning of the room

If for preschoolers the nursery will be enough to be zoned into a sleeping place and a corner for relaxing and playing, then the student will need to allocate several square meters of full space for storing textbooks and setting up a desk. Such zoning can be performed with cabinet furniture, multi-level ceilings, mounting a small screen or a full-fledged gypsum board partition.

Correctly zoning the room is possible even in a small children's area of ​​10 square meters, arranging a cozy and comfortable room that will fully correspond to the age of the child. When planning the interior for preschoolers, it is advisable to give preference to the simplest suspended structures that provide maximum free floor space, which makes such a room suitable for leisure, recreation and games of the child.

Subsequently, for schoolchildren and adolescents, it will be mandatory to equip a full-fledged desk and bookcase in the nursery, designed to store textbooks and notebooks.As a child grows up, the need for a play area in such a room disappears, which makes it possible to expand a berth or equip an additional recreation area by mounting a Swedish wall or installing various other simple simulators.

The need to complete a design project

Many homeowners, equipping a nursery, refuse to carry out a design project, performing work even without a sketch of the future interior on hand. This greatly complicates the repair. In this case, it’s not easy to choose the right furniture, there are difficulties with determining the optimal color scheme.

A quality design project will include the following:

Quality design project

  • visualization of the room;
  • furniture layout plan and accurate measurements of all elements;
  • drawings with detailed technical specifications;
  • a certain style of interior with used decor elements;
  • various options for stylistic and planning decisions.

It is not at all necessary to have great professional experience and have specialized education in order to make a high-quality design project for a children's room. It is within my power to make such a sketch with my own hands based on the available interesting photographs and drawings of the nursery. It is only necessary to measure the size and type of furniture depending on the area of ​​the room and the age of the child.

Customized solutions

The design of the nursery will vary significantly, it can be both classic interiors and individual decisions, taking into account the preferences of each child. Little kids are often crazy about cartoon characters, so such interesting prints and murals can be used in the design of the room. Each child in the nursery, which is filled with a fabulous atmosphere, will always be happy and cheerful. You can order a sketch for a professional designer or design it yourself.

Nursery for schoolchild and teenager

A nursery for a schoolchild and a teenager can be decorated in various styles, it can be an unusual marine design with photo wallpapers on the corresponding topic or the original version with drawings on the theme of various animals. When choosing an interior, it is necessary to take into account the interests of the child, which will allow you to create an unusual room.

You can get ideas for design and design from the Internet, where there are hundreds of different sites with projects and photographs of interesting and unusual designs. Subsequently, using similar furniture and decoration elements, it will not be difficult to implement any stylish ideas that can be easily transformed at the same time as the child grows and his interests change.

There are various free services that offer source data on the area and style of the nursery to choose an interesting design option. In this case, you can get your hands on a high-quality design project with typical furniture, and the documentation will fully take into account the features of the room, its area and the desired style.

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