Wallpaper in the bedroom

The choice of wallpaper for the bedroom is a rather difficult task, given the huge variety of their types, as well as a large number of different manufacturers. By choosing the wallpaper in the bedroom correctly, you can create any mood in this room - romance, tenderness, mysterious mystery and even complete intimacy. That's why it is worthwhile to understand all the intricacies of choosing wallpaper for the room in which you relax and sleep.

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Features of choosing wallpaper for bedrooms

To make the right choice, you need to know some interior properties:

  • The drawing, which is directed horizontally, contributes to the visual expansion of the room, while “reducing” the height of the ceilings.
  • The figure, which is directed vertically, is able to “raise” the low ceiling, but visually reduce the area of ​​the room.
  • Such geometric figures as rhombuses and trapezoid, printed on the wallpaper, make adjustments to the psychological perception of space - it seems a little more.
  • A rare small picture and light wallpapers also help visually enlarge a small bedroom.
  • Large details of the picture, especially if they are located often, “reduce” the space.
  • Using a combination of wallpaper in the bedroom allows you to highlight different areas, for example, focus on the head of the bed, isolate a place for a home office or a corner with a dressing table.
  • Together with the wallpaper, you can buy a border suitable for design, which is used to horizontally divide the available area.
  • One of the walls (usually behind the head of the bed) can be accented by designing it using wallpaper with large patterns, an unusual texture, or a color contrasting with the rest of the walls.

Important! Such wallpaper can not be pasted over the entire wall, but only the part adjacent to the head of the head.

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Wallpaper Material for Bedroom

In the manufacture of wallpaper canvases, various materials are used that determine their properties. Each type of wallpaper in the bedroom has its own advantages, but all of them also can not do without flaws.


Paper is the cheapest material for making wallpapers. The quality of the wallpaper will depend on the quality of the paper - the higher it is, the better.

Important! The manufacturer can apply the paper in one layer or in several, which makes the wallpaper much more durable.


  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Low cost.
  • Easy to apply.
  • May pass air.


  • Low resistance to abrasion, burnout.
  • Short life (usually no more than five years).
  • Wet care is not allowed.

Important! The indicator of the quality of paper wallpaper is its specific gravity. If it is in the range of 110-140 - the wallpaper can be considered good.



A non-woven material such as non-woven is used as the basis for the manufacture of these wallpapers. It has a high density, consists of cellulose fibers containing polymer materials. There are several options for applying a picture to the base.

Non-woven wallpaper: direct application

The drawing here is applied to the non-woven backing. This type of canvas is much stronger than paper, but as well as everywhere, there are pros and cons.


  • The ability to pass air.
  • Strength.
  • Do not shrink and do not swell, which allows them to be glued to the wall immediately after applying the adhesive mixture.
  • Eco-friendly.
  • Smooth small cracks and bumps on the walls.


  • They burn out quickly enough.
  • This wallpaper cannot be washed.

Non-woven wallpaper: polymer coating

The drawing here is applied to the coating of polymers that cover the paper. This is often a vinyl coating. It can be either smooth, foamed or embossed (silk-screen printing). The surface can imitate plaster or brickwork.


  • Ability to remove wet contaminants.
  • Resistant to external influences.
  • Hide small wall defects - small potholes, cracks, chips.
  • Good tensile strength.


  • The polymer coating does not allow air to pass through.
  • Some types of polymers are capable of releasing toxic substances into the air, so you should choose exclusively certified products.


Fabric wallpapers are much more expensive than paper, however, they have a number of advantages that are difficult to ignore. Such canvases are made of two layers, where the bottom is thick paper and non-woven, the top is fabric yarn or canvas.

Important! The canvas can be felt, velor, jute, cotton, linen, silk.


  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Exclusivity.
  • Improved heat and sound insulation properties.


  • Low resistance to dust, moisture, mechanical damage, which is especially critical in the presence of animals in the house.
  • Difficult to care for - wet cleaning is not allowed.
  • High price.
  • A complex procedure for applying to walls, which requires the participation of a specialist.



Often, non-woven types of vinyl-coated linens are not used in the bedroom. The reason for this is the lack of ability to “breathe”. As a result, fungus can start on the walls under this type of wallpaper. The room pasted over with such wall-paper needs frequent airing.


  • The possibility of wet care.
  • A wide variety of textures and colors at a relatively low cost.


  • Do not pass air and moisture vapor.
  • Not environmentally friendly.

Other species

In addition to these, the most common types, there are also other types of paintings:

  • Wall murals that allow you to decorate the entire wall completely with a picture of nature, a view of the city or an abstract pattern. As a rule, wall murals have an adhesive layer.
  • Also, wallpaper can be made of fiberglass, often for painting.
  • In recent years, wallpaper made of natural materials - bamboo, leather, cork, has become increasingly popular.
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Texture and pattern of wallpaper for the bedroom

The design of wallpaper for the bedroom can directly affect our perception of the room, so you need to choose it based on the purpose of the room.


Canvases with the image of flowers are appropriate in the bedroom in case you want to get a romantic atmosphere. If the bedroom is designed for two, then you can combine flowers with a more “masculine” cage or strip.

Important! Floral motifs are great for decorating a room in Vintage and English style.

Cell and strip

Checkered ornaments and stripes are more characteristic for the design of a man’s bedroom. Suitable for interiors in classic, English and modern styles. Typically used on all walls, but if the stripes are not too bright.

Often, combined wallpaper is used to highlight the head of the bed. For example, a pattern of narrow strips of rich colors can be used as an accent on one of the walls - this is more typical of modern styles.



The most suitable bedroom linens in the style of Provence, Retro and Shabby Chic can be a wallpaper with floral and floral ornaments. Ornaments that use geometric details look quite strict, more often used in Art Deco or Classic.


Having chosen wall pasting products with textured embossing, as a result you can get a stylish and exclusive interior. Embossing can imitate velveteen, velvet or fabric, which is covered with a sofa.

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Rules for using a combination of wallpaper in the bedroom

Using paintings with different embossments and patterns in one room makes it possible to create original interior effects, correct minor imperfections in the shape of the room, visually divide the room into separate functional zones:

  • We highlight the advantages and mask the flaws. Different types of wallpaper for the bedroom make it possible to focus on the point you need. For example, a small roughness on the ceiling can be masked by drawing the viewer's attention to a bright pattern in the middle of the wall. And vice versa - decorating an uneven wall with neutral wallpaper will turn it into “invisible”.
  • We divide into separate zones. The bedroom can simultaneously perform several functions, for example, an office and the bedroom itself. by combining, you can visually separate them from each other.
  • Fix the geometry. a combined option in the design of wallpaper for the bedroom will help expand the narrow room. To do this, shorter walls are decorated with canvases of dark colors, and longer walls are light. If you have a square bedroom, then one of the walls can be pasted over with combined canvases of bright saturated colors, and the rest - light, so the room will look more advantageous.
  • We place accents. One of the easiest ways to highlight one of the walls is to design it with wallpaper in a contrasting tone or with some kind of pattern. Among a large number of types of wallpaper for the bedroom, you can choose matching in shades, but differing in saturation.

Important! Also, the accent wall can be pasted over with bright wallpaper with a decorative pattern. Well, if among the tones of the picture there is a tone of background paintings.

  • Focus on the point. Another common interior trick is to create a focal point that catches the eye. In this case, the emphasis is not on the wall completely, but only one fragment of it, for example, near a fireplace, bed, some antique piece of furniture or in a relaxation corner.
  • Decorate the room. As a rule, combined wallpapers are used as a decorative element in the interior. A plywood sheet is inserted into a suitable frame, which is papered and hung on a wall. Also, part of the wall with canvases of contrasting colors can be framed with moldings.
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Wallpaper for a small bedroom

Too small a bedroom is the problem of many apartments, especially the buildings of the middle of the last century. Therefore, the question of choosing wallpaper in the bedroom for many people is quite acute. Everything is important here - what color to choose, whether to take canvases with a pattern, how to properly combine different types of wallpaper.

The main recommendation when choosing wallpaper for a small bedroom is the choice of calm, bright and natural tones. In addition, there are several design techniques that can help visually enlarge a room:

  • A narrow room is easy to "expand" if you design the end walls with canvases of saturated, dark tones, and the rest - light.
  • With a low ceiling, do not use wide borders. If the bedroom is low and small in size, then the wide border will straighten the proportions.
  • The glossy surface of the wallpaper will help expand the room thanks to the game of reflections.
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Thus, choosing a wallpaper design for a bedroom, it is necessary to take into account many different nuances. But one thing to remember: you must like the room. In it, you relax and gain strength, so the main thing is that its interior does not bother you.

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