Wood wall decoration

The interior, made of wood and other natural materials in an Eco-style, is certainly one of the most popular today. This is not only a tribute to fashion, but also the understanding that it is the most healthy and close to nature way of organizing a room. In addition, wood wall decoration has a noble appearance. It can be made in different variations, colors and have a different texture. In the article, we will consider what wall decoration with wooden panels and other similar materials can be.

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If you decide to make the wall cladding with wood, then any designer will tell you that this is the right decision. Especially for a country house, because this material has many advantages:

  • Wood wall decoration can be done in a very short time, which does not affect the quality and appearance. Wood perfectly hides bumps and other effects on any surface.
  • Only this material is able to create an environmentally friendly microclimate. It provides air renewal in the room and maintains an optimal level of humidity, which prevents the appearance of dampness. Timber materials “breathe”, filter out harmful compounds from the air, which means that self-regulation is inherent in a tree.
  • Wood allows you to design an interior with various types of design from minimalism to stunning elegance.
  • Wood wall covering has excellent noise and soundproofing properties. The material is perfect for the category of those residents who want to protect themselves from annoying street noise.
  • Huge selection of drawings, patterns and textures. Manufacturers established the production of wood facing material from larch, beech, pine and other trees with a rich texture and high characteristics.
  • The wood paneling does not give incomprehensible chemical components; only pleasant smells characteristic of natural natural components, especially resins, come from it.

The undoubted advantage of wood wall decoration is its high operational life and durability. Such a coating with proper processing and installation does not mold and does not rot.

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Wood species

Before you start decorating the wall with a tree, you should decide on the type of tree:

  • Larch is an excellent building material for the home. It is durable, withstands heavy loads, is easy to stain and treat with stain. In addition to its attractive appearance, larch has another huge plus - it is able to have a therapeutic effect. Also, this material has a natural resistance to burning.
  • Materials from pine for wall covering with wood are characterized by good moisture resistance, they can be suitable for decorating walls and ceilings of a bathroom. But you need a special water-repellent impregnation. The cost of pine wood is quite affordable.
  • The most chic and at the same time the most durable oak is considered. Many have heard about a practically non-perishable oak floor. And if you decorate the walls of the house with oak battens, then your descendants will be able to admire them.
  • Spruce, like larch, has a very good heat capacity. Therefore, a house whose walls are decorated with panels or bars made of coniferous species is always warmer than other buildings.
  • Linden is very easy to process, which makes it possible to use elements of unusual wall shapes - semicircular, curved, wave-like, for decorating walls with wood. The cost of this material is the most budgetary.

Important! The most important thing when choosing a breed should be the functionality of the room in which the walls will be decorated with wood. For example, for a bath, bath and sauna, with high humidity, conifers are suitable. Well-ventilated ordinary rooms can be decorated with hardwoods such as alder, oak and linden.

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Types of finishes

The material itself is produced in various variations.


Lining is a material made in the form of a board made of wood. It has certain dimensions, has a smooth and even surface, and also has a similar profile, which allows you to get a reliable connection of the elements of the material among themselves according to the principle of tenon groove. On one side of the board there is a convex surface, a spike, and on the other, a concave groove.

Here is what distinguishes this view:

  • The material is made entirely of wood, which makes it environmentally friendly.
  • Great decoration opportunity.
  • The properties of the tree are preserved throughout the entire period of use.
  • The lining creates a smooth and smooth surface.
  • Humidity, through the use of such material, can be adjusted.
  • The antiseptic properties of wood and its aroma are very valuable.
  • Do-it-yourself installation of the lining will not cause any difficulties even for a beginner.
  • The resulting surface looks great.

Important! Lining as wall sheathing with wood, with appropriate care and attitude, can last a very long time. Its popularity only grows over time, not inferior to more modern finishing materials. In its production, carefully dried wood is used with both a smooth and an unprocessed surface.



This type is essentially a classic lining with all its advantages with the only difference - it is made taking into account European quality standards:

  • The main difference is the existing longitudinal recesses for ventilation. They serve as protection against condensation, as well as against stress inside the wood.
  • Eurolining has deeper connecting grooves, so the likelihood of crevices is significantly reduced.

There are several categories:

  • A - the highest, with a complete absence of knots on the surface;
  • In - average, allowing the presence of knots on the surface;
  • C - the lowest, rarely used for finishing work

Important! Euro lining costs a little more than a classic lining, but at the same time it looks more attractive.

Block house

Represents one of the varieties of finishing boards that imitate a beam or log, and creates the effect of a wooden log house. The material for wall sheathing with wood is relatively inexpensive, like lining, due to some production features:

  • It is made by sawing logs according to the “square in a circle” scheme. Thus, from the inside of the log you can get a beam and flat boards, and blanks for the blockhouse - from the outside. Therefore, production goes waste-free.
  • The main advantages of the blockhouse are: durability, strength, excellent thermal insulation and excellent sound insulation, easy installation, as well as the absence of deformation, even after twenty to thirty years.
  • It has very high fire safety, as it is saturated with antiseptics and flame retardants, it is practically not affected by fungi and insects.

Important! The cheapest option is a blockhouse made of pine or spruce, which, by the way, releases tar, which contributes to waterproofing and increased strength. For interior decoration it is recommended to use a narrow blockhouse - thus less space is lost.


Gusvarblok is simply an improved blockhouse, that is, a new word in wood finishing materials such as lining:

  • Profiled hussvarblok is made of the best lumber, where both softwood and hardwood are used from forest areas remote from industrial areas.
  • Today, there are many options for curly profiles.
  • The panels are joined using a hidden connection that does not violate the pattern.
  • Installation, the owner can even perform independently, some special skills will not be required at work.

Important! The only drawback, in comparison with the above products, is the higher cost.

Wood Wallpaper

Human imagination has no boundaries. And when lining the walls with wood in the apartment, you no longer need to choose between wallpaper and wood. There are already on sale wooden wallpapers:

  • This material for wall covering with wood in the apartment is a small thin plate with a width of not more than 20 cm. Their surface can be smooth or textured, with or without a pattern.
  • Wall-paper from a natural tree fasten on a wall by means of glue, and with each other they are joined by the principle "groove-spike". Such a hidden connection allows the tree to “breathe” and preserves the integrity of the picture due to the fact that the seam is completely invisible.
  • In fact, each roll has its own pattern, which distinguishes it from any other wallpaper.
  • Compared to other wood finishes, it is possible to glue even uneven surfaces, or even radii, with this product, which the previous types of materials do not allow.

Important! For the manufacture of this finishing material, various types of wood are used. Economical options include spruce and pine, but the cost of wooden natural wallpaper, for example, from larch will be much more expensive.

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Wooden panels for walls

These panels for wall cladding with wood are mainly used as interior decoration. The cladding is used for accent walls, decorating partitions or the original design, practical masking of built-in furniture. Fans of minimalism will like a room fully decorated with wood paneling. This material also has its advantages:

  • Caring for such wall cladding with wood is not difficult. It is enough to wipe the surface with a damp cloth, removing all dust and dirt, and it will again be like new. Even the use of special detergents is not required.
  • The coziness and comfort that a room finds after such decoration is difficult to repeat in any other material.
  • Whatever method of fixing the panels to the wall is used, it will not take much time, it will not require special skills. Everyone can do the interior decoration.
  • Panels made of natural wood can be expensive, but you can always find an alternative to them, because now manufacturers produce such MDF or chipboard panels.

Important! Panels are necessarily processed with special protective compounds, however, if the consumer is a supporter of the ecological approach, it is better to give preference not to varnished, but to waxed panels. This is especially true when decorating living rooms.

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When choosing materials for decorating a wall with a tree in a country house or for covering the walls with wood in an apartment, give preference to domestic wood:

  • All the features of “their” species of wood have already been studied, and experts have long known how this or that local wood behaves under any conditions, unlike rare and exotic species.
  • Another plus of this option is that local wood is much cheaper, and looks inside the house just as beautifully and quite decoratively. But, of course, if you have a great desire and financial opportunities, you can decorate the house with rare panels of mahogany or carved oak beams.
  • Also consider how capricious the chosen interior decoration is. A busy person may not have time to often conduct antiseptic treatment of walls, for example.
  • Before starting the finishing work, carefully calculate how many lining boards or panels you need for wall cladding, and what types of them will be needed. Buy material with a small margin - this is better than leaving an unfinished corner due to the lack of material.

Important! After calculating the cost of all the work, estimate: can you afford it? And it’s better to hire a finishing specialist for calculations, which will take into account all the nuances of the selected decor, which the average consumer may not even suspect.

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The modern market offers a wide selection of finishing materials made of wood. Some of them are very expensive, designed for luxury homes, while others are affordable for almost everyone. But regardless of the type of material and its price, wall sheathing with wood will make your home more comfortable and environmentally friendly.

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