Drywall walls in a wooden house

Their country house or cottage is the dream of many, because such housing does not go to any comparison with an apartment in a stone jungle. And if your dream is embodied in a real tree, then its value is doubled. Houses made of timber, combine all the nuances for a comfortable stay. It's just that this comfort can be difficult to create, and when it comes to interior decoration, many begin to rack their brains. Preserving the wooden structure of the tree or covering it with finishing materials - much depends on the actual conditions and financial possibilities. If you decide that the wall decoration with drywall in a wooden house will still be, then we suggest that you carefully read this article.

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The advantages of drywall

If you are still deciding whether it is worthwhile to finish the walls with drywall in a wooden house, then for a start we will consider the main advantages of this material:

  1. Drywall in a wooden house easily solves the problems of laying any communications. This brick wall can be drilled under the wiring. Hiding communications in a log cabin will be expensive. And the wall thickness will decrease significantly, which can affect the comfort of living.
  2. Drywalling the walls in a wooden house will help improve thermal insulation. After spending one winter in a new house, you will realize how comfortable it is, whether it is too cold or hot. Depending on these conditions, insulation can be added or removed to the casing frame.
  3. Now the building materials market offers special materials impregnated with flame retardants. This increases the fire safety of the house sheathed with such drywall.
  4. When deciding how to sheathe walls with drywall in a wooden house, consider one more thing. This material gives vent to imagination and allows you to diversify the interior with various decorative delights - whether it be niches or arched passages. With their help, you can zoning the space and give personality to any typical project.
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Material selection

Today in the construction market you can find several types of material for wall decoration with drywall in a wooden house. They differ in purpose, and then according to their properties:

  • Ceiling material, as the name implies, is most suitable for finishing ceilings. Because such sheets have a small weight and thickness - not more than 1 cm, so as not to burden the structure.
  • Arched material is marketed with even less heavy and thin sheets. The thickness of such drywall does not exceed 8 millimeters. Due to these characteristics, the sheets are perfectly bent and very plastic, which allows them to be used to form arches in the interior.
  • The strongest and heaviest drywall is wall. The thickness of such a sheet cannot be less than 12.5 mm. This is enough to provide good protection from the cold to your home.

Important! All masters who know how to plasterboard walls in a wooden house will advise you to opt for such well-known manufacturers as “Knauf” and “Volma”. Their products have long been well established.


In addition to the use of material for wall decoration with drywall in a wooden house, you should know that the sheets differ in basic properties:

  • Standard drywall gray with basic characteristics and environmentally friendly additives is considered universal. It is suitable for wall decoration in any room where average humidity is maintained and there are no sudden changes in temperature.
  • Special products include moisture-proof greenboard drywall, in which silicone, hydrophobic and antimicrobial agents are added. Their characteristics allow the use of the material even in conditions of high humidity - in the bathroom or on the balcony. Moreover, this does not affect the life of the sheets.

Important! Answering the question of how to plasterboard walls in a wooden house with your own hands, it is worth noting that this is a more suitable option for the cottage than the standard version.

  • In the next type, manufacturers add special reinforcing inserts of fiber. Due to this, fire-resistant drywall does not burn, but only charred and does not allow the fire to spread. The color of this material is appropriate - pink or red. Since a country house with a dry microclimate is subject to fire, such wall decoration with drywall in a wooden house is very justified.

Important! Going to a hardware store before sheeting the walls with plasterboard in a wooden house with your own hands, do not forget to purchase putty and primer for finishing work.

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Necessary tools

Wall decoration with drywall in a wooden house involves various kinds of work, which will require the following tools.

  • hammer drill;
  • jigsaw and saw;
  • chisel;
  • drill with drills;
  • building or laser level;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • tape measure with a pencil;
  • scissors for metal;
  • knife;
  • putty knife.
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Features of the work

Repair and drywall have long been inseparable concepts. Without the second, the first rarely happens, but not always working with this material is simple and convenient. Especially if there is a question about how to sheathe walls with drywall in a wooden house with your own hands. This has its own nuances and subtleties that distinguish the entire process from installation in ordinary apartments:

  • The structure of glued beams should be allowed to settle. The minimum shrinkage period is a month, the maximum is a year. To avoid negative consequences, many builders advise to do wall decoration with drywall in a wooden house after 12 months, not earlier.
  • This time can be spent on digging the walls in two stages - in a month and in half a year. And then treat the wood with special compounds that will not allow the appearance of mold, fungi and rot.
  • If internal work is carried out in a house that has been used for its intended purpose for a long time, then it is worthwhile to check the quality of all structures first and, if any defects are identified, to carry out repairs.

Finishing technology - which one to choose?

To properly plaster the walls in a wooden house, it is worth considering all of the above. And it becomes clear that the adhesive installation method, which is considered the simplest when working with this material in brick buildings, is completely unsuitable here:

  • If large communications, such as heating pipes, water pipes or ventilation systems, pass along the wall, then they will have to be redone and moved away from the wall.
  • Tight fastening when decorating walls with drywall in a wooden house leaves no room for shrinkage - the drywall will bend along with the walls, and this will inevitably lead to its destruction.
  • The too tight fit of the drywall to the logs creates adverse conditions, the natural microclimate is disturbed. The increased humidity that occurs when a wall freezes increases humidity. And this, in turn, leads to the formation of mold spores under the finish, which grows rapidly and can cause significant harm to health.

In solving the problem of how to sheathe walls with drywall in a wooden house, there are two installation options:

  • On the frame of the bars.
  • On a metal profile.

We propose to consider them more carefully.

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Mounting the base of the finish

Preparatory work consists in competent processing of the initial surface:

  • Before mounting begins, any protruding or collapsing elements are removed from the walls, cracks and holes are smeared with putty, and places where there are knots are marked on the uneven bars. They can complicate the installation of rails.
  • You should determine in advance how the wiring will go. Usually it is laid inside the frame, but when decorating the walls with drywall in a wooden house, it is better to put it over sheets of drywall.

Important! According to the established rules, the laying of electric cables or wires is allowed only in metal sleeves.

  • Installation of plastic pipes and corrugated elements for lining is also prohibited. The explanation is simple: if you decide to screw in a self-tapping screw or drive a nail, for example, for a picture, there is a chance to touch the communications under the skin. It threatens with either flooding or short circuit.


Wooden beam lathing

For a wooden frame, experienced craftsmen advise you to choose not only which bars. The cross sectional dimensions of the selected parts for vertical posts should not be smaller in cross section than 40 by 70 mm, horizontal - 30 by 50 mm.

Operating procedure:

  • Before you plaster the walls with your own hands, a place is planned for installing the extreme elements of the crate. This is especially important in cases where only part of the surface will be occupied by the finish.
  • The location of the bars or boards along the perimeter is measured using the level and plumb, because the subsequent elements will be focused on them.
  • In case the surface is uneven, a substrate is used under some bars. Only in this way will it be possible to correct the defects. For example, you can grind the bars or comb out the base.

Important! The choice of option depends on the nature of the bumps. If, when decorating walls with drywall, they are available on the entire surface, then it is better to use substrates.

  • To determine the distance between the walls and the crate, the highest point on the surface is determined and the position of the frame bars is already calculated from it. In this case, it is best to take a margin of 2-3 mm on the unevenness of the battens themselves.
  • Having determined the direction of the first beam of the frame, having calculated the required size of the substrates, it is fixed with dowels and screws screwed at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other.
  • After the first beam, the rest are installed, which will form the perimeter of the crate. Everything is done with the derivation of a common plane and level.
  • Window and doorways, as well as protruding parts of the walls, are sheathed around the perimeter with beams so that the edges of the elements fit snugly against the edges.
  • After that, proceed to mount the intermediate bars.

Important! There is no need to rigidly connect the intermediate elements to the frame. In the case of rigid fastening during thermal deformation or due to a change in humidity, the position of the cladding elements may go astray, which will affect both the appearance and strength of the entire structure.

  • When using substrates, the edges of the timber are fixed, referring to the indications of the building level and plumb, and after that this element is fixed in the middle.

Important! Before sheathing the walls with drywall, all wooden elements should be treated with flame retardants, as well as antiseptics. Such a measure will avoid the appearance of mold and fungi.


Lathing with a metal profile

According to a similar standard scheme, walls are also decorated with drywall in a wooden house on a metal profile:

  1. From the floor and from the ceiling measure 10-15 centimeters. Draw horizontal lines along these landmarks, they will become the main guides.
  2. Use the level to mark the location of the uprights.
  3. On the reference lines for vertical racks, fix the sliding joints, preferably 4 pieces each.
  4. Set the main metal profiles and horizontal jumpers using crabs.

If the building is still in the process of shrinkage, then before starting work on decorating the walls with drywall in a wooden house, it is worthwhile to prepare sliding fasteners for vertical profiles:

  • To the connector of the first level screws are fastened with a bar, on which the sliding support PAZ 2 is dressed. It is this support that is fixed motionless to the wall of the house. In this case, the crab together with the profile can freely move up and down within 6 cm.
  • Drywall sheets are cut so that there is a small gap between the floor and the ceiling. Such fastening allows the wall to “breathe” without violating the integrity of the casing. Shrink seams along the floor and ceiling are covered with floor and ceiling skirting boards.

Useful Tips

Inexperienced drywall planners repeat the same mistakes from generation to generation. Because of them, many are so disappointed in metal structures. Although before you plaster the walls with drywall in a wooden house with your own hands, it’s worth remembering just a few rules:

  1. The ceiling profile cannot be used under the wall crate for drywall sheets.
  2. Do not cut profiles with a grinder. In this case, the zinc protection burns out, and the corrosion resistance of the frame drops significantly. The best tool for cutting profiles will be metal scissors.
  3. When a sketch of the lathing from the profile is made, it must be calculated in such a way that when sheathing the seam between the sheets does not fall at the corner of the window or door. Impact loads will soon cause cracks in the finish.
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Drywall Mount

If you coped with the installation of the battens when decorating the walls with plasterboard in a wooden house, then it's time to start the final stage of work. To do this, cut drywall sheets to the size you need using an office knife or a jigsaw.

Important! Keep in mind that when working with this loose material, a lot of dust will appear, so take care in advance about protecting your eyes and skin.

When further decorating the walls with drywall in a wooden house, strictly observe the following rules:

  • All work with drywall must be carried out in a dry room at a temperature of at least 15 ºС.
  • Self-tapping screws fastening sheets to the frame should enter the material only at right angles.
  • Sheet material is only parallel to the supporting profiles.
  • Sealing of longitudinal seams is carried out using reinforced tape.
  • Transverse seams should rest on transverse inserts from the supporting profile. The distance between the transverse seams of adjacent sheets should be at least 40 cm.
  • The heads of the screws are recessed into drywall, then putty in one layer.
  • To arrange communications in the frame between the surface and drywall, it is necessary so that the wires and pipes with their sharp edges do not damage the elements of the whole structure.
  • In order for wall decoration with drywall to be considered completely finished, you must first primed the walls, and then proceed with the putty. The composition must be processed not only the caps of screws and bolts, but also the joints of the sheets. As a result, you should get a single, perfectly flat surface.

If you carefully read this article, now you know how to properly plaster walls in a wooden house. There is nothing complicated in this - it is enough to calculate everything in advance and prepare the necessary materials and tools. This is a great solution to many problems. Quick installation will align the walls and provide additional thermal insulation. The main thing is to remember that all work should be carried out after shrinkage of the structure.

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