Decorating the bathroom with plastic panels

Carrying out repairs in the bathroom, everyone is faced with the problem of choosing a material for interior wall decoration. Of course, the tile for this purpose is ideal. Unfortunately, this is a very expensive material that not everyone can afford. Another thing is the decoration of the bathroom with plastic panels. They are resistant to high temperatures and high humidity, in addition, such repairs will cost you a mere penny. This method we will consider in detail in this article.

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All the pros and cons of plastic panels

Wall plastic panels are highly dense. In addition, they have the following advantages:

  • High sound insulation;
  • Resistance to burnout and moisture;
  • Ease in leaving;
  • Plastic;
  • Able to withstand high temperatures;
  • Suitable for combining with absolutely any kind of lighting;
  • Easily hide all the existing imperfections of the walls;
  • Ease of installation;
  • After installation, a little garbage remains;
  • Attractive aesthetic appearance;
  • Low price;
  • Resistant to the appearance of fungi;
  • Possibility of multiple analysis and subsequent collection of the entire structure, which is very convenient when moving;
  • Long retain their original appearance;
  • The opportunity to implement a variety of design solutions, even the most extraordinary.

Unfortunately, like other finishing materials, plastic panels also have their drawbacks:

  • With a strong blow, they are deformed. Therefore, the crate for the panels should be at least 1 centimeter.
  • The panels do not “breathe”, so the room requires constant ventilation.
  • If the quality of the PVC panels is low, an unpleasant odor may appear over time.
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Types of Plastic Panels

To date, only 3 types of plastic panels are presented on the building materials market:

  • Stacked rack panels. They look very similar to the lining and are installed exclusively on the wall. Their main advantage is that they do not require additional gaps, if you do not plan any additional decor.

Important! If you stack horizontal rack panels, the room will visually expand, and if vertical, the ceilings will become higher.

  • Panels for tiles. Their installation is carried out similarly rack, but the result in the end is completely different. The most popular are panels measuring 30-98 centimeters.

Important! In order to cover the walls with plastic panels under the tiles was even more interesting, they can be laid out in a checkerboard pattern.

  • Leafy. In their appearance, they are somewhat reminiscent of sheets of plywood. To fasten such material, nails and glue are used.
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Which panels are better to choose?

If you decide to finish the bathtub with plastic panels, it is very important to approach the choice of this material with all responsibility, since the future appearance of the room will depend on your decision. We bring to your attention a few rules that will help you make the right choice:

  1. If the room has a small area, try to pick up panels of bright colors. Thus, you will make the room visually more spacious.
  2. Small images that are located across the canvas also visually make the room more overall. But for a room with a low ceiling, panels with a vertical strip will be an excellent solution to the problem.
  3. Try to choose panels with a large number of stiffeners.
  4. Avoid various rough surfaces and protrusions, as this can create difficulties when caring for such a coating.
  5. Always pay attention to the presence of hydrogen, chlorine and carbon in the composition of PVC. The presence of ethylene should be no more than 43%, and bound chlorine - no more than 57%.
  6. Try to avoid cracks during installation, as moisture penetrates into them and fungus appears.

Important! Plastic panels are an excellent solution for budget or temporary repairs of small bathrooms, in which for some reason it is impossible to carry out more expensive repairs.

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How to make your own plastic bathroom trim?

Self-installation of PVC panels does not require any professional skills. The only thing you need is a desire and special tools and materials, such as:

  • Reiki
  • Moldings;
  • Metal profile;
  • "Liquid Nails";
  • Insulation;
  • Impregnation, which creates a waterproof film;
  • Building level;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Hammer drill;
  • Meter;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Pencil;
  • Triangle;
  • PVC panels.

Important! In order to calculate the required number of panels, you need to measure the bathroom and calculate the area that you will be paneling. Next, divide the area for decorative decoration into the area of ​​your chosen panel.


Preliminary preparation of walls for installation

Before facing the walls with plastic panels, it is very important to pre-prepare the rough surface:

  • If you decide to carry out a frame method of finishing, you need to remove the remnants of the old coating, as well as align the walls in those places where you plan to install the rails.
  • If you plan to fasten plastic panels using glue, the wall must also be cleaned of the old coating, after which you need to carefully level the entire surface and dry it.

Important! Regardless of the installation method you choose, the rough surface should be carefully treated with an antifungal agent or primer.

Technology for mounting PVC panels

There are several ways to decorate walls with plastic panels:

  • Wireframe;
  • With glue;
  • Fixing clips.

Next, we will consider in more detail each of the above methods.

Mounting with glue

This is the easiest way to wall cover. The most important thing is that the rough surface is perfectly smooth.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that the glue should be special in the type of “liquid nails” with a complete absence of organic solvents.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Apply glue to the back of the panel. Distribute it should be a "snake", moving horizontally.
  2. Gently move the panel to the surface of the wall and align it vertically.

Important! When fitting the panels, pay attention to their distance from the floor and from the ceiling. It should be about 2-3 millimeters. This is necessary so that in the future you can fix the baseboard.

Wireframe method

In this case, the installation is carried out using self-tapping screws or nails. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Assemble a metal or wooden frame.

Important! For the bathroom, it is best to use a metal frame, since under the influence of moisture the tree is subject to damage. If you plan to place plastic panels vertically, the frame bars must be placed parallel to the floor. Thus, the water will not get into the joints, but simply will drain down

  • Install the panels starting from the corner. They are fixed directly on the crate using self-tapping screws.

Important! The starting corner groove is used for the narrow shelf of the first panel.

  • Align the panel vertically and fix it on the profiles of the frame with self-tapping screws. Screw them into a wide installation shelf.
  • Take the narrow mounting shelf of the next panel and carefully insert into the groove of the previous one. The joint should be very tight.
  • Insert the last panel into the groove of the last corner, while applying some physical effort.
  • Close all lines connecting the panels to the floor and ceiling.


Mounting with mounting clips

This method has several advantages, for example, snapping clips greatly facilitates and accelerates the process of wall cladding panels. In addition, you have the opportunity to mount an electric cable into the mounting rail. Another advantage in favor of such installation is the ease of dismantling, which allows you to save the material its original appearance. In order to finish the walls of the bathroom with plastic panels, follow this sequence of actions:

  1. Using the mounting strips, make the wall crate. If the surface is uneven, special gaskets will come to your aid.
  2. Fix the mounting strips to the wall. They should be screwed with screws in a special groove.
  3. Use the screws to set the starting corner. Click it with clips to the bar.
  4. Install the panels. This should be done as in the previous method. The only difference is that in this version clips are used for fastening.
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Useful tips and tricks

In order for the lining process to happen faster and better, we bring to your attention a few practical tips and tricks that will help you with this:

  • It is necessary to drill the panel, having previously turned its front part up.
  • It is better to cut plastic with a hand saw, a hacksaw for metal or a construction knife.
  • To protect the eyes, special glasses must be worn.
  • Glue must be applied immediately to the wall and to the back of the panel.
  • Work with a hammer very carefully so as not to damage the surface of the panel.
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Finishing walls with plastic panels is quite easy and even a beginner can do. Putting our advice into practice, you can repair the bathroom not only in a quality manner, but also in style, even with a very limited budget.

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