DIY bathroom decoration

The bathroom is an important room in every home, because here the body is cleansed of dirt and fatigue accumulated during the day, this is a place where you can relax and think about the past and future. And, of course, I want this part of the house to not cause tears and a feeling of shudder, and this is what repair will help. Unfortunately, remodeling a room is often quite a costly article, in particular, the cost of materials and work are almost equal, so decorating a bathroom with your own hands makes sense.

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Where to begin?

First of all, you need to decide on the materials, based on your own skills and financial condition. Then make measurements and calculations of the required amount of the selected resource, then, respectively, make a purchase and installation.

Important! Any repair always starts from above, and the bathroom is no exception. The process should be carried out from top to bottom, dismantling old materials and communications.

If you are thinking about changing their position, then the next step is best to do just that. If possible, it is best to put all the pipes in the box. It is worth noting that with the current abundance of materials, finishing a bathroom with your own hands is not the most difficult process, however, for the floor it is worth choosing more reliable tiles or porcelain tiles.

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The choice of material: their advantages and disadvantages

When you recall the bathroom in the classical sense, a picture pops up of a room tiled under the ceiling. However, at this time, there is a huge selection of materials, such that even the most krivorukovy novice master will cope with finishing the bathroom with his own hands.

Here are just some of the most popular materials:

  • Ceramic tiles;
  • Decorative rock;
  • Waterproof paint;
  • Waterproof wallpaper;
  • Drywall;
  • Decorative plaster.

Important! The first two options are more difficult to install and more expensive to purchase, although reliable.

More budget options are easier to install, however, it should be noted that when choosing one of them it is also necessary to go through the stage of dismantling and preparing the walls.

Important! Now most often they don’t bother with puttying when leveling the walls, but use a special moisture-proof drywall for this, which allows you to quickly and accurately prepare large areas for further work when decorating the bathroom with your own hands.

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Tiled materials

This type of finish includes the following:

  • Actually ceramic tiles.
  • Mosaic (glass or stone).

Important! Now the use of mosaics is not an indicator of the complexity of the work and high cost. Small parts are laid on a special substrate and are sold in the form of tiles, in addition, glass is also common.

  • Agglomerate.
  • Porcelain tile.

And yet, each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account, especially when decorating a bathroom with your own hands:


Tile (ceramic tile)

Ideal for wet rooms. It is easy to clean, moisture resistant, practical to use, and also has a huge selection of colors and styles. In addition, thanks to various laying methods, a work of art can be made from an ordinary room, the main ones can be distinguished among them:

  • “Seam to seam” is the simplest basic option, the main thing is the coincidence of joints in all directions.
  • “In a run” - looks like a bricklaying with an offset of ½ element, extremely easy to execute.
  • From an angle, an obvious plus is the visual component of this installation and the ability to hide flaws in the evenness of the walls, however, you will have to “pay” for such beauty by increasing the consumption of material and its mandatory processing.
  • “Chess” and “chess at an angle” - the appearance is not difficult to guess from the name. With this selection of do-it-yourself bathroom finishes, an alternation of light and dark shades is used.

Important! Both “chess” options are best used for laying tiles on the floor. When decorating the walls, various effects may occur, which will be tiring for the eyes.

  • Lines - it means decorating with different colors linearly (both horizontally and vertically).


It is increasingly used for decorating a bathroom with your own hands. On average, the element is 2x2 cm, but they are all glued to a polymer mesh, adjusted to an approximate tile size of 30x30 cm. It usually consists of stone or glass majolica, but more exotic materials are also found. Due to the use of glass, they are very moisture resistant, do not allow fungi and bacteria to multiply, are not subject to deformation, and are heat-resistant. Perfectly shown as a flooring, and also look great as a decorative element in zoning, although there are also fully finished in a similar way rooms.



In all its characteristics, the trip to the tile is more durable and easy to lay. The downside is the price segment of this material.

Porcelain Tiles

Due to its gravity and strength, it is preferred for the floor.

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Wood, natural and artificial stone

It should be noted that they are quite suitable as a resource for repairs, although they require the work of professionals and specialized processing. Sandstone, granite or marble, an acrylic stone or a stone on the basis of gypsum - admirably decorate the walls, but are quite expensive.

Important! Marble is easy to use, durable, but very sensitive to acids.

When choosing a tree, you should pay attention to coniferous species, linden, aspen or oak. They will look good in conjunction with stone, tile and on their own, however, they necessarily require specialized antifungal, antimicrobial treatment.

Important! Cork is gaining popularity as a finish, it is less sensitive, although it requires compliance with its nuances.

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Siding, or otherwise plastic panels, allows you to repair your bathroom with your own hands quickly and without extra costs. The technology is the same as when finishing with plastic lining.

When flashing the ceiling, it is better to use guides and the frame, but when facing the walls, with sufficient flatness, you can install directly on the wall, although it is better to pre-install drywall, as an additional layer of insulation, insulation.

Produced in the following versions:

  • Slatted panels - outwardly similar to lining, respectively - work is also happening.
  • Sheet - resemble a drywall plate, installation is done with special glue or sealant.
  • Under the tile - work with them occurs using special brackets.
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Wallpaper or paint

When you need at least some improvement in appearance, and with resources - both financial and labor difficulties are experienced, the simplest and most effective way is either painting the walls or wallpapering.

It is worth noting that with the simplicity of these works, even a person who has never held a brush in his hands will cope with finishing a bathroom with his own hands.

Important! Regarding the choice of wallpaper, it is worth looking for them marked with three waves - these will not fall off in the first month, since they are specially moisture-resistant impregnated. But the paint is better to take a multi-component latex, although it is quite suitable and water based.

An interesting option is to use decorative plaster, although it must be covered with a protective compound, varnish or paint.

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It seems that in our time there is no place in an apartment or house where such wonderful, comfortable material as drywall is not used. The bathroom is no exception. With it, the walls are leveled, a box is created in which you can hide communications. Decoration of decorative elements such as arches, false columns can not do without it. Naturally, to finish the bathroom with your own hands, you need a moisture-proof drywall, but the procedure for working with it is the same as with the usual.

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Floor and ceiling finishes

When the installation of the walls is finished, it makes sense to do the decoration of the ceiling. The main requirement is moisture resistance, so the easiest way out is to paint with water-repellent paint, although it is also possible to use plastic panels or suspended ceilings.

Important! Stretch ceilings not only do not require preliminary leveling of the surface, but also can save from flooding, which is most important in the bathroom, especially when you notice such attempts behind the neighbors. Therefore, do not be stingy - call the masters who provide such services.

If various options are possible when decorating walls, then the floor requirements are more stringent. The material must be resistant to abrasion, not slippery, moisture resistant. Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles, as well as their combination with glass majolica, are most suitable for these requirements. Work on the installation of the floor should begin with the preliminary dismantling of the old coating, refilling the screed if necessary and laying waterproofing, and then actually make the installation of the selected coating.

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Installation of communications

In fact, with the action of dismantling and installing communication, the repair in the bathroom begins as such. It is worth noting that the complete destruction of old pipes and wires is not always necessary, sometimes they should only be moved or deepened, since good metal-plastic pipes are designed for a service life of about 50 years. What is noteworthy, if you are going to install new equipment in the bathroom, then it is at this semi-preparatory stage that you need to be puzzled by removing the necessary drains for the equipment, and most importantly - conduct wiring, create places for future outlets.

Important! Recently, during the repair, the use of special cabinets or baskets has been observed in order to remove all the main interchanges, they can be bought ready-made and simply installed or mounted, like the entire finish of the bathroom with your own hands. Such designs not only make it convenient to access all the necessary switches, taps, plugs, but also very transform the entire room in terms of aesthetics.

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With the current abundance of various materials and their appearance, it is not difficult to find the material that you can afford with its aesthetic parameters. It’s how feasible to finish the bathroom with your own hands, although, like with any action, there are some nuances here, the elimination of which is best left to the professional masters - such as stretch ceilings, wiring installation and other highly specialized works.

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