200 nursery interior design ideas with photos

When choosing designs for a children's room, special attention should be paid to the combination of colors, as young children are very sensitive to saturated colors, and they can negatively affect their psycho-emotional state. Equally important is decoration in a children's room in an apartment or a private house.

Interesting details and elements are important for kids, and you shouldn’t load the room much, there should be a place, because children like to move. The interesting interior of a children's room for schoolchildren and a small child can differ significantly. In the first case, it is important to be able to zone children’s rooms correctly in the workplace, play space and place for relaxation.

You should not clutter up the room with furniture, it should be functional and not massive. Below you can see a practical and beautiful arrangement of a room for toddlers and older children: real photos and interesting solutions.

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Ideas for designing different colors

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Light colors

In order for the children's room to be comfortable and cozy, the basic colors should be light and neutral. Such a layout of a children's room can be diluted with bright accents, for example, saturated curtains or a bright rug.

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Is it worth it to make the kids dark

Dark colors are best avoided when planning a kids room design. But it is allowed, for example, that children's furniture, the photo of which is presented below, should be in dark colors, but with light linens.

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In green colors

Modern designs of a small or large children's room or bedroom may include the use of bright colors. Making a children's room in green is well suited for a student or teenager, as well as for children who are too active.

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Beige color in the nursery

Whatever the novelties in interior design, beige color always remains universal and basic. Beige rooms are always beautiful and stylish.

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White as the main

A white nursery, the photo of which is presented below, must necessarily be with bright accents, otherwise the child will be bored in such a room. For example, a bright picture may hang on the wall or choose a carpet of saturated color that the baby likes.

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Brown color

An interesting children's room, the interior of which will be quite unusual and at the same time pleasant to the eye, can be made in brown colors. A similar design of children's rooms will be more relevant for older children.

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Bright red

Red modern design of a children's room, decoration in bright colors is more suitable for calm children. If you have an active child, then the red children's room, the photo of which is presented below, will adversely affect the emotional state of the baby and can cause hyperactivity.

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Gray children

The children's rooms made in gray (photo selection below) have a rather positive effect on the psyche of a child of any age. Below you will find interesting and vivid ideas for the children's room to diversify the gray color scheme and make the children's space more fun.

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Blue and its shades

Wallpaper, furniture in the nursery, the photo of which is presented below, can be taken in blue, regardless of the gender of the child. But it is worth considering that this color is relaxing and may not be suitable for kids with scattered attention.

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Is the nursery allowed in black

Do not be afraid of black in the nursery, but you should not make large elements dark, for example, walls or floors. If you or your child still wants to make the room black, then do it in small elements of decor.


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To summarize and see another 100+ photos with designs

The above photos of children's rooms suggest that their design can be absolutely diverse. It is not necessary to tie the color to the floor of the child, choosing for the boys a nursery in blue and for girls in pink. The children's room should be bright, unusual, but at the same time comfortable and cozy, so that the child can sleep, study and have fun in it.

Do not clutter the nursery with large furniture, choose compact and roomy drawers so that the baby leaves as much space as possible. We also offer to look at children's rooms: design, projects, photos, bright and fresh ideas.

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