200 Scandinavian style kitchen interior design ideas with photo

A kitchen is the concentration of life in a house or apartment. All household members spend a lot of time in it. Therefore, it is important to make it very cozy and bright. It is the Scandinavian style in the interior of the kitchen that will give it the right tone. After all, the main idea of ​​this style is light and space. Scandi cuisine (as the Scandinavian-style kitchen interior is sometimes called) is always very bright, very concise (but not to the point of absurdity) and loves simple geometric shapes. Often, to increase the space and "air", the living room joins the kitchen during the repair. This option is especially relevant for small kitchens (although, frankly, even a small Scandinavian-style kitchen will look very impressive).

Also, do not forget to get the "right" Scandinavian cuisine, the interior should include a maximum of natural materials - wood and stone. Wallpapers are rarely used, the Scandinavian style in the kitchen involves the use of various textures for the walls. Chairs and a table in the Scandinavian style should not be artsy - they are very simple in geometry and materials. Textiles and utensils in the Scandinavian style or, for example, a kitchen apron look very nice in such a kitchen.

If you firmly decided that your kitchen, Scandinavian style and bright design were created for each other, then this article is just for you - look and choose those photos that suit your tastes.

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Ideas for designing different colors

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Bright concise interior

Light shades determine the Scandinavian style: the kitchen receives maximum light and space. Beige, mint, blue, peach, yellow - these colors fit perfectly into the design in the Scandinavian style, but only in pastel and very light shades. Light furniture, light walls, light textiles - this is what the classic Scandinavian style of the kitchen is, photos only confirm this.

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Dark design

The design of the kitchen in the Scandinavian style is not very welcome dark colors. However, if the kitchen is not small, and even better, if it is a Scandinavian-style living room kitchen (you can see the photo of the interior of such spaces below), then it is quite appropriate to use large enough elements of very dark colors. For example, floor or furniture. But the basic shades should remain light (otherwise it will not be a Scandinavian style).

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Green color

If you want to add green to your Scandinavian-style kitchen, photos can help you with this. Usually green goes well with beige and white shades, which makes it possible to dilute the interior with a couple of bright details of this color. For example, chairs or a vase on the table.

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50 shades of beige

The most ideal color for a Scandinavian-style kitchen is beige and its hundreds of shades. Beige Scandinavian cuisines give a lot of air and space.

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White kitchen - the ideal hostess

White Scandinavian-style cuisine is the most common along with beige. Their combination is even more common. So that the white kitchen does not look like a "ward in a hospital", you need to dilute it with bright accents in the Scandinavian style.

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Brown color in the interior

The Scandinavian style in the kitchen allows the presence of brown colors, because this is the color of the laminate (even a laminate of a very dark color is allowed). Furniture and an apron can also be brown.

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Red in the interior

Red color is not natural, so it is very rare in the interior. A Scandinavian-style kitchen (the photo of the interior of which you will find below) may include only red elements. Or, as an option, very soft pastel red colors can still become one of the colors of the interior.

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Gray color palette

Gray flowers in the Scandinavian style are welcome. This color in the light version fits perfectly into the interior and can become one of the main colors of the design.

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Blue tint

If you decide to add the noble blue color of your kitchen, the Scandinavian style (photo below) will not prevent this. Blue is the color of the sea and in the form of accents is very welcome in the Scandinavian cuisine.

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Black - contrasting kitchen

Black color is allowed as a contrast: furniture or a black floor will only emphasize the light tone of the rest of the room.

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A selection of 100 modern ideas

Scandinavia is a cold and harsh region, where the sun is often not enough, which is why the inhabitants of those regions fundamentally refuse the dark color in the kitchen, using it only in elements and decor. Bright colors are most often also used in decor, for example, in the design of a kitchen apron, or bright curtains or dishes are bought. Tables and a kitchen unit are preferable to light shades (although there are exceptions) or the color of natural wood.

If you did not find among the variety of photos that were presented above, what you want, then consider more options for kitchens in the Scandinavian style.


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