200 design ideas for curtains for children with a photo

Making a children's room requires a special thorough approach. To make a teenager’s room, it doesn’t matter, a boy or a girl, comfortable, you need to first think about the design. The children's rooms in the photo below will help you with ideas for designing a bedroom, including choosing curtains in the room. The curtains can be short if the child is small and can tear the curtains.

If the child is already old enough, you can hang the tulle. Lambrequins in a children's bedroom are suitable only if the bedroom is large and spacious, and so, this element is most often placed in living rooms and halls. You can hang curtains on the windowsill, and instead of curtains, hang blinds. Children's curtains can be found in any store or sew to order. But before you do this, it is important to remember that your child cares about how his room will look.

Pay attention to the curtains of the kindergarten - there most often they choose suitable curtains that children like. You can decorate the window in many ways, ideas you will find below in the photographs. To find the design of curtains in the nursery - scroll below.

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Ideas for decorating curtains and curtains in a children's room:

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Light color design

Curtains in the nursery for the girl is better to choose in bright colors. The room will be very comfortable and spacious.

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Dark shades in the interior

Curtains in a child’s boy can be chosen in dark shades. For example, choose a dark blue tulle for a children's room.

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Green colors in the nursery

Curtains for children in green shades - this is a very good idea. Green curtains for children with pale green curtains will look very nice.

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Beige classic

Curtains in the nursery for the girl can be made in beige color. Curtains in the nursery can be both short and long.

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White color selection

White tulle in the nursery (photo is below) will go well with any color. For girls, you can choose pale pink, for boys pale blue.

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Brown shades in the nursery

Curtains in the nursery for the boy can be done in brown. The room itself can be in beige color, and the furniture is brown, like curtains.

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Red color of a children's bedroom

Red curtains for a children's room (see photo below) can be made in a more muted color. For contrast, you can add adjacent shades of red - pink or burgundy.

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Gray for the nursery - yes or no

Curtains for a boy in gray will look very nice in a children's room. It is better to choose curtains for a children's room in brighter shades, for example, in yellow or green.

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Blue - whether it’s suitable for the nursery

Blue short curtains in the nursery (photo is below) will look good in combination with blue or other light colors. It is better not to hang curtains in the nursery (see photo below) when there are short curtains.

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In black

The curtains in the nursery for the boy in black will fit very well. But so that the room is not too gloomy, it is better to add some bright elements.

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Additional 100 interior photos

It doesn’t matter whether you choose the curtains in the nursery (the photo is below) or in the teenage room - be sure to consult your child if he can answer you. Find out what colors he likes, what kind of room he sees and show examples in photos. Choosing a design together, you can create the perfect interior that will appeal to you and your child.

And to make it easier for you to find various ideas and options, be sure to look at the selection of 100 photos below, which will help you find those curtains or curtains that fit best into the children's bedroom. Rather, scroll down below - there are many photographs and examples of curtains and curtains design.

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