200 bedroom interior design ideas with a photo

The choice of curtains to the bedroom is a matter of individual taste and preferences, however, when determining the shade of the paintings, it is extremely important to follow the time-tested recommendations that will help you make the right decision and not be disappointed in the final result.

Curtains can be simple and perform the practical function of dimming the room, but they can also become the artistic accent of the bedroom. To make daytime sleep comfortable, you need to choose a lightproof dense curtains. If a little daylight enters the room, then you can get by with light tissues.

Before choosing curtains for a bedroom, you should carefully consider what color they should be. This is very important, since not every shade is suitable for this room. It should not irritate and cause negative emotions, because the bedroom should serve as a kind of refuge.

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Ideas curtains for the bedroom in a modern style

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Light design

For the interior in saturated colors, light, easily draped fabrics are suitable, especially if the bedroom furniture is dark and bulky. Light shades of curtains will help you to wake up easily, cheerfully in the early morning, without feeling discomfort. Choosing curtains in the bedroom (photo of the novelty will surely interest you), such light shades are suitable: translucent white, blue, pink, peach curtains, bright orange, yellow, light green shades, burgundy, emerald, gold, coffee, brown tones. Study the curtains for the bedroom photo design 2018, which are presented below and you will surely find your option.

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Dark design

When choosing dark curtains in a bright bedroom, do not overload the interior of the room with an excessive amount of furniture and accessories, only functional objects must be present in the bedroom. Such an approach to design is a feature of modern interiors in the style of minimalism. If you have decided to draw up windows in dark curtains based on a small bedroom, it is strongly recommended that you choose short and simple models that close the window to the window sill line. Models of curtains for the bedroom (photo below) will help you find the best option.


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White curtains

Particular attention should be paid to the white curtains that are gorgeous in their beauty. They make the bedroom brighter and lighter, give space, cleanliness, create a neutral effect. The color of purity and freshness brings peace and novelty to the interior, dilutes the color in the interior. White curtains, due to their versatility, are combined with all existing colors in the design. The tone is non-binding. It will be very appropriate to look at the tulle in the bedroom (see the photo of 2018 modern models below).


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In green colors

The use of various shades of green - from light green to rich emerald, allows you to add energy to the interior of the bedroom. These are the colors of spring and summer, symbolizing life and growth. This color acts on a person quite peacefully and can create a different effect for curtains depending on the shade. For example, if the room is dominated by a classic, it is better to choose an olive tone. Explore the curtains in the bedroom photo 2018 classic.

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Blue color curtains

You can choose a blue shade for curtains in the bedroom. It symbolizes calm and depth. If the shade is not too caustic, but neutral, then it will set for a long sleep. This color will look good in the interior of any of the styles. The fashionable design of the curtains for the bedroom (the photo of the novelty 2018 should help you with this), made in blue tones will help to make the room stylish and at the same time practical.

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Beige color curtains

Ideal curtains in the bedroom in the style of provence beige. They will be well combined with any other scale, furniture and the general decor. Sand, caramel, and cream shades also belong to beige. They help get rid of aggression and make the room more comfortable and peaceful. Using this color, beautiful classic curtains are made into the bedroom. You can advantageously combine several shades of this color by choosing a lighter and darker.


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Brown Curtains

Recently, brown color is increasingly used in this room. It allows you to focus and goes well with other tones, gives a feeling of security, security. Also, this color dims well, which is very important for curtains in the interior of the bedroom. The resulting atmosphere in the room will look rich and noble. Thoroughly think through color combinations. The bedroom should be comfortable and pleasant to sleep. Explore the beautiful curtains in the bedroom photo news 2018:


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Red color curtains

The optimal color of the curtains in the bedroom in a modern design in which a romantic atmosphere reigns is scarlet, burgundy and red. According to Feng Shui philosophy, shades of red symbolize the power of fire, the energy of which positively affects the relationship of the couple in marriage. If you decide to choose red curtains, pay attention to the wallpaper in the room. They should not be too dark, because in this case the bedroom will turn out to be excessively gloomy and pressure on the psyche. Such curtains are best combined with light gray, pastel or white wallpaper.


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Gray design

Gray curtains emphasize the elegance, respectability and sophistication of the interior of the room. The main advantage of this accessory is its versatility. This color opens up endless ideas for creating a unique style and modern design. When you decide to choose modern curtains for a bedroom of this color or curtains in a children's bedroom (2017 modern models are presented below), then be sure to study the styles of curtains for the bedroom (see also below).

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In black

Most experts agree that thick black curtains are most suitable for any bedroom, because their function is to protect those who go to bed early, wake up late, sleep in the middle of the day. Black is a classic, achromatic color with zero color temperature, without shades. It is necessary to use black color in the bedroom interior with extreme caution, given its peculiarity to absorb light and significantly reduce the visual space of the room. The main advantage of black is that it blends beautifully and easily with all other colors and their shades. Explore the fashionable curtains in the bedroom 2018 new items on the proposed photo.



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A selection of 100 modern ideas bedroom curtains 2018

When choosing curtains, it is better to rely on the advice of designers on key issues, the color of curtains should be selected based on the rules for combining colors and their proportions in the interior. It will be pleasant to have a double rest in the bedroom, if the shades contribute to this.
With the help of curtains, you can experiment with the interior of the bedroom and design the windows in an original way.

Below are the photo curtains in the bedroom of the photo of the novelty 2018, which deserve attention, because they look great on the windows of the room for relaxation and good sleep.


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