200 small room interior design ideas with photos

Many are faced with the question of how to equip a small room. After all, you need to furnish it with everything you need and make it beautiful and functional. Choosing furniture for a small room is not a problem now - manufacturers offer solutions of any size. Whether it is a bed for a bedroom, a table for a kitchen or the need to furnish a living room with a wall and a sofa, a huge variety of furniture can be found on Internet sites and in specialized stores.

It remains to choose the interior for a small room. Each color has its own specifics, so that the situation in the room does not turn out to be inappropriate for its purpose, this must be taken into account at the initial stage. The layout and location of the apartment relative to the sun is also an important point.

And without that, a dark room may become uncomfortable or inconvenient to use if the design of a room of 12 sq. M is made in dark colors. This will lead either to a new repair, or expenses for the organization of normal lighting. And to understand how to equip and how to furnish a small room, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the numerous examples given below.

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Ideas for designing different colors

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Bright style for a bright life

The design of the small room, made in bright colors, is a win-win option. The room looks elegant and strict, in addition, the color fits any interior style.

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Dark design - comfort and elegance

The interior of the small room in dark colors will make it more comfortable and inviting to rest. In such a place, I want to relax and start a heart-to-heart conversation.

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Green as a symbol of life

The color of life and spring will lighten the mood and add strength. A small room designed in green tones is suitable for those who are energetic and young in body or soul.

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Beige for a relaxing holiday

One of the most popular classic colors for room design, designed in one color. The design of the bedroom is 12 sq m (the photo shows this well), it is calm, which is a desirable attribute for a vacation spot.

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White for more

The best option for a small apartment, especially with narrow rooms. If you arrange repairs in a small room in white, it will become more voluminous and live in it will become more comfortable.

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Brown - unfading classic

This color is associated with elegance, calm and balanced. If you execute the design of the room 12 sq m (the photo illustrates this clearly), then the room will become more luxurious, typical for wood trim.

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Red - activity and expression

The interior of the rooms, executed in this color, prompts a person to active actions at a subconscious level. Therefore, before arranging a room in red, it is worth considering whether it is necessary. In the bedroom, it will certainly be superfluous, but in the red living room or kitchen, it can become a place for fun gatherings with friends.

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Gray color for neutrality

A non-binding color will make any room more neutral. You can design this color as the design of the hall or corridor, as well as the design of a small bedroom of 12 sq m (the photos represent the most interesting options).


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Blue soothes like the sound of the surf

The color of calm and measured. A good choice for a guest to gather in the evenings for a comfortable TV. Also a great option to decorate the bedroom is 12 sq m (the photos clearly demonstrate the relaxing effect of blue).

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Black for outlined faces

The color of mystery and mystery. He emphasizes the contours of forms and at the same time has a get-together with a heart-to-heart talk. With a room size of only 12 square meters, it is best to execute in a black kitchen, turning it into a “bar for friends”.


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A selection of 100 modern ideas

Having a general idea of ​​the influence of each color on the features of the interior, it is time to move on to the selection of a specific idea for the room. It is important to remember what exactly you want to get from its design. Although red is generally unlikely to be suitable for a couple’s bedroom design, young people can only benefit from its “aggressive” influence.

If you plan to repair several rooms at once, they can be maintained in the same color or close, or made completely different. It doesn’t matter, each room is a separate zone, and the main thing is that its design matches its purpose. The following is a selection of new ideas for arranging a room, kitchen or bedroom.


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