200 ideas of interesting design for finishing a balcony with a photo

The balcony is a room that protrudes on the upper floors of the building. Often it serves as a place to store various things: from food to tools, but recently, more and more often you can notice how useful spaces are made from balconies for additional relaxation.

They are connected to the kitchens, insulated and equipped for the organization of an extra room, and they also carry out a number of other measures guaranteeing the creation of the necessary conditions of practicality and comfort when using the usable area. Next, we will consider options for how to decorate even a small balcony from the inside. Moreover, we note that you will be presented with design options for stylish tiles, decorative stone finishes, as well as variations using other materials that provide for a wide variety of colors.

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Interior decoration of the balcony

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Light design of balconies and loggias inside

In this case, finishing the balcony with stone and other light texture material will help you.

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How to make a dark balcony inside

To achieve perfect dimming of the room and to prevent loss of color of the material from direct sunlight, the balcony is often decorated with dark wood. This material guarantees durability and durability.

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Green repair on the balcony

Green color will easily refresh any room.

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Beige Loggia Ideas

This embodiment is the most common, as it guarantees the formation of a stylish and non-marking image.

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White balcony trim inside

White balcony ideas can be very diverse. Their only drawback is soiled.

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Brown trim balconies inside

In brown color, not only the internal organization of the room is often carried out, but also the decoration of the balcony from the outside.

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Red trim balconies and loggias

A stylish and authentic red balcony decoration, the photo of which is presented below, will help you create a bright and memorable atmosphere in a small room.

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Ideas for a balcony, photo in gray tones

Gray tones, like beige, are extremely practical.

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Blue repair on the balcony

Considering the design options for the walls of a small balcony, be sure to pay attention to the blue and blue shades. They visually increase a small space.

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Black loggia repair

Decorative black trim will add rigor and conceptuality to the room.

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A selection of 100 modern ideas

Personalize your balcony in such a way that it gives you not only an attractive look, but also practicality. Further, we suggest you familiarize yourself with a whole series of ideas on photographs. Among them, you will surely find those visual adaptation options that will give you new ideas and subsequently with a high probability will become a worthy addition to the formed interior.

Also note that in the process of forming visually attractive aspects of the balcony, one should not forget about the general indicators of comfort. Approach the issue of warming the premises with no less responsibility.

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