Painting the ceiling with water-based paint

Even at the planning stage of repairs, it becomes clear that the most difficult task will be the decoration of the ceiling. In the price lists of specialized companies you can find many design options, but not every owner can spend money on them. That is why independent ceiling decoration does not lose its relevance. A few decades ago, it was popular to apply chalk or lime whitewash. But now painting the ceiling with water-based paint is becoming increasingly popular. The features of this work will be discussed in this article.

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Choose a water-based paint

Aqueous emulsion dye is presented in the form of a suspension, which contains the smallest particles of polymers diluted with water. After the paint dries, a very thin and smooth polymer film forms.

The chemical composition of polymers is different, therefore, the basis of paints varies:

  • Acrylic - is most popular. The painted surface is wiped with a damp sponge.
  • Acrylic-latex is an expensive option, but is suitable even for rooms with severe pollution. You can wash the surface with detergents.
  • Polyvinyl acetate is the cheapest option. The disadvantage is that the painted surface must not be washed.
  • Silicone - the surface does not require preliminary priming. Such paint is vapor permeable, has antifungal properties, therefore it is suitable for rooms with a high level of humidity.
  • Silicate - with liquid glass in the composition. This paint is suitable for application on concrete or brick.


If the ceiling is perfectly even before painting, you can opt for gloss paint, which will turn the surface after drying into a smooth and shiny. However, if there are flaws, they will become even more noticeable.

You can hide the flaws with matte paint.

Important! When purchasing material, pay attention to the degree of concealment, which characterizes the ability to cover dirty spots.

When calculating the required amount of material, the data indicated on the label and the footage of the room should be used. The resulting figure is multiplied by three, since the paint needs to be applied in several layers. Paint needs to be bought immediately completely, since different batches may differ in shades.

Important! You can not buy frozen material, since at low temperature it is divided into fractions, which then do not mix.

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Choosing Tools

Before painting the ceiling with water-based paint, preparation is required. First of all, you need to get the following tools:

  • 50-100 mm wide paint brushes. One may be slightly wider in order to color the corners, and the second is very narrow in order to carry out corrective work.
  • Two or three rollers 100-250 mm wide. It is better to use rollers with a long pile. Foam rubber - quickly fail, and felt or with a short pile will often have to be dipped in paint.
  • Tray for paint or a separate ribbed board.
  • Construction and ordinary tape.
  • Film.
  • Personal protective equipment - respirator, goggles, gloves.

The technology of painting the ceiling with water-based paint involves preparatory work, for which you need to purchase a number of materials:

  • Acrylic primer deep penetration;
  • Antiseptic primer;
  • Putty for joints and cracks;
  • Finishing putty;
  • Serpyanka tape;
  • Fine sandpaper.
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Cooking room

The first thing to do is to free the room before the repair: remove everything that is possible and cover the rest with tape and fix it with tape.

Important! The film is also laid on the floor to protect it. Surfaces adjacent to the staining area are glued with construction tape.

The ceiling is somewhat more difficult to prepare:

  • The old chalk whitewash is abundantly wetted and removed with a metal spatula.
  • Wallpaper is soaked and also removed along with the adhesive layer.
  • It is more difficult to remove water-based paint, the ceiling will have to be wetted twice, with an interval of a third of an hour, and then a draft should be built. After that, the coating swells and is easily removed with a spatula.
  • To remove stains and smudges, a five percent solution of copper sulfate is used.
  • In order to clean a stubborn stain, use a 2-3 percent solution of hydrochloric acid.
  • To prevent the formation of mold, the surface is treated with an antiseptic primer or the usual “Whiteness”.

Important! The question often arises: how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint on old paint? The answer is simple: if there are no chips and cracks, you can immediately apply a new coating.

Then we act in the following sequence:

  1. The ceiling is leveled, putty and serpyanka tape are used to close the cracks.
  2. Plastered places are sanded.
  3. Finishing whitening is applied - putty on an oil-glue basis.
  4. A deep penetration acrylic primer is applied in order to increase adhesion.
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Paint the ceiling manually

Everyone knows that painting the ceiling with water-based paint is carried out in several layers. But at the same time, the previous layer must completely dry.

To paint the ceiling with water-based paint, we follow the instructions:

  • Paint is poured into the bath with wide sides.
  • The corners are finished with a paint brush.
  • The roller is dipped in a bath, excess paint is shaken off, and then the paint is applied to the ceiling. It must be applied in movements resembling the letter W. The coating layer must be very thin.

Important! Removing small streaks with a roller is only possible if the dye is not dry.

  • After the first coat has dried, the second is applied. Smears should be perpendicular.
  • If necessary, a third coat of paint is applied.

Important! The strokes of the last coat of paint should go in the same direction as the rays of the sun. If there are no windows in the room, the reference point is artificial light sources. The last layer is applied with a new roller.

Before you paint the ceiling with water-based paint, it is better to agree on help. The person standing below will be able to indicate insufficiently stained places.

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Paint the ceiling with a spray gun

When using a spray gun, the dye jet is directed perpendicular to the surface, the distance should be approximately 700 mm. The paint is applied evenly, in circular movements, the pace should be the same.

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It is enough to spend a little time to choose a suitable water-based paint, prepare tools and learn the simplest rules to make the ceiling just perfect!

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