A wall in a brick house freezes - what should I do?

After a long period of operation of any house from any material, problems can begin to arise. At the same time, the appearance of such immediately after the commissioning of the building is not excluded. For example, a wall in a brick house freezes. What to do in such a situation, how to eliminate a defect without a solid investment, time and effort - we will tell in this article.
to contents ↑Reasons for freezing walls and corners
Frost on the walls of the rooms, as a rule, is formed in apartments, which are located in the corner of the house or directed towards the wind. In addition, this problem is often in cases where the outer wall adjoins buildings or the elevator shaft, rooms that are provided with sufficient temperatures for heating.
Important! Regardless of the location of your home, the main reason is insufficient sealing of the joints between the walls, so icing is usually observed in the corners of the rooms. If the amount of waterproofing material is insufficient, over time you will become familiar with the problem of increased humidity inside the walls, as a result - with freezing.
What are the causes of deteriorating waterproofing at home?
As a rule, freezing walls is associated with a violation of the structure of the house itself:
- In panel houses, such a problem may be the insufficient thickness of partitions and ceilings, the subsidence of the building, as a result of which the walls become cracked.
- If in the apartment, as well as on the street, you simultaneously observe high humidity and low temperature, then the wall of such a room will rapidly absorb water, which in the future will turn into frost.
- Another common prerequisite for freezing is the incorrect insulation of walls indoors. If the thickness of the insulating material is insufficient, and the work was carried out without strict observance of the technical rules, then soon you will encounter increased humidity of the walls, the formation of mold and fungus.
Important! Such defects are fraught both with damage to cosmetic repairs and undermined by the health of homeowners, so these problems need to be addressed immediately.
Among other reasons why the wall freezes, determine:
- depressurization of interpanel seams;
- in winter, insufficient heating at home;
- violation of the sealing of windows, balconies and loggias, doorways;
- constant drafts;
- frequent increase in humidity by the owners of the apartment;
- terrible exhaust system, as well as ventilation.
How to eliminate inconvenience?
Before embarking on a comprehensive warning of the consequences, find a freezing place and determine the cause. To do this, carefully examine the wall and try to find out what caused the appearance of hoarfrost.
If you have already found the cause, proceed to eliminate the defects that have formed. For this procedure you will need:
- composition for leveling the walls;
- brush, spatula;
- coarse sandpaper;
- acrylic primer.
To grout cracks, proceed as follows:
- Remove tile, wallpaper or paint from the wall.
- Treat all existing faults and cracks with putty or another mixture that is designed to level the walls.
- After drying, smooth the wall with sandpaper.
- Apply a primer.
We recommend that you do the whole procedure several times, gradually increasing the grout layer.
Important! Do not use mounting foam to fill the cracks, as it absorbs moisture well, letting all the excess water into the room.
However, the above method is merely eliminating the consequences, but not the reasons for the freezing of the walls. In order to permanently get rid of the main problem, you need high-quality and effective external wall insulation.
to contents ↑Warming of problem areas
Wall insulation is most preferable to do outside, because the internal insulation has a number of disadvantages:
- Internal thermal insulation, due to the thickness of the materials used, can significantly reduce the size of the usable area, which is quite important for the inhabitants of panel houses.
- Failure to comply with the correct technology of insulation is fraught with even worse condition of living conditions and increased humidity in the apartment.
- With the help of internal thermal insulation, you will not avoid the need to change the heating and ventilation systems.
Important! Internal insulation has a number of advantages. You will not need to get permission to transform the facade from the management company. In addition, you can insulate the apartment from the inside with your own forces.
In prefabricated houses, it is possible to insulate using warm plaster or liquid materials. However, all of these modern materials are still insufficiently studied. Moreover, such means do not solve the problem of dispersed interpanel seams, as well as cracks. It is recommended to warm the house from the front. If you live above the ground floor, you will have to seek help from a construction company that will take care of the whole process.
With the help of insulation, the wall thickness will increase sufficiently, which will increase the average temperature in the living room. In addition, capturing approximately 30-40 cm of the neighboring wall, you can completely solve the problem of blown interpanel joints.
to contents ↑Custom Solution
In addition to insulation, you can make a change in the design of the corners inside the room to solve the problem of freezing the wall in a brick or panel house:
- Angles smoothed or rounded with plaster will freeze considerably less.
- Builders also recommend installing drywall constructions with built-in lighting devices in the corners of apartments. Due to the thermal effect of the light bulb, the temperature inside the structure will increase, and humidity will decrease.
- Pilasters can be made outside the house in private houses. At wooden houses, baths, you can lay the joints of logs with insulating material.
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In order to completely eliminate the freezing of walls and corners, a set of measures is required, which must be applied immediately after the formation of the first signs of problems.
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