Repair of kitchen in Khrushchev

Many believe that the larger the room, the more difficult the repair. Therefore, repairing a kitchen in Khrushchev seems like an easy and hassle-free occupation. What can be difficult to finish a few square meters? But in fact, such premises require a much more thorough approach and planning. Because it is still not the design stage, it is necessary to take into account not only the arrangement of furniture, but also the arrangement of household appliances so that the space is used to the maximum. And you also need to choose materials so that they not only fulfill their direct functions, but also visually enlarge the room. But, while the eyes are afraid, hands can get to work and begin repairing the kitchen in Khrushchev.

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Main question

The main problem that owners of small apartments and uncomfortably located rooms face is the size of the space. Carrying out repairs of the kitchen in Khrushchev with their own hands on an area of ​​4-5 square meters. m, it is necessary to carefully plan the placement of all necessary furniture and appliances. They should be in easy access, but do not interfere with movement around the room. Experts in this case advise several options for solving this problem:

  • Planning work. They mean a complete redevelopment of the room, that is, a physical change in the space of the kitchen. Naturally, such a procedure is quite lengthy, requires additional cash costs and coordination.

Important! Despite the additional difficulties, this option is the most effective, because it will forever solve the problem with limited space in your kitchen.

  • Under functional solutions for the repair of a kitchen in Khrushchev, which experts will offer you, is meant to use the available space in the most rational way. That is, the optimal combination of furniture and the placement of built-in household appliances is assumed. For example, the use of a window sill under a countertop, the replacement of a conventional door with a sliding one.
  • Aesthetic transformation involves a visual expansion of space. This is achieved using light shades of walls, the use of mirror surfaces or transparent types of furniture.

Important! When repairing a kitchen in Khrushchev with your own hands, you can use all the options at once. Then you can make the small space larger and increase the functionality of each square centimeter.

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Beginning of work

Do-it-yourself kitchen repair in Khrushchev begins with the release of the premises from everything that is in it:

  • Dismantled household appliances and furniture.
  • Water and sewer pipes are cut off.
  • All decoration is removed - this applies to the floor, walls and ceiling.
  • If planned, the window and door are removed.

After that, first of all, a new plastic window is installed. This is best entrusted to specialists. But the rest of the process, except for installing the door, to do it yourself is not a problem. But first you need to decide on the design, that is, what you want to see after repairing the kitchen in Khrushchev with your own hands. The choice of materials and the choice of technology for their application will depend on this.

Choosing a Kitchen Set

To make the kitchen in Khrushchev with your own hands as comfortable as possible and not seem small, you need to carefully select furniture. Full-length headsets and dining tables are inappropriate here. Consider the most suitable options:

  • The linear layout, called single-row, fits perfectly into a small area, as it implies the arrangement of equipment and cabinets along one of the walls. Suitable for a family of several people. True, a lot of household appliances will not fit in this type of planning, so it is preferable to choose built-in options here. It is advisable to fit the refrigerator in a row, but this is not always possible.
  • L-shaped, also called angular. Typically, furniture and appliances are placed along a wall with a window and an adjacent wall. This option will allow you to successfully use the corner of the room. It is customary to equip a sink in it, under which there is a floor cabinet with direct or beveled geometry. The angular layout of the kitchen in Khrushchev with their own hands is convenient for housewives, as it reduces unnecessary movement. Well suited for a square shaped kitchen.

Important! Modern manufacturers have achieved increased functionality of corner cabinets, which include rotating and sliding mechanisms. Shelves of the "carousel" type are also very effective.

  • U-shaped layout is not a very good solution for Khrushchev, since the headset will occupy three adjacent walls. The kitchen due to this arrangement will look cramped and there will be no free space for the dining table.

Important! Smooth, light materials, with a gloss effect, to visually increase a small area, are selected for the facade and furniture of the kitchen in Khrushchev with their own hands. Keep in mind that the close location of the work area will be prone to frequent pollution. Materials resistant to aggressive influences and temperature extremes will come to the rescue. It can be countertops made of natural or artificial stone. More budget option - covered with durable plastic MDF.


Selection of household appliances

Before deciding how to repair the kitchen in Khrushchev, let's look at the question of how to properly equip the kitchen space. Here, specialists in functional solutions give some tips that are worth considering:

  • To rationally use the space, especially when opening the door, it is worth putting a refrigerator in the corner. If your kitchen is very small, then give preference to narrow and tall models.
  • If it is assumed that the washing machine will also be located in the kitchen, then select the built-in option. Do not forget to pay due attention to laying communications to avoid troubles in the form of a short circuit or flood.
  • When repairing a kitchen in Khrushchev, it is better to use a hob. It is better to entrust its installation to professionals, also in order to avoid negative consequences.
  • If you do not like to cook, then you can take a serious measure and refuse the oven. If such an exit is unacceptable, then you will need to install an oven. Its standard width is 60 cm. But you can find narrower options, for example, 45 cm wide, together with a kitchen cabinet in which it will be built-in.
  • A microwave oven is an essential attribute, mainly for heating food. Given this, you can not chase additional functionality like grills, convection and other things - most likely, they will be tested just a couple of times. You can save space by taking a small microwave oven. For example, 17 liters. So that it does not take up space on the table, you can hang it on the bracket directly under the hanging cabinets. Or use the built-in solution.
  • A great option for a kitchen in Khrushchev with your own hands is a compact dishwasher for 6 sets. It does not take up much space - just a little more than half the kitchen table. In this case, it will be completely invisible, hidden behind the facade, worn on the door.

Important! At this point, we did not win extra centimeters, but perhaps we could place another unit of useful equipment in the kitchen.


Materials for the kitchen in Khrushchev

Repair, especially in the kitchen in Khrushchev with their own hands, is not a cheap pleasure.But what is a drawback in this case becomes an advantage when buying materials. Since the area of ​​the room is small, then materials for its decoration will need a little. Therefore, feel free to opt for more expensive and high-quality wallpapers, tiles, panels.

Important! Do not forget that all finishing materials for this room have special requirements in terms of moisture resistance. Due to constant pollution, wet cleaning in the kitchen is necessary.

Here are some other things to keep in mind:

  • A powerful hood over the stove in the kitchen in Khrushchev with your own hands helps to cope with odors and pollution. But over time, yellow oily spots can still not be avoided. Therefore, the ceiling should also tolerate wet cleaning. The ideal solution would be plastic panels or a dense stretch film. In a small kitchen, tiered designs will look inappropriate. They will make the ceiling level lower. And this will negatively affect the overall perception of the room. Therefore, complex compositions should be abandoned.
  • For walls, both waterproof paint and ceramic tiles are perfect. Washable wallpapers that stand the test of water will also be a good option. All these types of finishes are suitable for repairing a kitchen in Khrushchev with their own hands also because they combine perfectly with each other.
  • It is not worth making the floor perfectly smooth. A drop of water, and you risk slipping and falling. If you want tiles, then pay attention to the ceramic option, but in this case you will have to install a warm floor system. The simplest solution is a high-quality waterproof laminate. For a small room, it is recommended to choose light and natural shades. It can be a tile of gray color or a laminate of a nut tone. Since the kitchen area is small, you should not use drawings and inlays in the design of the floor.

Important! Light is your main assistant in the visual expansion of space. Install several small fixtures, instead of one chandelier, and correctly arrange small mirrors. Only with these items you can visually expand the kitchen in Khrushchev with your own hands.


Functional solutions:

  • When repairing a kitchen in Khrushchev with their own hands, in order to save the space of sets, instead of hinged cabinets, they are equipped with various sliding systems, for example, a cutting board, multi-level drawers, corner modular cabinets, which contain a large number of various kitchen utensils.

Important! If the lower tier of the furniture cabinet consists of swinging compartments, then their doors can be equipped with shelves for storing jars or bottles.

  • To save space in the kitchen, for food products and utensils use more hanging drawers and shelves, and over work surfaces - roof rails for storing many small items. True, some stylistic trends, for example, Techno and Minimalism, “do not like” too many things in sight. In these cases, with open shelves and rails do not overdo it. And vice versa - the option of open storage of dishes and various accessories in the kitchen in Khrushchev with their own hands will only emphasize the country-style interior. Hinged systems will free up space for the implementation of larger ideas.
  • As we already said, the windowsill in the kitchen can also become a useful functional part of the interior. It is perfectly placed on the countertop or sink. Also use the space under the windowsill. It is worth installing a compact cabinet or lengthening it, making it look like a corner bar counter. Window sill fittings have recently become especially popular.
  • A good option to save space in the kitchen in Khrushchev with your own hands is folding or folding furniture. They will be able to organize a full dining area if necessary.

Important! It is unlikely that it will be possible to put a soft corner here, so preference should be given to folding chairs and various models-transformers.

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Work stages

Answering the question of how to repair the kitchen in Khrushchev, we have already explained that initially it is necessary to dismantle everything that is in this room. And then the work is divided into the following stages:

  • Laying new wiring, installation of water and sewer pipes. The device of the electrical network should be entrusted to an appropriate specialist with experience in carrying out such work, who will do this in accordance with existing rules and regulations. And you can completely lay the pipes themselves yourself, for this you need to acquire the necessary materials and tools that you should learn to use. Practice shows that there is no particular difficulty in performing these works.
  • If you chose the stretch ceiling for your kitchen in Khrushchev with your own hands, then it does not need to be aligned. In this case, all defects in the base ceiling will be hidden.
  • But with the surface of the walls, this step cannot be missed. Start it with an apron. And only after that proceed to leveling the remaining walls and puttying them.
  • While the finish dries, do the floor in the kitchen in Khrushchev with your own hands. To fill it, it is worth taking a more expensive, but with a less sharp smell, polymer composition. In addition, the usual cement screed is too heavy for the flimsy floors of the apartment, and not every old house can do it.

When the repair of the kitchen in Khrushchev with their own hands is finished, in Khrushchev it remains only to install furniture and assemble the equipment, connecting it to the engineering systems. And then the most enjoyable and creative work begins - the selection of suitable curtains and the decoration of the updated kitchen with bright accessories.

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When choosing a kitchen repair design in Khrushchev, we always try to give preference to coziness and comfort, but at the same time forget about the practicality of this room. And as practice shows, practicality in the kitchen is the main factor. And all the necessary items and equipment can be arranged in such a way that you can even free up additional space in your room.

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