Steel bath repair

Everything is subject to aging and has a certain period of operation, this also applies to the bath. Especially if it is a steel font with an enamel coating. But since the process of dismantling and replacing such bulky plumbing is often associated with long and laborious, dusty construction and repair works, it is much more reasonable in many situations to repair a steel bath. How much this is possible and how to accomplish - we will describe in this article.

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Why do steel bath coatings wear out?

Depending on the thickness of the steel from which the bath is made, the quality of the coating, the warranty period varies from 10 to 20 years. Bathtubs with a warranty period of 10 years are most often presented on the market. The relationship is very simple:

  • The greater the thickness of the steel, the less it is susceptible to deformation from weight loads.
  • The less the body is deformed, the better and stronger the enamel will sit on it, the less chance of the enamel peeling off.

From all this we can make the first factor affecting the damage to the coating - the very thin steel from which it is made and the low quality of the coating. However, often by the time we become interested in the question of how to repair a steel bath, this factor can no longer be affected.

Let's look at household factors that affect thinning, wear, yellowing of enamel, its chips and cracks. Knowing what spoils the enamel of the bath, you can extend its life by minimizing the influence of these factors, and possibly eliminating them altogether.


Factors that reduce the life of the coating include:

  1. Regular cleaning of the bath using products containing large abrasive particles.
  2. The use of cleaning agents for the surface of the bath, which contains chlorine, this also includes agents used to clean the toilet. Acids in their composition destroy the enamel coating.
  3. Use metal sponges and brushes when cleaning.
  4. The lack of regular cleaning of the surface from the remnants of soap and shower gel, which leads to the appearance of yellowness.
  5. Too much calcium in tap water or too hard water.
  6. Constant flow of water from taps and faucets, contributing to the appearance of rusty smudges.
  7. The presence of metal objects on the surface of the bathroom, for example, uncoated soap dishes, combs, hairpins.
  8. Mechanical damage, for example, the fall of heavy objects that can chip on the coating.
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Replacing an old bathtub with a new one or restoration?

If it so happened that your bathtub has lost its aesthetic appearance and needs restoration, then it is worth doing restoration of a steel bathtub. This procedure is quite expensive if you turn to professionals. However, having studied the information on the methods of restoration, the algorithm of work and tips for restoring coverage, all this can be done independently. Thus, this procedure will cost you 2-3 times cheaper. Not to mention the savings compared to replacing the bath.

At first glance, it might seem that it is more advisable to purchase a new bath than to order restoration from the masters of their craft.But do not forget that the cost of replacement includes not only the cost of a new bath, but also:

  • the cost of dismantling the old bath;
  • the cost of the renewal of facing materials that will somehow suffer during dismantling;
  • most likely the cost of replacing the plumbing.

As you can see, replacing the bath threatens to carry out an almost complete repair of the bathroom.

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Bath restoration methods

What options for the restoration of a metal bath exist? There are three main ways:

  1. Drawing a new layer of enamel.
  2. Liquid acrylic bathtub.
  3. Installing acrylic liner.

All available methods of repairing the bath can be done independently, with your own hands. Consumables are available for sale. In the presence of extra time, desire and necessary information, each owner can do this. If you do not have time resources, there are a lot of craftsmen on the market who produce such services in any way acceptable to you.

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Preparing the bath for restoration

In order to carry out the restoration, it is necessary to perform the following preparatory work:

  • Thoroughly wash the entire surface, clean it from contamination.
  • Get rid of calcium deposits on the surface.
  • Sand the surface with sandpaper, or with an emery wheel.
  • If there is rust, treat these areas with a solution to convert rust, and then sand these areas additionally.
  • Thoroughly rinse off any debris and dust remaining after sanding.

Important! When carrying out restoration work, especially if painting or pouring a new coating layer, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the entire bathroom, as when drying new enamel is able to attract dust particles to itself.

  • Degrease the entire surface with a degreaser applied to a lint-free cloth.
  • In the presence of chips and cracks, they must be repaired with a car putty, previously degreasing.
  • Small and shallow chips can be covered with car enamel with a small brush, and then sanded with fine-grained emery paper.

Important! When applying a layer of enamel or acrylic, the surface must be completely degreased, even if after decreasing you decide to close a small crack.

  • The last step is to thoroughly rinse the bath with warm water, and then dry it with a hairdryer;

Now you can safely proceed to the coating!

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Enameling a metal bath

This method of coating restoration uses enamel, which is mixed with a hardener.

Useful subtleties and features of enameling:

  • enamel is applied to the cleaned and prepared surface with a brush, roller or by spraying;
  • after mixing the paint with the hardener, the resulting mixture must be applied very quickly, since it becomes unusable for a period of 40 to 80 minutes, depending on the manufacturer;
  • keep in mind that the mixture has a rather pungent odor, so application must be carried out in a protective mask;
  • this coating is applied with a very thin layer in three stages;
  • the time between application of each layer is 15-20 minutes;
  • complete drying time is 72 hours;
  • the coating has a smooth glossy surface.

Important! In order for the updated coating to serve you as long as possible, experts advise you to increase the drying time to 5 days.

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The use of bulk acrylic

When repairing a metal bath with bulk acrylic, just like in the case of enamel, it is necessary to mix two components - liquid acrylic and hardener. Here are some features of using this type of coating:

  • the time of use of the mixture should not exceed 1.5 hours from the moment of mixing the base and hardener;
  • the use of bulk acrylic is not toxic, unlike enamel;
  • the surface of the bath becomes warmer due to the acrylic layer;
  • it is possible to choose the color and shade by adding pigments;
  • the application is carried out by pouring the mixture along the entire perimeter - starting from the sides of the bathtub, having passed the circle, it is necessary to water below, at the border of the full coating, until the entire surface is evenly filled with liquid acrylic;

Important! Place a small container under the drain of the bathtub, where excess liquid acrylic will drain to avoid additional cleaning.

  • the mixture is applied very evenly, without leaving streaks and sag, is perfectly distributed over the surface, which makes it easy to use even for a beginner;
  • drying time is 48 hours.

Important! It is possible to use a building hair dryer for more thorough drying.

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Installing an acrylic liner

The fastest and least time-consuming way to restore a metal bath is to install an acrylic liner on the base of the old bath.

Advantages of installing an acrylic liner:

  • this method does not require such thorough preparatory processes as in the case of applying a new coating layer;
  • the installation process takes a total of about 3 hours;
  • the finished bath can be used on the same day;
  • suitable for those whose dismantling of the old bath is rather difficult and entails damage to the facing materials;
  • the best solution when a poor-quality bathtub was installed during the repair, when you are completely satisfied with the repair of the bathroom, but the bath itself does not satisfy, and it is not practical to dismantle the old one;
  • the thermal conductivity of the bath is reduced;
  • you get a full acrylic bathtub, the old bathtub is a stand for it.

As for the repair work itself:

  • installation is done with mounting foam;
  • with the most appropriate selection of the liner in size, it remains only to adjust the protruding sides of the liner to the dimensions of the bathtub using an electric jigsaw;
  • after installation, use sealant around the entire perimeter of the bath, as well as in places of drain holes.
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How to care for the bathroom after restoration?

After all restoration work has been completed, the bath can last you a good ten years, subject to the following care recommendations:

  • do not use harsh abrasive cleaners or metal washcloths when cleaning;
  • Do not pour chemical mixtures into the bath if you are not sure that they are compatible with your updated coating;
  • Use inlet filters for water in the apartment or house;
  • regularly remove with a sponge and water the remnants of detergents from the surface to prevent the appearance of yellow spots;
  • Do not leave metal objects in the bath for a long time;
  • do not let heavy objects fall inside;
  • when buying cleaning products, carefully study for which surfaces they can be used;
  • do not allow leaking taps;
  • putting metal basins in the bath, it is necessary to lay a towel or rag under them;
  • rinse the entire surface after each use.
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As you can see, everyone can choose for themselves the best solution for the restoration of the bath, and it is not necessary to repair the entire room and spend big finances on it. And knowing the tips for caring for the bathroom, you will significantly extend the life of your new coating and forget about repairs in the bathroom for a long time.

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