Repair of a heat-insulated floor electric

Over time, many people began to completely abandon classical heating, preferring a warm coating. This type of heating is the main and secondary, but without a doubt - the installation of this floor gives a tangible result. Using such technologies helps us get rid of a number of problems. All this is good, while everything works. In order to find a way out of a difficult situation, we consider the repair of a warm electric floor, and not only.

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Warm coating problems

A heating system of any type can fail, which will force us to use the services of a master. Today, specialists offer their services for quite tangible money, so you should learn how to carry out restoration work yourself. In order to repair the thermostat of the warm floor with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the most common situations.

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Water installations

Water systems are universally considered the most reliable, repair in such cases is extremely rare, since the service life can reach several decades. But let’s not ignore the exceptions that need to be addressed.

The most common problems are pipe deformations. This problem is easily fixed by your own efforts:

  1. It is necessary to shut off the water supply and gain access to the problem area.
  2. At this site, it is necessary to dismantle the damaged piece of pipe.
  3. Next, isolate the system from dirt. For these purposes, a special press is perfect.
  4. You will also need to acquire two fittings and a small piece of pipe, the dimensions of which should be identical to the dimensions of the damage.
  5. The ends of the pipes must be cleaned and fittings fitted.
  6. Further it is required to press in the sections using the appropriate equipment.

Important! It remains only to restore the water supply and check all areas for leaks. If there are no defects and the system has been restored, you will no longer need the services of specialists.

Repairing an electric type underfloor heating will look a little different.

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Electric type

Such floors are more demanding care, and repairing those requires much more effort. It happens that the surface simply ceases to heat or the temperature suddenly sags, ignoring the presence of a thermostat. The reasons can be completely different, so you should consider each of them.

Potential difference

Before repairing the underfloor heating, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of the breakdown. Perhaps the root of the problem lies in the insufficient value of the supply voltage. The knowledge of school physics helps us understand that a voltage drop will cause a drop in the power of the entire system.

What should be done in such cases? The answer lies on the surface: get the electric cable that you need to install.

Important! When choosing a cable, you should take into account the power reserve.

It is best to foresee such a mistake in the early stages of installation, since a complete replacement will require considerable investment and will take a lot of time.

Violation of the thermostat

Is the cable intact and the voltage level is satisfactory?

  • Check the temperature controller. Inspect the terminals of this instrument.These elements must be tightly tightened, and the output voltage must equal the supply voltage.
  • You should also look at the value of the resistance of the temperature indicator.

Important! During the “technical inspection” it is recommended to use the system passport, which indicates all the technical parameters.



Repair of a cable of a heat-insulated floor can touch an electric wire. Perhaps this component has a very poor quality insulating layer.

Important! Incorrectly selected power values ​​can cause poor heating of the product, which makes it very difficult to establish the required temperature.

It is very easy to determine such a malfunction: after the system has been working for about half an hour, the sensor should display the same values ​​that are set on the thermostat. When the desired value is set, the power supply should stop. If this does not happen, then you will need to intervene in the heating system.

Wiring damage

Often, recovery procedures relate to wiring. Defects may occur during decoration or other work.

To check, you need to disconnect the wiring from the thermostat and measure the potential difference between different wires. To do this, use a measuring device - a multimeter. Also, the resistance values ​​must fully coincide with the technical characteristics of the product.

Important! In all cases, it is recommended to check the resistance on the heating core and braid.

Installation Issues

Do not exclude the likelihood that some sensor is incorrectly fixed. All such elements must not be placed close to heat. If the problem is in the location, then simply move the component and examine the rest of the connections.

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Recovery work

Repair of underfloor heating can begin immediately after identifying the cause of the breakdown.

The instruction is as follows:

  • If the cable is damaged, it is necessary to dismantle the damaged area with the coupling on it.
  • If the sensor is damaged, it is necessary to replace the device with a new one. The device is located in a corrugated pipe.
  • In cases where the on sensor does not work, you need to make sure that there is voltage at each terminal. If there is no potential difference, you will need to tighten the fixing screws.
  • If the wiring is broken, you need to find the place of the gap and replace the failed section. In this case, the damaged parts are released and connected to the corresponding sleeves. Next, the connection is isolated and fixed.
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How to warn yourself?

In order to avoid problems in the future, it is best to listen to the following tips:

  • Install only in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • During operation, the conditions of use must be observed.
  • When carrying out installation of the coating, you need to choose the height of the location so as not to damage the system.
  • Electrical systems should only be installed where there is no furniture with large dimensions.
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Repair of underfloor heating is not the most difficult process, if you are guided by all of the above information. In addition, if you carefully handle the system, then repair will never be required.

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