DIY parquet restoration

If elements of wear, scratches and abrasions appear on your floor, do not rush to get upset and choose a new one. As a rule, such small damage is not worth its full replacement. And in this article we will consider in detail how do-it-yourself parquet restoration takes place. There is nothing complicated in this, if you have the right tools and tools at hand.
to contents ↑Floor condition analysis
The first step is to analyze the condition of the old coating. There are damages that cannot be repaired at home, and the work of professionals is required:
- If there are large cracks and chips on the surface, then restoration of parquet will require special equipment and cycling.
- If the coating was flooded, after which it was swollen, then a complete or partial replacement of the parquet is required. It will not be possible to repair such damage.
- If the elements of the parquet become loose, traces of rot or mold appear on them, then it makes no sense to restore such a coating. It must be removed, the base treated and a new floor covering laid.
In the cases described, you will have to take the help of specialists, you won’t be able to restore the floor with your own hands.
to contents ↑Preparatory work for restoration
If the parquet simply lost its original appearance, but the foundation itself remained solid, then the coating can still be saved and updated:
- First you need to free the room. Remove all furniture and carpets from the room.
- Carry out wet cleaning. You can use special cleaners for this.
Next, it is worth deciding what method will be used to restore the old parquet with your own hands. There are three ways: preparing tinted putty, imitating joints, and using foot grinding. Next, let's look in detail how to update the flooring at home in the aforementioned ways.
to contents ↑Parquet restoration with cosmetic putty
In this case, it is necessary to purchase a special paste for parquet restoration in a specialized store. They come in various shades. Pick the color that suits you.
Important! Buying a ready-made pasta is convenient because you do not need to cook it yourself. But if somewhere on the shelves of your pantry there are pieces of old parquet, which is laid on the floor, here you can make grout for them from scratches and potholes.
How to restore parquet in this way?
- To do this, cut from the available pieces of sawdust.
- Then mix them in a bowl with parquet lacquer. Stir to the consistency of sour cream.
- When filing filler is added to the epoxy varnish, the result will be a texture similar to plasticine. The proportions in which it is necessary to mix are equal to 1: 4, respectively.
to contents ↑Important! It is worth using an independent manufacture of putty in the case when you could not find the right tone for the finished one.
Coverage update using simulated joints
This is the next way to restore parquet with your own hands without scraping.
To perform this method, you need an awl and a metal ruler. You can take a special locksmith or use the usual.
For the formation of imitations of joints on an already putty surface, it is necessary to wait for such a state of putty that it does not cling, but is still soft. In other words, it can be called gelatinization. The latter in different types of varnish occurs after different times. As for alkyd and uralkyd varnishes, here a similar state of putty occurs in about a few minutes, after it has been laid, and lasts only a minute.
to contents ↑Important! Work should be quick and efficient. You need to carry out direct fakes. You can do this with an awl by sweeping the ruler. To make curved lines, here it is necessary with a slight pressure to draw the edge of the ruler.
Foot restoration
Consider another way to update the flooring at home.
Here you will need shoes with a flat sole. It can be sneakers, sneakers, shoes and more:
- Using the 88th glue, fix sandpaper No. 40 on one sole - this will be a rough skin. On the second sole, fasten the skin No. 80, which has a more gentle action.
- Then grind with grinding feet.
to contents ↑Important! Of course, all this can be done manually, but with your feet it’s many times easier and faster.
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We examined how to update the flooring with our own hands without looping. Now it’s worth determining the amount of damage and choosing the appropriate method to repair the damage.
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