Gray wallpaper in the bedroom

The choice of color is one of the most important issues in the process of creating the interior of a bedroom, since it is not just an addition to the interior, but also becomes its main component. It is the color that can set the desired atmosphere, tell about the inner world of the room owner and have a direct impact on all other elements of the interior. Gray wallpaper in the bedroom will help to create a modern design that is suitable for relaxation and a relaxing holiday. This wallpaper color will be a wonderful backdrop for creating an exclusive interior in absolutely any style.
to contents ↑Color in the interior
Gray is an “intermediate" option between white and black. White is formed when the entire spectrum of visible light is reflected from an existing surface. Black - when the spectrum is completely absorbed. It becomes obvious that in gray these two poles are connected, which leaves an imprint on its perception.
This is a “moderate” color that helps create an balanced, calm atmosphere. It is completely neutral, which means that colored elements can easily give the bedroom interior the necessary mood, which is easy to change by changing, for example, textile details.
Important! When planning a bedroom repair, you need to immediately decide which furniture you will use. Depending on its color, it is worth choosing dark or light shades for wallpaper.
On the gray wallpaper in the bedroom can be drawings of different sizes and colors. Do not forget about the general rules of design:
- A contrasting large pattern on the canvases will make the small room even smaller.
- Wall murals in ashen tones are able to visually reduce the size of the bedroom.
- Light colors of wallpaper will visually expand the space.
- The combination of dark and light shades can make it possible to correct small room flaws - visually “raise” the ceilings (gradient transition from darker shades on the floor to light shades on the ceiling), expand a narrow wall somewhat (highlighting it with a lighter tone).
What style is suitable for bedroom design?
Ash shade can be applied in any style - from Minimalism to Classics, there are no restrictions. Here the same laws apply as in other cases - light shades visually expand the room, dark shades, on the contrary, narrow.
Important! Different styles choose different color combinations. For example, pastel colors added to light gray are appropriate for the Provence style, beige, creamy shades for Classics, and bright or even acid colors for Modern and Art Deco.
Let us consider in more detail the possible combinations:
- Classic. The combination of dark and light shades of this color, complemented by white colors - both “warm” and “cold”, is suitable for all classic styles. Canvases with stripes and monogram patterns are also suitable.
- Shabby chic. Gray wallpaper in the bedroom combined with pastel blue and pink is the basis of this fashionable style.
- Pop Art. Gray as the basis is preferred for the Pop art style, as it serves as a softening element for sharp and contrasting combinations.
- Scandinavian style. Here, cool gray shades are more than appropriate - they bring logic and solidity into the atmosphere, and also serve as a unifying tone, bringing together individual interior details.
- Minimalism.Here, light gray can become the main tone, for example, it is appropriate in bedrooms that face the south side, because white here can be too bright and harsh.
Shades and combinations in the interior of the bedroom
Depending on the saturation, the gray color can look different. In addition, other colors can be added to the main gray shade, obtaining a “dusty rose”, ash gray, the color of wet or dry stone, silver, the color of a stormy sky or mother of pearl. Such a rich palette can create the prerequisites for the design of monochrome interiors. For instance:
- With dark gray wallpaper you can highlight the wall near the head of the bed or in the recreation area, and with lighter options you can decorate the rest of the walls.
- You can also highlight a section of the wall with wallpaper with a picture of a slightly more saturated gray color.
- Light variations of gray with the addition of warmer tones (creamy, beige) can help create a “warm” and cozy bedroom interior.
- In the case when the room’s windows face the south side, it is advisable to add blue or blue tones to the gray in order to somewhat “cool” the situation.
Combination with other colors
In addition to monochrome design variations, combinations of gray walls in the bedroom interior with other shades and colors are also possible. However, when working with color, it is advisable to adhere to the following principles:
- It is necessary that the partner colors belong to the same temperature range, be either “warm” or “cold”.
- In case you use saturated ashy as a basis, it is worth adding pastel, light tones to it, thereby balancing the interior of the room.
- If you chose a light gray tone as the basis, then it can be supplemented with contrasting bright colors.
Here are some shades you can use in combination with gray wallpaper in the bedroom:
- Blue. Together with gray, it forms a somewhat “cool” atmosphere and is suitable for a bedroom that overlooks the south side. It can be used in classic, marine, Scandinavian and other styles.
- White. Gray and white, complemented by black accents - this is a classic combination. Depending on the ratio of these colors, the interior may be more sharp or calm. Often used in modern styles.
- Pink. The combination with pink is one of the most interesting and rich in opportunities. This is due to the fact that pink has a huge variety of shades - from the juicy tone of fuchsia to a delicate apple color.
Important! Both gray and pink can intersperse with varying degrees of saturation. Together, these two factors can create an infinite number of options for using such a combination.
- Yellow. Suitable for bedrooms with windows facing the north side, because it creates a joyful, sunny atmosphere. Depending on the saturation and tone of yellow, it can be used in different styles - from Country to Classic.
- Brown. It is often used together with green and yellow, forming a harmonious combination, which is most in demand in the bedrooms of the Country style, as well as Eco.
Curtains for bedrooms with gray wallpaper
Choosing curtains for gray wallpaper in the bedroom, you can use these variations:
- Solid colors. This option is preferable for monochrome versions of bedroom interiors, as well as when there is a need to “dissolve” a window opening by hiding it in space. This is often done when the window has a small size or a non-standard and not very successful shape.
- Contrasting. It makes it possible to create a bright accent in the bedroom. In this case, the curtains can be matched either to the wallpaper on the accent wall, or to the tone of some other textile details (decorative pillows, bedspreads, upholstered furniture), or to the tone of the furniture. This technique is often used in modern interior styles.
- Neutral This option makes it possible to create a romantic and delicate atmosphere, using, for example, pastel colors.
Stock footage
Gray wallpaper in the bedroom - It is stylish, fashionable and simply beautiful. It is unfortunate that not everyone understands the appeal of this beautiful color, considering it gloomy and boring, but when used correctly, it has a beneficial effect on the psyche of people, relaxes and soothes.
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