DIY templates and stencils for window frames

From ancient times, it has been a tradition to framing window constructions with cash. Previously, it was believed that such bizarre patterns, in addition to protecting the home from the penetration of drafts, serve as a guard against evil spirits and the evil eye.

Window frames for patterns

Today it is also very popular to install window frames. DIY stencils and templates are not as difficult to make as it might seem at first glance.

Before you begin, you should study a number of nuances.

Advantages and disadvantages

It should be noted that wooden cashing is rarely seen in high-rise buildings. However, in private buildings, the design of "antique" is again gaining popularity. Such decoration makes the house stylish and unique.

It is noteworthy that in the manufacturing process today, not only wood is used. Metal and plastic constructions are quite in demand. There are also products from laminated MDF, but they can not be installed on the street, they are intended for interior decoration of doorways and windows.

Advantages of platbands:

Platen Stencils

  1. An opportunity to express individuality, to give the building a style of a certain era.
  2. Protection of the space between the wall and the window frame from dust and moisture.
  3. Additional noise insulation of the building.
  4. Dressing apertures. Cashing is able to visually expand narrow buildings or stretch low ones.
  5. Products emphasize a certain style and allow you to combine all the buildings on the site into a common architectural composition.
  6. Reduced heat loss in the abutment area of ​​the wall and window frame.
  7. Often, products are the only decor. So, in a wooden house, cashing must be made of the same material as the house itself, otherwise the coloring of the building will be lost.

As with any finishing material, in addition to the obvious advantages, wooden platbands have disadvantages.

Some of them:

  1. Dependence on the quality of processing. It is very important to choose the right wood, soak it well with special means, and then stain it. These manipulations can significantly extend the period of operation. Otherwise, the material will quickly become worthless.
  2. Dependence on atmospheric exposure. As you know, constant temperature changes, humidity, and ultraviolet radiation damage the frame.
  3. The complexity of combining products with modern PVC window constructions.

Homemade platbands

Before you make window frames with your own hands, you need to deal with all the nuances and conduct preparatory activities. First you need to decide on a specific pattern, then make a pattern, transfer the pattern to wood and only then proceed with manufacturing. Each step should be studied in detail.

Pattern selection

Window Stencil

Homemade carved cashing - decorative lining for the exterior design of window and doorways. After installation, the design takes on a finished and attractive look.

Various carved ornaments are also very popular today. They give a special flavor to the house. However, each pattern has a specific meaning:

  1. The sun is a symbol of masculinity. It is believed that light drives away evil spirits, gives peace.
  2. Agricultural signs (crossed stripes, rhombs with dots) - sown fields. Earth symbols are the most common pattern on carvings.
  3. Birds.For a long time, people believed that the souls of deceased relatives inhabit birds. That is why for the protection of the dwelling on cashing depicted birds.
  4. Plants and flowers. Products with a similar design mean unity with nature.
  5. Goddess Bereginya personifies the feminine.
  6. Water, as you know, is a symbol of life. Waves were depicted on platbands to improve the well-being of residents of the house.
  7. Snakes attract wisdom and fertility.
  8. Wings - a very strong amulet. Dwellings decorated with such cashing are protected.

It is important to understand that even a novice carpenter can make wooden platbands for windows.

Making stencils is also not difficult. Of course, for the first work you can use simple patterns. Practice shows that the main thing is desire.

Template Formation

A stencil is a device that is used to apply various identical patterns to the surface.

Stencils platbands on windows do-it-yourself patterns

Before you start making cashing, you need to get patterns. Finding samples is not difficult: they can be downloaded on the Internet, bought at specialized retail outlets, cut from magazines.

Ready-made sketches can be made of thick paper, cardboard or fiberboard. They must be attached to the future platband, and then circled in pencil. In addition, you can independently make stencils of carved platbands for windows.

There are several ways to do this:

  1. Print the picture or make a photocopy of it. When copying, you can enlarge the pattern you like to the required size. Then, the resulting sketch should be transferred to a wooden blank.
  2. Draw manually by zooming in cells. The advantage of this method is that you can change the proportions of the pattern. To make the picture bigger, you need to zoom in.
  3. Using a graphical editor. First you need to select a sample of the window frames and process it using a computer program (like Photoshop). If you do not have the necessary skills, you can use simpler applications (for example, Paint).
  4. If there is no printer, do not despair, because there is a way out: first you need to select the scale of the picture on the computer, then attach a sheet of white paper to the screen and draw contours with a marker.

In the manufacture of carved products, stencils are the main assistants. When drawing up the drawing, it is important to consider what pattern will be on different parts of the product (upper bar, side rails, lower girdle).

Material preparation

Experts recommend using beech, birch, alder, walnut, oak, linden as the basis for making cashing. The fundamental factor in choosing a wood species is method of manufacturing products:

 do-it-yourself window stencils for windows

  1. Soft-leaved species (aspen, alder). The material is soft, working with it is easy and convenient. However, if improperly processed, the products will quickly deteriorate and absorb moisture.
  2. Fruit trees are most often used to make small decorative elements, which are subsequently superimposed on the main drawing.
  3. Hardwood (ash, oak) is a reliable and durable material. However, to make cashing, it will take a lot of effort and time.
  4. The best option is the use of conifers (pine), as well as hardwood (birch). The material is quite solid and durable, quite suitable for installation outside the house. On such wood, you can easily make accurate cuts.

There are two types of thread: patch and slotted. The latter suggests that the drawing is done through the entire product, exquisitely framing the window opening.

 window frames

Laid on thread is much easier. The fact is that in the process of work they use thin blanks, which are much easier to manipulate. This method involves creating individual elements. The latter are stacked together on a solid board. In this way, simple window trims can be decorated.

The beauty of fishnet products is the use of contrast. You can often find light details on a dark background.

Elements made by the method of surface thread are fixed on the basis of nails. It is recommended that the latter be hatless. To ensure a more durable connection, you need to take glue. It should be applied to the drawing from the inside. Experts do not recommend using self-tapping screws for fastening.

Manufacturing process

After the owner selects suitable drawings, determines the material and type of thread, you should proceed to the manufacture of platbands. Places of a pattern where it is necessary to make cuts, it is desirable to mark with a marker. Phased algorithm of work:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to take measurements from the window structure.
  2. If slotted threads are to be used, the minimum thickness of the wood should be 30 mm. With the patch method, a 10 mm base can be used. It should be noted that for the work it is necessary to use dry lumber.
  3. After this, it is necessary to cut the workpiece.
  4. To casing denser fit, on the wrong side should choose wood to a depth of 1-2 mm.
  5. Then you need to transfer the pattern from the template to the workpiece. Drills are used to make holes. In addition, a jigsaw is required to make slots.
  6. Carved cashing elements should be cleaned with sandpaper. Remove dust from blind holes with a vacuum cleaner.

Processing and installation

After the platbands are ready, you can proceed with installation. Proper installation of products is the key to long-term operation and maintenance of appearance.

There are several ways to fix it:

Platbands for windows stencils

  1. Cross-cutting is a simple but not reliable method. Fixation is carried out using a spike system. Each of them needs to be installed in an inconspicuous place. In addition, all parts must be additionally protected from moisture.
  2. Deaf. The spikes are installed directly in the casing, and holes are made in the window frame under them. The adhesive should be applied to the fastener, then put it in the groove. This is a more complicated way of fixing, but in this way the installation site is reliably protected from moisture.

The listed methods are relevant if cashing is carried out on wooden window structures. When installing the frame on the PVC window, you should use the adhesive, which is popularly called "liquid nails." Thus, the integrity of the frame will not be compromised.

To extend the operating period of platbands, after installation, it is mandatory to carry out protective treatment.

First of all, wooden products should be primed, and then coated with varnish or paint.

In the context of urbanization, the popularization of carved art is very relevant. If you make a little effort, you can independently make wooden platbands for windows. Of course, the work is difficult, but the result is worth it. The advantage of doing it yourself is the significant savings in the family budget.

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