Width of stairs to the second floor in a private house

Width of stairs to the second floor in a private house - This is a very important characteristic, since it is necessary to observe a number of different nuances in it. In order to satisfy all the standards, it should be understood what specific requirements can be presented to a particular design. Let's understand from the very beginning, so that the lifting structure in your house is not only convenient, beautiful, but also safe.

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The main design features of the stairs

Before assembling and installing the stairs, the purpose of its use should be firmly understood. For example, if you need to go up to the second floor, you need to ensure easy access so that a person can safely walk with the load. If your staircase has more than four steps, it is best to take care of the installation of handrails, which will slightly reduce the width.

The choice sized stairs to the second floor in a private house should not only meet the minimum requirements for lifting, but also give proper comfort.

Do not deprive attention of other types of structures:

  1. Internal and external.
  2. Interfloor and street.
  3. Evacuation and firefighters.
  4. Attic.
  5. Attic.
  6. Basement.

Any type of installation will require a detailed explanation.

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Characteristics of the stairs for a private house

If specifically sizes of steps in a private housethen you should know the correct proportions. They include not only the length and width of the structure, but also the size of the tread and risers.

Important! If you violate the ratio of these values, then you will have a design with the wrong slope, which will adversely affect reliability and safety.

Values ​​close to ideal are as follows:

  • The width of one step is 1.2 m.
  • Tread - from 0.28 to 0.3 m.
  • The riser is from 0.15 to 0.18 m.


To comply with all norms within a limited space, the calculations take the value of the human step (60-70 cm). Two adjacent risers and the width of the tread should add up to the size of one step.

Important! In order to save yourself from all the difficulties during the design, you must pre-examine the location and configuration of the stairs.

Now you understand how approximately they look sizes of steps in a private housebut what about other cases?

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This option is the most common in homes. You can find many variations of these types of designs.

If you get acquainted with the simplest device of such a model, then:

  • The best width will be approximately 100 cm. It is this value that will satisfy the conditions for creating a free spacious lift with the possibility of installing handrails. It is also very pleased that such a device will take up little space and provide enough convenience.
  • The size of the tilt angle for such a case is created within 30-40 degrees. This angle allows you to create the optimal ratio of the width and height of the steps.

Important! For residential premises, a ratio of 1.5 to 1 or 2 to 1 is suitable. For street options, you can close your eyes to small deviations, but only if the total number of steps is no more than 15.

  • If there is not so much free space, then you can reduce the width to 70 cm. In this case, you need to install a fence outside the tread near the end of the steps.
  • To install sites, this indicator can be slightly increased.

Important! The most important thing is to ensure free movement in both directions without the risk of injury.

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Screw type

This option is suitable for those who want to save more space. But paradoxically, it is for this case that it is better to increase the minimum values. Width of stairs to the second floor in a private house in this case should start from 80 cm.

Important! Larger values ​​are due to the fact that for the screw type, the used area for movement is greatly reduced.

Such designs have a slightly different size distribution:

  • The part that is close to the axis is reduced to 15 cm. To step on such parts is not very safe, but also extremely inconvenient. For this reason, you need to select the optimal values ​​somewhere in the center of the step. Hence it is clear that there will be a maximum on the far edge.
  • To climb in a spiral, it is best to get fences. Let them take up some space, but at least provide some security.
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Folding steps

For owners of attics and attics, you can create a much smaller rise. For small rooms folding ladders are perfect. The essence of such structures is that during operation the steps descend from above and unfold to separate connected sections.

Due to the increase in the angle of inclination, movement should only be carried out facing the structure. Usually sizes of 15 and 60 cm are chosen, without the presence of handrails. Such equipment is fixed on the manhole cover in such a way as not to interfere with a change in its position.

Important! The approximate area of ​​the hatch must be at least one square meter.

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Creative options

If the size of the stairs in the house If you don’t allow access to the desired room, then you can consider another way out.

In fact, such options are created only for utility rooms and attics, but in the absence of a choice, strict rules can be neglected. This type of construction is also called the “goose step”.

The bottom line is that the depth of the steps is different and they alternate sequentially, which allows you to reduce the total width to about half a meter.

Important! The most interesting thing is that with this approach all safety conditions are preserved and the visibility of the surrounding space is not lost. The angle of inclination can be increased up to 50 degrees, if you do not forget to install the handrails.

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This is precisely how dimensional ratios are selected for structures that are designed for lifting. Do not put yourself in any kind of framework, because the most important criteria are your comfort and safety.

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