DIY drywall cabinet

Today, not only partitions, suspended ceilings are made from drywall, but also sliding wardrobes. Such a drywall product is an ideal solution for small rooms. The use of this material in the cabinet device helps you to create not only a design, but also an original design. In this article, you will learn how to make a drywall cabinet with your own hands, significantly saving money compared to purchasing a finished design.

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Design variations

GKL-cabinet can be made absolutely any design. Most often come to the manufacture of the following types:

  • Linear. This type is suitable for absolutely all rooms.
  • Angular. It will be the best option for a small room.
  • Built in. The best option for rooms that have niches. Such types of construction are often done with additional lighting.
  • Closet. This option will allow you to fit all the necessary things, if necessary - hide them from prying eyes.

Consider another classification. The constructions under consideration can be in two variations:

  • With visible shelves. Most often they are used for decorative purposes.
  • Closed. This design option is the most practical and profitable.
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Pros and cons of installation

The main plus of built-in drywall cabinets is their relative cheapness. But besides this, they have a huge number of advantages:

  • GKL construction can be made in any size and configuration. This fact is very relevant, since we all face the eternal problem of lack of space in the room.
  • Such an interior item perfectly performs the task of zoning the room.
  • Plasterboard furniture is very durable and can last you for many years.

However, there are some restrictions that future users may not like:

  • GKL-cabinet can only be built-in (stationary). This means that you can’t turn it around or put it in another place, if after some time it seems to the user the most suitable.
  • Do not store tools or sharp objects inside.
  • It is not recommended to hang doors on hinges on the built-in drywall construction due to the limited load on the rack profile. For this reason, wardrobes are often made from gypsum plasterboard.
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So, having figured out all the advantages and disadvantages, you can safely proceed to the manufacture of a cabinet from drywall with your own hands.


First of all, you need to decide where the future design will be located, what sizes it will be, how many shelves you need to make, what the sizes of the clothes that will be stored there will be - this is necessary in order to properly position the bar, where it will hang. Farther:

  1. Measure the selected place from all angles of the future closet. This manipulation is necessary to compare the dimensions - it is rare that in apartments all walls have the same height.
  2. Draw a drawing indicating all sizes. This is necessary in order to calculate the quantities of materials for installation.
  3. After you check all measurements, all contours must be transferred to the walls, ceiling and floor, having previously cleaned them and, if necessary, degreased. Draw the markings under the ruler and square, strictly correlating with the drawn sketch.

Important! Particular attention should be paid to the floor - it is quite possible that before you put a built-in closet on it, you will have to strengthen or restore the surface.

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We create the basis for future construction

In any GKL product, the main component is the crate, and a do-it-yourself drywall cabinet is no exception. Almost all characteristics of the finished product will directly depend on the reliability of this lattice and its geometry. For this reason, when installing the frame, almost every part of it must be checked with a building level and fixed with the correct pitch:

  • First of all, you need to lay profiles that will adjoin the surfaces. The distance between these profiles should be maintained at 40 cm. It is recommended to lay a damper tape under all elements, which is designed to damp out acoustic waves, otherwise the cabinet will end up being hollow. The damper tape has an adhesive layer, so you can first glue it, and then fasten the profile on top.

Important! When attaching a structure to a plane, level checking is more important than ever. If you neglect it, then the entire structure after installation will turn out to be curved and unstable.

  • Proceed to the installation of outdoor uprights.
  • After that, you need to attach horizontal profiles for GCR. The correct direction of their installation is considered from top to bottom. Where the shelves should be, the jumpers should be as solid as possible, since you cannot be sure what you will put on these shelves later.
  • The formation of the back wall of the cabinet depends on the state of the wall of fit. If a repair was recently carried out and the stove has the desired appearance, then you can not sheathe its gypsum board.

After making the frame of the wardrobe from drywall with your own hands, you can safely proceed to the casing.

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Final stage

Facing with gypsum board plates is carried out in the traditional way - the sheets are cut and fixed on the profile using self-tapping screws. Next, proceed as follows:

  1. Glue serpentine seams with internal corners and seal with starting putty.
  2. Strengthen the outer corners of the structure with a perforated corner made of metal, mounted on the same starting putty. This manipulation is necessary, since something will always cling to the cabinet during operation.
  3. Prime the cabinet inside and out. If the shelves, like the design itself, are made of gypsum plaster, they also need to be primed.
  4. Finish puttying of product walls.
  5. Measure the doors, calculate the dimensions of the boxes (if they are in the sketch).
  6. After delivery of the door leafs, mount the lower and upper rails, which should be included with them.
  7. Put the doors in place - first install the facade, which is closer to the back wall.
  8. Install the stopper, which will be located in the upper guide.
  9. To make the outer surface of the cabinet, for example, decorate it with a film under the tree.
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Sliding wardrobe is an irreplaceable thing in a modern apartment. Not surprising, because a huge number of things can be removed into it. From this article, you learned how to make a cabinet from drywall with your own hands, which means that now you can definitely complement your apartment with such a useful piece of furniture.


