How long should linoleum lie before installing the baseboard?

The modern market of building and finishing materials offers us a huge assortment of new technological coatings from synthetic and natural materials, for every taste. Along with this, such a well-known material as linoleum has not lost its relevance for several decades, is widely used in the repair of both residential and commercial premises. This material is still in demand due to its versatility, durability, reliability and excellent aesthetic appearance. Also, one of its most important advantages is the ease of installation - any lay person will cope with the installation. But often beginners ask themselves how much linoleum should be laid down before installing the baseboard? You will find the answer to this question in this article.

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What are the reasons?

Lay linoleum on the floor - what could be easier? In most cases, it does not even need to be glued, but simply press the baseboards around the perimeter of the room. Especially if the size of the roll allows you to lay the coating without joints. However, not knowing how much linoleum should lie down before laying and under what conditions, you can get an unsightly wavy surface or cracks along the baseboards and at the joints of two pieces.

The styling process has its own nuances associated with the characteristics of the material and its storage conditions.


Elasticity recovery

If you tried to deploy linoleum rolled into a roll in the cold, then most likely you know that this can lead to cracks on its surface, or even through creases. This is due to the loss of material elasticity under the influence of low temperatures. Flexible and soft in a warm room, it is fragile and brittle in the cold.

Important! In construction stores, it is usually stored in unheated warehouses, and during transportation it manages to cool to a rather low temperature. For this reason, when buying in the cold season, this feature of linoleum should be considered.

How much linoleum needs to be laid back on a roll after entering the room depends on the temperature inside the walls. Nobody will tell you the exact period of time - you just need to observe. Once it becomes elastic and flexible again, you can deploy. It usually takes three to four hours.



Every professional knows that any building materials must get used to the surrounding climate before installation. This means that they must shrink, or vice versa - stretching under the influence of temperature and humidity in the room.

Important! The duration of the acclimatization process depends on the thickness and quality of linoleum. Modern technological coatings practically do not change their geometry, but their price is usually higher than that of analogues of a lower grade.



The material twisted into a roll and in a state that has been in this state for a long time naturally remembers the adopted shape. When you expand it on the floor, you will most likely see waves. No tension to get rid of them immediately will not help, but only the passage of a certain amount of time.


How much linoleum must be laid down after laying to straighten depends on the following points:

  • The presence of the base and its thickness. The heavier and thicker the material, the less time it needs to straighten. Sometimes 11-12 hours is enough.But inexpensive thin coatings without a heat and sound insulation base can restore their shape for a long time up to several days.
  • Weighting. If you put something heavy on folds and waves, the process will go faster.
  • The diameter of the original roll. The fastest thing to straighten is a piece cut from the beginning of the bay in the warehouse, because it was folded in large turns. How much should the piece of linoleum be aligned with which the roll curl began? - For a long time! In general, it’s better not to buy such a piece, there’s a lot of trouble with it.
  • Smell. Modern high-quality coatings have almost no smell when buying, but it’s better to give them time to lie down in a spread out form for complete weathering of the chemical smell. To do this, it is desirable to provide good ventilation and ventilation in the room.
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How to avoid gaps and waves?

Just spread the sheet on the floor and wait a while - not enough to get a perfectly flat surface without defects.

The following instructions will help you achieve the desired result:

  1. After acclimatization and straightening of linoleum, it must be cut off around the perimeter of the room. To do this, it is laid out on a clean dry floor and cut off in place.
  2. If it will be necessary to join two canvases, they are temporarily overlapped.
  3. Then stand for about a day in those conditions under which the floor will be constantly operated. To avoid shear, the sheets are pressed with a load.
  4. After a day, they look whether the material has expanded or the dimensions have remained the same. If the linoleum has expanded, again cut along the edge, leaving the necessary clearance to the wall 5-8 mm.
  5. If he shrinks and a gap appears, nothing else needs to be done, further reduction is hardly possible.
  6. After all these actions, the coating can be glued to the floor, if necessary, or simply pressed with skirting boards.
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No one knows exactly how much linoleum needs to be laid down - it depends on what it is made of, its quality and environmental conditions. Only one thing can be said for sure - it’s better not to rush, it will not lead to anything good, at the same time, delay in this matter will only benefit.


