Squeaks gas meter - what to do?

A device such as a gas meter is a fairly reliable device that undergoes the most thorough inspection before selling and installing, and this is always done only in the strict conditions of a professional laboratory. With proper installation and the necessary protection against temperature extremes, direct sunlight and moisture, the gas meter can last for many years without any problems and unforeseen breakdowns. However, there are also such a few cases when the installation of the device occurs in violation of all permissible regulations, then hard times come for its owner. The first signs of a malfunction are not always so visible and can only reveal themselves as strange sounds coming from a gas meter. It is logical that the owner of the device begins to actively seek a solution to this problem. Workshops that repair and maintain these devices very often receive requests from users such as: our gas meter creaks, clicks or whistles, what should I do? This malfunction is not fatal, and the meter can still work for many years. However, it is better to immediately check its condition and find out if this is a real malfunction or a consequence of the temperature difference, due to which the plastic case is slightly deformed and the gas meter began to creak and squeak due to this.
to contents ↑The main causes that can lead to a malfunction of a standard gas meter
A variety of different conditions and circumstances can lead to these reasons. Some of them are well described and known to specialists. For example, some often have a gas meter creaking. These issues may occur due to the following:
- if the meter has a display that works from a mechanical drive, then when it is installed in an unheated room and without a filter at the inlet, it may turn out that when the gas is too wet, the device mechanism may begin to make squeaky sounds;
- sometimes a creak appears due to the fact that the small plastic wheels that are in the mechanism of the device come out of their working grooves and begin to make a squeak and rattle;
- if the gas meter of the new generation has a digital display, then another reason may happen, namely, the oxidation of the wires and the loss of reliable contact, which can also lead to the appearance of extraneous noise and sounds.
Only a qualified specialist can determine exactly why a gas meter is noisy. Trying to do this on your own is not recommended, since the meter has a special seal, which is strictly prohibited to open.
to contents ↑Common malfunctions of electronic gas meters
Most control devices are currently equipped with modern electronic units that are equipped with a digital display. The following types of malfunctions are considered the most studied in them:
- The readings of the gas appliance have stopped and do not change. At the same time, he emits not a loud, but a constant squeak. Most likely, this is an indicator that the drive, which is located between the electronic components of the device, got a malfunction.
- There are no indications on the screen of the device, and the gas meter itself creaks during operation. There may be several reasons for this. One of them is the poor electrical contact of the device’s power wire.
- Most of the information shown on the display is difficult to read, and sometimes completely disappears from the screen. In this case, there is a problem with the liquid crystal display.
Any of these malfunctions will require the intervention of an experienced specialist, so to solve the problem it will be necessary to immediately go to the gas workshop serving your area and give them a request for repair or replacement of the gas meter.
Unfortunately, even with quite normal operation of gas appliances with an impeller, it is possible to hear a lot of extraneous sounds - a constant creak, grunt, characteristic squelching and clattering. A good way out of this situation could be to buy a new gas meter, equipped with a modern electronic ultrasonic head, which are small in size and at the same time completely silent.
to contents ↑Important! Their only significant drawback is the rather high cost, which is three times higher than the cost of a conventional standard gas device.
Peeps a gas meter - what to do, whether to call the master?
You had such a problem, and you immediately thought about what would be more profitable - to repair an existing gas meter or buy a new one? Here you must remember that the control meter is in your full ownership. Based on this, all of the current financial expenses relating to its verification, installation and replacement are borne solely by you. Therefore, the only option that you can do without calling a specialist from the gas office is a thorough visual inspection of your device:
- If you notice something suspicious, such as garbage or old leaves with last year's grass on its body, then you can carefully remove all this yourself and clean the counter with a soft brush.
- In all other cases, when the device has a normal appearance, but the squeak is heard from its case, it will be necessary to immediately apply for a gas master. And before it arrives, it is advisable to block the flow of gas into your apartment or house.
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When buying a new control device, which will keep track of the consumed gas, each gas consumer must necessarily receive a new data sheet for this device. This paper must be registered immediately with your local gas organization. Upon registration, the employee will notify you of the time when the first check will be carried out. These dates vary greatly in different regions and can be every five years, and in some cases even more - from eight to ten years. We wish you that your metering devices rarely break down and do not cause you any unnecessary problems, because they were created for other purposes!
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