Do-it-yourself countertop to the bathroom

A beautiful and functional countertop in the bathroom with your own hands is a simple task for a diligent and economical home craftsman. The cost of finished products is quite high, so the independent manufacture of countertops allows you to save quite a significant amount of money. To create waterproof furniture, it is important to choose the right material. What to make a countertop in the bathroom under the sink? Consider the most popular options.

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This is a budget, very easy to use finishing material. At the same time, the design of moisture-proof drywall for the bathroom is functional, fits perfectly into various design options. You can make products of various shapes - from a simple rectangle to complex curved shapes.

Important! The only drawback - drywall remains drywall, and for a long time it will not be enough. To extend the life of the plasterboard worktops in the bathroom with your own hands, it is treated with a waterproofing composition and faced with ceramic tiles or mosaics.

Materials, tools

For work you will need:

  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Sealant.
  • Waterproof glue.
  • Primer.
  • Self-tapping screws.

Operating procedure:

  • The first stage of installation is fixing the guide profile to the wall. Mounting height is 800 mm. The mounted guide profile is a frame on which the countertop will be installed.
  • The next stage is the sawing of the drywall blanks according to the size of the frame. After that, the workpiece is laid on the frame for marking and sawing holes for the sink.
  • Next - fixing the workpiece to the frame with self-tapping screws. It is necessary that the supports on which the countertop is located, withstand a significant mass. To do this, 2 triangular-shaped steel braces are made from the profile, на of the width of the drywall blank.
  • The braces are fixed at right angles to each other: one is vertical, and the other is horizontal, along the edge of the cut.

Important! On top of the braces, pieces of steel profile are attached. It is advisable to sheathe the braces with high moisture resistance material.

  • For cladding, countertops use ceramic mosaic or tile.

Important! Tile is a more preferable option, as there are fewer seams. The do-it-yourself mosaic countertop in the bathroom is beautiful, but not so practical. Facing should be taken very seriously and performed even in hidden areas.


Features of cladding technology:

  1. Before installing the tile, the surface is covered with two layers of waterproofing composition. Bitumen mastic is well suited for this purpose.
  2. On top of the mastic, a layer of waterproof GVL is laid, in which a hole for the sink is cut. Installation of the GVL sheet is carried out on tile glue.
  3. Laying of tiles is preceded by marking. In the lower part of the countertop, rails are attached, which serve as beacons for mounting the tiles.
  4. After the marking is completed, the structure is primed.
  5. After waiting for the complete drying of the soil, tile adhesive is applied to the surface with a spatula.
  6. Masonry starts from the corner, not forgetting to check the correctness of the laying by the building level.
  7. The seams are wiped with epoxy. The composition is applied to the entire surface with a spatula, and then the remainder is removed with a damp cloth.
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How to make a countertop in the bathroom with your own hands? Fake diamond

It is suitable for different styles, looks noble and spectacular. The advantages of artificial stone include:

  • Water resistance.
  • Strength.
  • Long service life.

Features of work:

  1. The first stage of the installation of countertops made of artificial stone is the installation of wall panels that serve as a support. To fix the sides, a special composition is used. It is necessary that all the joints are made qualitatively, otherwise the appearance of cracks cannot be avoided.
  2. As a base, you can use a cabinet, an old countertop or plywood sheet. To form the frame, the plywood sheet is cut into strips of 70 mm wide. When using a stone with a thickness of 3 mm, use a solid sheet.
  3. To attach the stone to the plywood preform, use a 2-component epoxy compound, distributing it over the surface with a spatula. The stone is pressed tightly from the middle to the edges.
  4. The end parts are machined with a milling cutter and faced with pieces of artificial stone. First you need to thoroughly clean and degrease the surface.
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Podium under the sink in the bathroom with your own hands. Concrete

It turns out that concrete is not only an excellent building material. Decorative constructions can also be made from it. The advantages of concrete include:

  • Ease of doing it yourself.
  • Strength.
  • Long service life.

The main component of the concrete mix is ​​M-400 cement. River sand is used as a fine-grained filler. Fillers of large fractions can serve:

  • Marble or granite chips.
  • Gravel.

Important! You can create an unusual and unique pattern by adding cullet and (or) various dyes to the solution. If you distribute the paint unevenly, you get a unique pattern.


Features of work:

  • The basis for a concrete countertop can be a sheet of laminated plywood or chipboard. In this case, it is necessary that the materials are moisture resistant.
  • The contour is marked according to the patterns and the bars are fastened. The area that is intended for installation of the sink is not poured with concrete.

Important! To make the edge of the concrete product look more beautiful, a plasticine chamfer is made along the edge of the base at an angle of 45 degrees.

  • The resulting frame is poured with concrete, using a vibrating table for uniform distribution of the mixture.

Important! Concrete is poured in two stages, approximately 50/50. The second part of the solution is poured after the first completely hardens.

  • After the concrete has completely hardened, the frame is removed, the finished countertop is turned over and installed on the bars.
  • The final step in manufacturing is machining with a grinder.
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To make a countertop in the bathroom under the sink and washing machine, as you see, you do not need a lot of skill. Only patience, accuracy and hard work!

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