TV integrated in the kitchen

Today it is difficult to find at least one kitchen that does not have a TV. Its absence even surprises guests at home. Although he, of course, does not apply to kitchen appliances. More often TVs are found on refrigerators, work surfaces or special brackets attached to the ceiling or wall. The last option is considered most convenient, because the device does not interfere at all. But many kitchens have a small area, so in such situations it is completely illogical to clutter up the free space with hanging boxes. The ideal option is a TV built into the kitchen. Today we will tell you about how best to place this equipment in the kitchen, taking into account specific conditions.

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Do I need a TV in the kitchen?

The question of the need for a TV in the kitchen for many years remains quite controversial. Some families use it only for cooking and eating, the rest of the time they spend in the living room. In addition, nutritionists strongly discourage watching your favorite shows while eating. But the housewives themselves consider the TV to be an integral part of the kitchen space, because often the time for preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner coincides with television broadcasts, which there is no desire to skip.

In small apartments, it is in the kitchen that the whole family gathers for a meal, discussing pressing problems and plans for the next day. Friends and relatives have tea parties to chat, watch a favorite movie or series. The TV, built into the kitchen, completely solves this controversial issue.

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How to choose a TV in the kitchen?

There are a number of rules that must be observed for safety, health and convenience.

These include the following:

  1. We all know that watching TV greatly impairs vision, therefore it should be positioned in such a way that the distance from the screen to the eyes is at least 2 m.
  2. For small kitchens, it is recommended to buy small appliances with a screen diagonal of not more than 20 inches.
  3. Large rooms can be equipped with large TVs, including plasma panels, but at the same time it is necessary to maintain the optimal distance.

When choosing a TV, pay maximum attention to the following criteria:

  • Appearance. Appearance plays an important role in the selection, even despite the technical characteristics of the device.
  • Sizes. Here, and so everything is clear.
  • Moisture protection. The kitchen, as you know, is an object with a high level of humidity, so you should make sure that moisture does not get on the connectors and contacts.
  • Easy to clean. In fact, this is also important, because during cooking, aggressive substances are constantly released in the form of alkali, steam, fat and acid, which can get on the equipment and form streaks on the screen.
  • Placement and method of attachment. There are several mounting options, but you should give preference to ready-made solutions. These are built-in appliances in sets and other kitchen furniture.
  • No distortion. This criterion is often bypassed, and completely in vain.Many manufacturers, in order to sell old models, mount them in a variety of items in the kitchen, while their price remains low. Of course, this attracts consumers, but it must be remembered that such models when changing the viewing angle give a strong distortion of the picture. This is easy to see if you look at the screen at an angle.
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Where is it better to integrate the TV?

Built-in appliances have become very popular due to their sleek design and ergonomics. It takes up a minimum of space, it is almost invisible from anywhere in space. Where is it better to hang the TV in the kitchen so that it can be seen from all sides, and there is no danger of its pollution or damage?

There are several options:

  • You can integrate the TV into the headset itself when ordering furniture or during its operation. It is enough to cut a hole of the right size in any cabinet door. Then install the device there, on the other hand, fixture is connected, which is connected with the help of screws.

Important! In this case, the device will be static; you cannot turn it wherever you want.

  • You can mount the television device in the wall during major repairs. At the same time, a special drywall niche is first constructed, the size of which is suitable for the installation of the device. Then the niche is finished in the color of the walls, the TV is mounted on it on a bracket or stand.

Important! The use of the bracket allows you to adjust the level of its inclination.

  • The most modern option for placing such devices is household appliances equipped with a built-in screen. Today on sale you can easily find refrigerators and hoods with a built-in TV. Yes, such models are expensive, but they look very stylish and modern. Before you buy it, you must carefully study all the technical specifications.

Important! First, you should definitely consider the option of placing this popular equipment in order to ensure its convenient viewing.

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General recommendations of specialists

Whatever your apartment, no matter how you decide to integrate the TV into the kitchen, there is a whole list of useful recommendations that you must follow:

  1. When installing the screen in the facade of one of the cabinets, there is a huge risk of damage to it by the handle of the neighboring cabinet while opening it. So, in order not to encounter such a problem, it is better to choose for installation the facades of those cabinets that open separately, for example, from the bottom up.
  2. As we have already found out, meeting a TV in a kitchen hood or in a refrigerator is not uncommon, but when making such a purchase, it is recommended that you pay maximum attention to its technical features. It is advisable to look at it in work at standard settings, to clarify the availability of warranty service.
  3. There is one tricky trick that many sellers of modern technology stores use. They demonstrate to potential customers one product, and sell a completely different product, similar in their words, but already packaged. So, it is better to refuse such a purchase in order not to buy a pig in a poke, because often, as a result of such transactions, the difference in the operation of the first and second devices is very disappointing.

Now you know what TV should be in the kitchen, installation options

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similar techniques and methods of attachment. But, nevertheless, remember that not all television programs are equally useful, plus no one has canceled ergonomics and safety precautions.

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