The color of the walls in the office

Scientists have already done a lot of research on how the situation in the workplace affects the desire to go to work every day, stay in the workplace all day and labor productivity. In fact, its influence is tremendous. That is why it is recommended to competently approach the choice of colors for the finish, given the psychological state of employees in the perception of a particular color. Today we’ll talk about how the color of the walls in the office should be, so that every employee works fully, goes to work with pleasure.

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Features of the influence of certain colors

When deciding what the walls will be in the office, it is necessary to consider a huge number of factors, the influence of specific shades on the visual perception of a person. To create a good overall picture, you should consider the most popular examples of painting office walls:

  • Gray color, all its derivatives, neutral shades. They belong to calm colors, do not irritate the eyes, but at the same time cause apathy and despondency. Gray color is combined with a shade of office clothes, which is why it is highly likely that employees can begin to fall asleep at the workplace, respectively - labor productivity will decrease.
  • Yellow. Psychologies have a lot of debate around him. Some people think that such a shade pleases the eye, increases labor productivity, and improves mood. Other experts are sure that in such an environment it is simply impossible to concentrate and complete the task. Both opinions are quite reasonable and have evidence, but, nevertheless, each person has a different attitude to this color and perceives it in its own way.
  • Green. This is the optimal tone for the office space. Throughout the entire desktop, he does not tire at all, so employees can work quietly for a long time. This design soothes the eye. This is the best solution when doing work that requires maximum focus. Walls in green give the office a businesslike feel.
  • Brown. Choosing this color, it is necessary to take into account that it has a depressing effect on the psyche. It is acceptable only for the investigator’s office, because visitors will feel protected.
  • Blue. If you paint the walls in the office with this color, then labor productivity will significantly increase. This will be the best solution for rooms where people do calculations or work with small details.

Important! It’s worth paying attention to the blue tone, not the blue one, otherwise the general perception will completely change.

  • Orange. Painting walls in such a shade will be the best solution for concluding contracts and receiving clients. It is recommended to use an orange tint, since it is softer and does not irritate the eye.
  • Red. This color of walls for the office is optimal for creative people. It causes aggression in people with an unbalanced psyche, and enhances emotionality. This shade is very invigorating, well suited to people whose work is associated with physical labor.

Important! Red is not recommended for use in offices where contracts are concluded, negotiations are underway, and the head is working. Such a design exacerbates the situation that arises when resolving contentious issues, it annoys and excites, causes conflict situations.


  • Violet.This color helps to relax, it soothes, it is better to color individual places with it.
  • White. If you paint the walls in such a color, you will make the room visually larger, it will become more rigorous and business.
  • The black. More often it is used to create contrast with other shades. In general, it is not used as the main color, since it causes negative reactions.
  • Pink. Reduces performance, so it is better not to use it for office design.
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How to choose a color for painting walls in the office?

To decide which wall color to choose for the office, the following factors must be considered:

  • The total area of ​​the room.
  • The location of the windows relative to the cardinal points.
  • Dimensions of windows and the degree of illumination of the room.

Important! Often they try to correct the lack of natural light by adding additional light sources. Warm shades are traditionally used for decorating walls in those rooms where the windows face north, but cold tones allow you to cool the interior of rooms that face the south side.


In addition, a few more factors affect the choice of wall color:

  • Style interior decoration.
  • Wishes of the owners of the office, management, people working in it.
  • The color of furniture that is already in use indoors.
  • Tinting of other finishing materials that have already been selected and purchased.
  • The effect of color on the human psyche.


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Psychologists' recommendations

Psychologists believe that you should carefully choose what color to paint the walls in the office, because its design affects the concentration, performance, concentration, brain activity, fatigue, and the state of the nervous system. Incidentally, many years of practice have made it possible to prove the validity of their various conclusions.


The recommendations of psychologists are as follows:

  1. An excess of bright shades is too distracting, exciting, overloading the nervous system.
  2. Variegated tones increase fatigue, cause headaches.
  3. Warm, calm tones enhance performance.
  4. Cold shades are able to visually increase the space, give it volume, contribute to maximum concentration.
  5. The combination of warm and cold tones allows you to achieve the desired psychological background for effective work.

Important! The color of the walls in the office of a creative person who is more engaged in creative work should be unobtrusive, have smooth transitions, more than different tint combinations. Premises for conducting strict calculations or sales are best designed in a strict style, because it is important that nothing distracts customers and employees from the main task.

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In many respects, how the walls will be painted in the office depends on the opinions of employees. Lighter colors are considered the best option, because they give both performance and efficiency. The main thing is to comply with all labor protection standards in order to maintain health during work. This should be understood by each leader, because it is he who is responsible for the health status of his subordinates.

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