Wall-hung toilet with installation - which is better to choose?

A special plumbing installation makes it possible to fix the toilet bowl not only reliably, but also beautifully: without a clumsy cistern and a zigzag pipe in plain sight. The installation is a small metal structure with a water tank and a neck. It is from the neck that the connection goes directly to the drain. The entire “working” part is located behind the false wall. Studs pass through the entire false wall so that the toilet can be locked in the “hanging” position. The cost of this design is quite high, so it is important not to make mistakes when choosing. We'll figure it out in this, why is the wall-hung toilet with installation more convenient, which is better to choose.
to contents ↑Suspension Advantages
So, which is better - an installation or an ordinary toilet? Compared to the usual “classic” scheme, the installation has the following advantages:
- Compactness. Compared to a conventional toilet, the pendant design takes up much less space. This is true if the bathroom is small.
- Good quality hardware. Given that it is not very convenient to repair hidden structures, manufacturing companies make float and keyboard elements initially high-quality.
- Economical water consumption. The tank in the installation system consumes water more efficiently and economically than in a conventional design. In some models, the water flow can be adjusted.
- Possibility of installation in hollow walls.
It is not enough to describe the advantages of an innovative model. There are several common myths that scare an inexperienced buyer:
- The toilet may collapse if it sits on, say, a person larger than average. In fact, models with installation are designed for a body weight of 300-400 kg. To break off such a toilet, you need to greatly contrive.
- If the structure is broken, you need to completely disassemble the wall. In fact, repairing hardware is not so difficult. The drain key is removed quite simply, providing access to accessories. You can carry out repairs using the revision door.
- The false wall and installation take up little space. In fact, the installation is more compact than any conventional design. In addition, the tank is hidden in a niche.
- If any part breaks down, it is difficult to find a similar one. This is not true, since manufacturing companies produce both installation systems and spare parts for them. Many spare parts are interchangeable with other models.
The main disadvantages of the installation design are:
- The relative complexity of installation. To properly equip a hanging toilet with your own hands, you need to have experience. If there is no experience, you will have to call the wizard. Installation services cannot be called cheap.
- The need in some cases to redo the system for supplying and draining water.
- If there is no recess for the tank in the wall, you need to make a niche.
- Lack of full access to communications due to a false wall. This problem is solved by arranging revision windows.
- The high cost of suspension equipment. This is the problem of all innovative solutions.
What do you need to consider before buying?
Before going to the store for shopping, think over the moments on which your choice will depend:
- The location of the structure.
- Type of wall. The installation method depends on this - in a recess or a false wall.
- Are additional materials needed for communications.
- Key Material
- Type of construction - hanging or floor with a hidden tank.
to contents ↑Important! Respectable manufacturing companies provide a product warranty. Therefore, the availability of warranty documents is required.
Wall hung toilets with installation - how to choose?
All installation systems can be divided into 2 categories:
- Blocky. The tank and all communication leads are hidden in the wall. This makes it possible to save 100-150 mm. The toilet is installed on the floor without focusing on the wall.
- Frame. The basis for the entire structure is a steel frame hidden in the wall. In this case, you can install a hanging bathroom.
Important! When buying, you need to monitor the compatibility of all elements.
In turn, frame structures differ in type of mounting:
- Wall mounted. The most common type. The toilet is fixed to the wall with anchor bolts or studs.
- Floor standing. This installation method is relevant if the wall is made of fragile material, such as drywall. In this case, the floor assumes the main supporting load. The lower part of the frame is made wide and with additional reinforcement.
Depending on the installation location, these types of systems are distinguished:
- Corner The frame is in the shape of a triangle. It is used in small bathrooms.
- Bilateral. Such installations are convenient in that a toilet is placed on one side of the partition and a bidet or sink on the other.
- Linear This design has a sufficiently large length. This makes it possible to place several plumbing fixtures in one line: toilets, sinks or bidets.
- With height restriction. This is a low installation. It is used if plumbing (sink) needs to be placed under the window.
Pay attention to the choice of the drain mechanism:
- With a forced stop. You activate the flow of water by pressing the key. Pressing the button again will stop the water flow.
- Sensory. Triggering occurs when a person rises from the toilet.
- With two keys. One provides water supply under high pressure, and the other provides an economical drain.
Materials of manufacture
Another nuance that must be taken into account in order to choose the best wall-hung toilet with installation is the material at the base of the product:
- The advantage of porcelain is that their surface is smoother.
- Earthenware toilets of a modern design with a special coating are almost not inferior to porcelain. At the same time, they are cheaper.
- Products made of polymer concrete or glass are not in great demand. They are not very practical, and their cost is high.
- Stainless steel bowls are not suitable for domestic use, because they look unpresentable.
Bowl sizes
There are 3 types of sizes:
- Compact (up to 540 mm). This is a good option for a small bathroom.
- Medium (up to 600 mm). This option is the most ergonomic and common.
- Enlarged (up to 700 mm). This option is used for persons with any physical disabilities, as well as in spacious bathrooms.
Design, color, configuration
When buying, you need to choose the right product design so that it harmonizes with the style of the bathroom. The color is usually chosen neutral - white. However, there are different color options, including the most exotic ones.
By configuration, the bowl can have a square, round or oval shape - it all depends on the taste of the buyer.
Types of flushing
There are 2 types of flushing - direct (horizontal) and reverse (circular):
- With a direct flush, water is supplied from the back of the bowl, after which it is directed to the drain hole.
- Circular drain. Water is supplied through inclined openings in the upper part of the bowl. Flushing water is supplied in a spiral.
to contents ↑Important! The flush quality in the second case is better, and water is used more economically.
Overview of manufacturing companies
These are market leaders making excellent installations for toilets. Knowing these companies, it is easier to determine which installation for the toilet is better.
This Polish brand with a logo depicting a dolphin managed to become famous. The company began its activities in 1998. It specializes in ceramic products and components for them.
A German company with corporate quality has been one of the permanent leaders in the production of sanitary ware since 1936. The company has been manufacturing products for both retail customers and wholesale companies. The share of products from Grohe is about 8% of all plumbing.
This Swiss company has more than a century of history. 17 Geberit plants are located in countries such as Italy, Germany, USA, Slovenia, China and Austria. In the ranking of wall hung toilets with installation, the products of this company always occupy one of the first places.
Vidima and AlcaPlast
These two companies from Bulgaria and the Czech Republic are distinguished by inexpensive, high-quality products in a rich assortment.
to contents ↑Rating of installations for the toilet
Despite the fact that the installations are similar to each other, they differ in strength and load concentration. The models shown in the article were selected based on customer reviews.
Cersanit Delfi S-Set-Delfi / Leon / Cg-w
This design is equipped with everything necessary for quick installation. The frame is rectangular. In the place of attachment of the toilet has one cross member. The installation is attached to the wall with 3 studs: 2 - located in the upper part, 1 - in the center. It is possible to adjust the legs in height.
Comes with a toilet and a double drain button. The first mode provides for a complete, the second - partial emptying of the tank. There is an adapter from the toilet neck to the sewer pipe. The width of the frame is only 35 cm, which makes it possible to install it in different niches.
- Cheapness.
- The presence of a complete set of adapters in the kit.
- Not wide compact frame.
- The presence of the toilet in the kit.
- The ability to adjust the design in height.
- The drain button is poorly mounted (it loosens over time).
- The seat is not well suited for configuration.
- A small number of threaded turns on stilettos.
- Minimum seat height - 0.5 m from the floor.
Geberit Duofix 111.300.00.5
This is the choice for overweight people. The rectangular metal frame is made of a profile of large thickness. The insert for fastening the toilet is particularly durable. Zinc coating protects the legs from rust. The kit comes with a tank. A single water consumption is from 3 to 6 liters. The main load falls on 200 mm floor studs. The set is equipped with a water supply pipe and a flushing elbow.
- Durability. The drain unit has a 10 year warranty.
- Tank without seams.
- Good build quality.
- A frame capable of withstanding significant loads.
- Good build quality.
- Easy installation.
- Possibility of corner mounting.
- Low maintainability.
- Limited scope (frame in 112 mm in height does not go everywhere).
Grohe Rapid SL 38750001
Included is a 9-liter tank and toilet. The discharge may be short, volumetric or continuous. The last option is used to clean the product. You can adjust the depth of connection, the distance between the toilet and the frame, the height of the toilet.
Important! It is possible to mount both single and in-line construction. For shopping centers and offices it is very convenient.
Included are:
- Button.
- Tank.
- Revision window.
- Decorative patch panel.
- Soundproof gasket.
- Robust metal construction.
- Lots of connectivity options.
- Economical water consumption.
- Reliable corrosion protection (powder coating).
- Condensation insulation.
- The presence in the set of pneumatic buttons.
- Small dimensions of the inspection window.
- Short-lived chrome-plated button.
Wisa 8050.435051
This Dutch product has everything you need for installation. In the kit:
- frame;
- toilet bowl;
- tank;
- communications kit and flush button.
There are 2 gaskets - soundproof and for closing the inspection window. The compact width makes it possible to place the installation in a normal niche for pipes. This makes it possible to save space without sacrificing functionality. The tank capacity is 6 liters. The toilet bowl is ceramic; it measures 53.0x35.9x44.5 cm.
- The presence of the toilet in the kit.
- Long warranty period (up to 10 years).
- Wide area of use.
- Frame of compact dimensions.
- Flush button with good chrome finish.
- Great build quality.
- Drain water uniformly around the circumference.
- Heavy weight construction.
- Difficulty in buying components for repair.
AlcaPlast A100 / 1000 Alcamodul
This installation from the Czech Republic is specially designed for a suspended toilet. It has compact dimensions and a relatively low price, perfect for the closest room. The button on the tank is oval, divided into 2 parts (large and economical drain).
- Low cost.
- The presence of a double drain.
- Easy installation.
- Small dimensions.
- Significant height adjustment options as there is no floor mount.
- The design is not intended for people with a large mass.
- Limited use, since the installation can only be mounted on load-bearing walls.
Vitra Blue Life 740-5800-01
If you characterize this Turkish product in a few words, it will be “for complex installation.” For example, if there are too many pipes in the wall space and a narrow frame is needed. The design is powder coated. The tank has a pneumatic drain. Installation weighs 18 kg.
- Low cost.
- Simple installation.
- Good build quality.
- Reliability (5 year warranty).
- Compact frame made of solid wide profile.
- The longest part on the adapter is 80 mm.
- A small margin for height adjustment.
- Inconvenient repair during leakage.
Stock footage
As you can see, there is a huge selection of installations for built-in plumbing. The principle of how to choose an installation for a hanging toilet is known to you. Learn technical specifications and don't be afraid of new products!
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