Install plumbing

As a rule, the repair of the bathroom is associated with the replacement of plumbing equipment, as well as pipes. This is a very responsible and complicated procedure. However, do not rush and call a specialist - with your own hands it is quite possible to correctly wiring and install plumbing. At the same time, you will save some amount, which will be absolutely not superfluous for the budget of your family. But so that the result is only pleasing, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the stages of the plumbing work.
to contents ↑Possible ways to install a washbasin
The way to install the washbasin will depend on its design. There are mounted models of washbasins that are fixed directly on the wall with brackets, and washbasins on a pedestal (“tulip”). Another type is moidodyr, in which the bowl is built into a special nightstand, often equipped with convenient drawers for various little things.
Wall-mounted washbasin
First of all, you should determine the height of the washbasin. As a rule, it is about 80-85 cm, but it can also change significantly, adapting to the needs of the owners - installing plumbing with your own hands makes it possible to make the bathroom as convenient as possible for you. So, if children live in the house, then the sink can be lowered lower, and for people of higher stature - raise higher.
The installation process is as follows:
- Determine the height of the washbasin, make a mark on the wall.
- Use a level to draw a horizontal line.
- Measure the width of the back wall of the washbasin, set this distance down from the level mark.
- Drill holes for mounting brackets.
Important! Before fixing the brackets to the wall, you must determine the distance between them. To do this, turn the washbasin over and place the brackets on it so that they fall into special grooves. Measure the distance between the brackets and transfer it to the wall - this should be the location of the holes for fasteners.
- Drive the dowels into the holes, screw in the core bolts.
- Install a faucet on the sink.
- Install the sink onto the bolts and put on the washers.
- Using a level, check the location of the sink and press it with the nuts.
- Put a rubber gasket on the sink hole, install a drain connected to the siphon. Put on a lock nut with a wedge-shaped locking ring.
- Connect the drain pipe of the siphon to the sewer using an adapter.
- Use flexible hoses to connect cold and hot water to the faucet.
Moydodyr washbasin
Installing plumbing in an apartment of this type is quite simple and consists in the following: it is necessary to expose the pipe with the washstand to the level, and then connect it to the water supply and sewage system in the same way as we described above with respect to the mounted model.
Pedestal washbasin
When installing this type of washbasin, the correct marking is important:
- Install the pedestal and place the bowl on it so that the drain hole is in the center of the stand. After that check its location level.
- Mark on the wall the attachment points of the washbasin bowl.
- Disassemble the structure, drill out the hole in the wall according to the marking.
- Drive in the dowels, put the nuts on the screws and screw the washbasin to the wall.
Important! Do not tighten the screws too much, as the ceramics may crack.
- Install a siphon inside the pedestal, attach it to the washbasin, and the drain pipe to the sewer.
- Install the mixer.
Steps for installing a toilet
The most commonly used toilet model is the floor toilet. It is his installation that we will consider:
- If the floor in your bathroom is decorated with ceramic tiles, then under the toilet it is better to lay a piece of linoleum or rubber of the necessary shape.
- Use a cuff to attach to the sewer. Connect it to the toilet drain and the sewer pipe.
- Fasten the toilet to the floor with the help of special studs inserted into the dowels, which are driven into the holes in the floor.
Important! Sometimes the toilet can be glued to the floor using epoxy glue. In this case, it is forbidden to use it in the next 12 hours after installation.
If you bought a toilet bowl compact, you just have to fix the drain tank on a shelf. To do this, put a sealing gasket on the shelf and fix the tank with a special bolt, which is located on its bottom. After that, tighten the tightening nut and connect the tank to the water supply using a flexible hose.
to contents ↑Features of installing a bathroom
Despite the fact that the number of bath models is quite large - they differ from each other in shape, size, material, the rules for installing this type of sanitary ware are quite universal:
- Having brought the bathroom into the room, put it 70-80 cm from the wall.
- If your bathtub is not equipped with an overflow drain, install it by first attaching the bottom and then the top hole.
- Proceed with the installation of the siphon. First, connect the drain pipe to the sewer with an o-ring, and then screw the siphon onto the drain-overflow tee.
- Replace the bathtub and adjust the height of the legs to achieve stability. Check the location of the bathtub with a level and fix the position of the legs with a fixing nut.
- Check the siphon for leaks. To do this, first pour a little water in the bath (about half the volume), and put a dry cloth under the siphon. If there is no leakage, pour a full bath and check again.
- Install the mixer.
Ideally, the metal plumbing equipment for the bathroom should be grounded. For this, a special overflow is provided on cast iron and steel products. If your house has a potential equalization system, then connect one end of the wire to it and the other to a special overflow.
Important! Often in apartments where there is no special grounding system, a special overflow is connected by a wire to a water pipe. However, it is worth remembering that this method can only be used in the bathroom, where there are no electrical appliances.
If you want to make your bathroom as comfortable as possible and install a jacuzzi in it, then before buying it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the installation sheet of the model you like. This is a document where the manufacturer lists the requirements that apply to the place of installation of the product. Despite the fact that, as a rule, hot tubs are equipped with similar installation designs, it is better to entrust it to specialists.
to contents ↑Stock footage
So, do-it-yourself installation and repair of plumbing - a responsible matter, although not very complicated. Given all the rules and recommendations, you organize your bathroom so that it will delight you for many years, saving a significant part of the family budget.
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