Installation of an acrylic bath

One of the most pleasant moments in the process of repairing an apartment is the installation of a bath, because at this stage the bathroom takes on its final completed look. Almost 90 percent of the entire range of sanitary ware in stores is occupied by acrylic bathtubs. They are rightfully considered leaders among their competitors. A variety of shapes, designs and colors allows you to find your ideal option among all the offers. Why do acrylic bathtubs occupy a leading position and most importantly - is it possible to install an acrylic bathtub with your own hands? After reading the article you will receive answers to these questions, and if you opted for an acrylic bath, you can easily arrange it in the bathroom.

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Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs

Why do customers often opt for acrylic bathtubs? This is not without reason, because they have many advantages over steel, cast-iron models.

The undeniable advantages of acrylic products include:

  • Affordable price. Unlike other types of bathtubs, the cost of an acrylic bathtub is almost the lowest, while it has excellent characteristics. This makes it affordable and, at the same time, satisfying many customer needs.

Important! Of course, we are talking about simple configurations. If you take a product with a wide range of functions, of course, the cost will be appropriate.

  • A huge variety of shapes and designs. On sale, you will definitely find a model that fits perfectly into your interior, justifies design ideas.
  • Lightweight design, which makes it possible to install an acrylic bath on your own, without any help.
  • Acrylic is a fairly warm material, this provides additional comfort when taking water procedures. In addition to all this, the water in such a font retains its temperature for a long time.
  • It lends itself well to repair - in case of minor damage, you can use the repair kit and restore the bathtub to its original appearance.

However, along with the advantages, an acrylic bathtub, like any other product, has disadvantages. Its disadvantages include:

  • The surface of the bath is very sensitive to various mechanical damage. You must be extremely careful not to drop heavy objects into it.
  • Hard brushes and abrasive products are not allowed.
  • Relative fragility. Since the acrylic bath is quite light, it makes it brittle, under certain influences. It can bend under the weight of a large weight.
  • Unlike cast-iron bathtubs, it has a relatively short life.
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Installation methods for acrylic bathtubs

If you opted for an acrylic product, you can easily install the acrylic bath yourself. But given the fact that it is quite fragile, you must be extremely careful when installing it. Under heavy load, shock or mechanical impact with a heavy object, it may crack or crack.

When installing acrylic bathtubs, the following methods are used:

  1. Installation on factory legs.
  2. Installation on a metal frame made by the bathtub manufacturer.
  3. Installation on a support made of bricks or foam blocks, or on a continuous substrate of them.
  4. Installation in a combined way, including the use of bricks and a metal frame.

The life of the bath and the comfort of taking water procedures depend on the proper installation of the bath. All installation operations must be carried out according to the recommendations and observe the clarity and sequence of actions. Adhering to the algorithm, depending on the type of installation you choose, you can do the installation of an acrylic bath yourself. Next, we consider in more detail the features of each type of installation.

Installation of a bathtub on factory legs

This installation method is the simplest, but it can hardly be called the most reliable. Since the acrylic bath is quite fragile, it can bend under weight, ideally the design requires more reference points. However, this installation method is sometimes used, especially if you want to leave free and open space under the bathroom.

An acrylic bath is installed on the legs, adhering to the following sequence of actions:

  • Prepare the bath installation site, clean it and make sure that the piping, the drain hole and the water supply tap are correctly connected.
  • Turn the bath over and find the attachment points for the legs. Typically, the manufacturer marks them with special stickers. As a rule, in this place there are holes for screwing the legs, made in advance at the factory.

Important! If they are not there, then you should drill them yourself in the intended place. This should be done carefully, with a drill on wood, at minimum speed.

  • Screw the legs that come with the bathtub into the holes designed for this, using the guides.
  • Turn the bath over and put it in place, check whether the height is set correctly.
  • Adjust the height and level of the bathtub with a wrench, which can be used to adjust the height of each leg.
  • Install and connect the siphon. To do this, first connect the upper siphon, and then the lower one.
  • Mark the upper edge of the finished structure on the wall.
  • Screw the mounting hooks into the wall, temporarily pushing the structure to the side.
  • Put the bath in place, along the entire perimeter of its fit to the wall, strengthen it with metal or plastic hooks.
  • Fill the joints of the bath with the wall with a special sealant so that water does not flow there.


Installation on a metal frame

If you decide to install an acrylic bathtub on a metal frame, then you can be calm in the stability and reliability of this design. It is one of the most durable of all possible installation options.

Important! As a rule, a metal support for the bathroom is made by the manufacturer, taking into account its dimensions. This means that it is made individually for a specific model.

The installation process of an acrylic bath, in this case, differs only at the time of assembly of the frame. After it is assembled, the algorithm of actions is saved.

How to assemble an acrylic bath frame:

  • Get the frame and all the small equipment needed for its assembly and fastening.
  • Lay a soft cloth on the floor so as not to scratch the floor. Assemble the frame on it according to the instructions if it is supplied unassembled.
  • Turn the bath upside down or to the side, depending on how convenient it will be to assemble.
  • Attach the frame to the bathroom, while ensuring that everything is even and symmetrical.
  • Turn the bath over with the frame and adjust the height of the legs.

Important! After adjusting the height, it should not exceed 65 centimeters from the floor. This is necessary so that you can effortlessly climb inside the bathroom, and it does not come out too high.

  • After adjusting the height, check that the installation is level. If no further adjustments are required, then proceed with the installation of the siphon, sealing and additional fastening of the sides with hooks to the wall. All these steps are described above in the first installation method.

Installation on a support of bricks or foam blocks

If it is impossible to purchase a factory-made metal frame for the selected model of acrylic bathtub, then it can be installed on brick supports. This method is quite reliable and not financially expensive.

The sequence of steps for the construction of brick supports for the bath:

  • Put the bath in the place of the future installation and note where the bricks will be located. Experts recommend erecting three columns: one - in the center, two - along the edges of the bottom.
  • Make brick laying on a cement mortar in the form of columns. Be sure to adhere to the level.

Important! Consider the dimensions of the bath so that the bricks do not interfere with the installation of the siphon.

  • Allow the solution to dry - it will take 12 to 24 hours.
  • After that, it is necessary to apply foam on the bottom of the bathroom - this will serve as additional noise insulation, reduce thermal conductivity and protect the bath from mechanical damage by bricks.
  • Install the bath on the brick supports by checking the level.
  • Seal the joints of the brick and the bottom.
  • After installing the acrylic bathtub, complete the standard final stages of installation.

Important! There is a way when an acrylic bath is not installed on brick supports, but a brick wall is being erected, which serves as a kind of frame for the bath, as well as the basis for laying tiles, instead of a protective screen.


Combined installation method

If you want to choose the most durable and reliable installation method, then you should choose a combined installation method, where both brick supports and a metal frame are used at the same time. However, in this case, the frame is made independently.

For installation using the combined method, you should use the following tips:

  1. Buy metal or aluminum profiles for the future frame, bricks, mortar cement and fasteners in advance.
  2. Mark the line of the desired bath height on the wall.
  3. Subtract the height of the bathtub from the desired height and build a brick podium based on the results, given that the foam will be applied to the bottom of the bathtub.
  4. Based on the measurements of the bath, erect a metal frame from the profiles, which will serve as a support for the sides of the bath. When erecting a frame, you should definitely use the level.
  5. When the frame is erected, put on it a brick podium bath. Next, follow the standard algorithm, connect the siphon and perform sealing.
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As you can see, there is nothing complicated in installing an acrylic bath yourself. A little skill and knowledge about the desired installation method are enough. Based on your experience and skills in this matter, you can choose a method at an affordable level of difficulty. However, remember that installing a bath is a responsible matter, if you are not sure that you can handle it, trust the professionals.

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