Installation of concrete rings for do-it-yourself sewerage

When arranging a sewage disposal system in private households, concrete rings are most popular. This is due not only to the ease of installation in relation to other materials, but also to their durability, increased strength and, most importantly, budget. Therefore, if you decide to use this material, in this article we will tell you how to install concrete rings for sewage with your own hands.

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The main advantages and disadvantages of the material

If you are still thinking about whether to use concrete rings when installing a wastewater system in a private house, we suggest that you draw your attention to a number of advantages that this material has. The main ones include:

  • Mechanical strength;
  • Durability of the finished structure;
  • Rigidity;
  • Quick assembly;
  • Low cost of the material itself;
  • Resistance to various corrosion processes.

Unfortunately, this material also has disadvantages, which should also be taken into account:

  • Due to the high hygroscopicity of concrete, the walls of the tank must be treated with a special waterproofing solution, otherwise, moisture will constantly leak into the soil.
  • Due to the fact that the weight of concrete rings is quite large, you will need to use special equipment to help you, which may result in additional financial costs.
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Basic designs and their principle of operation

The installation scheme should choose the most suitable, depending on the installation conditions of the rings for sewage. To date, these types of structures are distinguished:

  • Single chamber models. They are most often used for suburban estates, summer cottages or houses with seasonal residences. Such designs require periodic cleaning.
  • Two chamber. In this case, the time period between cleanings is much longer than in the previous version. Such models are considered the most versatile and popular. They gained their demand due to the high degree of purification and the small space that they occupy on the site.
  • Three-chamber. This option is suitable both for houses with permanent residence, and for suburban households in which there are several bathrooms. Such a system is capable of providing a fairly high quality of cleaning. In turn, three-chamber structures are volatile and non-volatile. First, the effluents are cleaned by aerobic bacteria, respectively - they are characterized by a shorter processing cycle.
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How to install do-it-yourself rings for sewers?

Despite its seemingly simple simplicity, the installation of concrete rings for sewage is carried out in several stages, which we will tell you about in more detail below.

Stage 1. Calculation of the volume of the sewer itself and concrete rings

To begin with, the volume of the treatment plant directly depends on the average daily water consumption by residents of the house:

  • In order to determine this parameter, you can calculate it by consumption points, such as shower, washbasin, etc.
  • Another option is to use the standard value, which is approximately 200 liters per person per day.

Important! The water treatment cycle, in turn, is three days, during which all wastewater is collected directly in the sewer system.

In this regard, the necessary volume can be calculated as follows: the number of people living in the house is multiplied by 200 liters and divided by three days. For example, if the family consists of three people, the calculation is as follows: 3x200x3 = 1800 liters.

In this case, the entire volume will be distributed as follows:

  • In a single-chamber model, the volume will fall on the entire capacity;
  • In a two-chamber design, the storage tank will be about ¾ of the total volume, and ¼ will be in the second chamber;
  • In the case of a three-chamber septic tank, the drive will be about ⅔ of the total volume, and ⅓ part of the volume will be distributed to the second and third chambers.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that today many owners of private households use concrete rings of the same size.


Basically, during installation, most often they install three concrete rings placed on top of each other. This is due to the fact that the installation of a smaller number is impractical, since it will simply be inconsistent, while a larger number will reduce the reliability of the entire structure. Since often the height of concrete rings is the same and equal to 90 centimeters, the volume is determined solely by their diameter.

Important! Today, many enterprises provide the service of individual production of concrete rings, taking into account the desired diameter. Although this is convenient, be prepared for the fact that such a service is much more expensive than acquiring standard options, and it will significantly increase the cost of the whole structure.

Stage 2. Determining the location for the sewer

The sewer system must be installed not only correctly, but also comply with all applicable sanitary and hygienic and construction standards:

  • The distance of the house from the septic tank should be at least 5 meters.

Important! To place the sewer system too far from the house is irrational, as this will lead to more complicated calculations, as well as a significant cost overrun.

  • The septic tank must be installed at a distance of at least 50 meters from wells and water wells.
  • Sewer pipes should be placed at a certain angle or straight. This is especially true in the case of gravity systems.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that choosing the future location of the sewer system, one should take into account not only the above requirements, but also the convenience of accessing special equipment, for example, a cesspool machine.

Stage 3. We select the necessary materials.

Everyone who sewers in their home knows that it consists of the following elements:

  • Sewer pipes. Usually they are made of PVC and have an orange or brown color.
  • Fitting. In this case, it all depends solely on the financial capabilities of the owner.

Next, we list the precast concrete products, which include the following elements:

  • Concrete rings. Most enterprises engaged in the production of reinforced concrete products can offer you a huge assortment of different options for these rings, which are indicated by the abbreviation: KO, KLK, KS, KVG1, KFK, etc.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that if you are not completely experienced, the above abbreviation will not tell you anything. Therefore, it is best to go to the store and already by the presence of a particular model determine what is best for you.

  • Reinforced concrete cover. You may not need to purchase this element of the sewer system, in which case you should decide.

Important! If desired, the concrete cover can be replaced with a sheet of metal or made from improvised materials. Thus, the sewer well will be much cheaper for you.

  • Bottom. You can buy ready-made options or make it yourself by equipping a concrete cushion of cement mortar.

Stage 4. Digging a pit

In order to install the rings for sewage, you will definitely need a foundation pit. You can dig it yourself, using bayonet shovels for these purposes, or using special earthmoving equipment.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that the dimensions of the pit should fully correspond to the concrete rings you have chosen.

At the end of the work, you need to equip a sand pillow with a width of 30-50 centimeters.


Stage 5. Installation of rings

At this stage, you will need to use a special technique, since concrete rings are quite heavy. In addition, with its help you can make a quality installation according to the sewage scheme.

Important! When laying the pipeline, use a pipe with a bend, which in appearance resembles a water seal. This way you can protect yourself from the unpleasant odor.

Stage 6. Sealing joints and filling the well

Seams between the rings must be sealed. You can use cement mortar for these purposes or purchase ready-made mixes. After that, the structure must be waterproofed from the outside.

Important! Sometimes, at the request of the owner, the finished design can be strengthened with the help of plastic inserts. They have the form of cylinders that are installed inside the well itself. In this way, you will not only ensure reliable waterproofing, but also significantly extend its operational life.

At the end of all stages, you can proceed to the finishing work - backfilling of the pit. To do this, the soil removed from the pit is mixed with sand, after which it is evenly distributed around the finished structure by compaction. A concrete slab with a hole or its analog is placed on each tank of the sewer system and is tightly sealed.

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Useful Tips

In order for the finished design to work properly and without further problems, we offer you some tips that will help prevent unpleasant surprises:

  • In order for the well not to freeze, its cells must be insulated.
  • In order to avoid an unpleasant smell, a ventilation pipe should be installed on each camera.
  • To make the design more reliable and durable, it can be strengthened with metal brackets.
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Stock footage

The construction of a sewer septic tank from concrete rings is the most optimal solution for private households. Thanks to this design, you can not worry about where to put a large amount of waste, and also prevent pollution of groundwater.

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