Installation of a two-tariff electricity meter

With the onset of cold weather, everyone tries to warm their homes using air conditioners, boilers and other electrical appliances. As a result, the cost of paying for electricity increases significantly. But not many people know that the tariffs for paying for electricity consumed at night are much lower than the tariffs applicable in the daytime. They help to save two-tariff meters, which work more accurately than conventional devices, take into account the smallest errors, weigh less mechanical devices. In this article we will explain why the installation of a two-tariff electricity meter is beneficial, how it is implemented.

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Why are dual rate meters beneficial?

During the day, electricity is supplied with different voltages, but the manufacturers of such devices managed to come up with a rather interesting internal system.

Inside the two-tariff instruments there is a microscopic chip that functions due to the pulses received from the system, and statistics are created on the basis of the closed loop principle.

Important! In order to switch from a conventional electric meter to a two-tariff meter, it is necessary to obtain official permission from OblEnergo. This process is quite lengthy, but worth it, because you can pay a lot less for the consumed electricity.

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Are double tariff meters beneficial for the state?

More recently, the government has greatly simplified the user transition to multi-zone metering of electricity consumed. Therefore, now anyone can independently purchase such a device, and OblEnergo will install and configure it for free, that is, it will carry out parameterization.

In fact, this is also beneficial for the state, since it is the consumer who plays the main role in the energy system. Mass actions of consumers determine the way they work. When everyone wakes up in the morning, they include a lot of electrical appliances, the consumption in each apartment increases significantly, by about 1.5-2 kW. Because of this, peak consumption is increasing significantly, but this is a huge load for the power system, which threatens to worsen the quality indicators of electricity.

Important! If all consumers use energy so actively, this can lead to the collapse of the energy system and blackout of the entire region, and even the country.

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How to save on double tariff meters?

Installing a two-rate meter will really save the family budget. It is enough to postpone the operation of some devices at night. Naturally, this does not apply to lighting and loud household devices. The first candidates for such a transition can be called devices with an automated work process, that is, those that do not need human intervention.

The following devices can be transferred to the night tariff:

  • Washing machines. Many modern models are programmed for night use. That is, using the timer, you can configure their work.

Important! Of course, noise can interfere with residents and neighbors, so this event is appropriate for appliances with the lowest noise level.

  • Water heater.Expensive models support programming, but it’s cheaper to connect them through an external timer. Just before that, it is necessary to calculate whether there will be enough heated water to take a bath to all family members.
  • Steamers Such devices can be used at night by means of a digital timer, the main thing is that they have a heating function.
  • Bread makers. You can use the delayed start function. It is really very convenient, the residents of the house not only save energy, but also get fresh hot bread for breakfast.
  • Lighting devices. Some of them can be equipped with motion sensors.
  • Air conditioners. Modern models work completely silently, so there is no problem to transfer their work to night time.
  • Heaters. They are programmed using smart sockets. But it must be noted that dry air negatively affects the mucous membrane.
  • Warm floor. In this case, a programmed thermostat is used. The need for heating arises in case of activity of the owner.

Important! The OblEnergo website has a special calculator that allows you to calculate the profitability of using a two-tariff counter.

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How to prepare for installing a dual rate meter?

There are a number of procedures that must be completed before installing a two-rate meter. You must do the following:

  1. First of all, write a statement in the nearest branch of OblEnergo. For this, prepare the following documents: a certificate from the gas organization, a project for the boiler’s power supply, and a boiler passport. You will receive an answer to your application within a certain time.
  2. Buy a multi-tariff device. This can be done in the store, where, by the way, they can immediately program it. Here you will write out the parameterization protocol of the device. With this protocol you need to go to RES to write a new statement in which you ask you to check the parameterization of the counter. This organization sends the corresponding electronic application to OblEnergo.
  3. Then take a new counter to OblEnergo. There they will check its parameterization.
  4. Then again you go to RES, find the subscriber department and write a request to replace the device. There you will be assigned a person who will remove the old meter and put the seal on a new one.
  5. After that, write a statement again to renegotiate the agreement with RES, since your housing will be supplied with electricity at new rates.
  6. Then you pick up the new device and the contract in the RES.
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Installation of a double tariff meter

Naturally, any electrician knows how to install a two-tariff electricity meter, so he will not have problems with installation. But if you are one hundred percent confident in your abilities and have sufficient experience in working with such devices, then you can install it yourself.

Install as follows:

  • Unscrew the box of the device.
  • Choose the installation site correctly so that you can easily reach it and take readings. At the same time, the distance from the floor should be at least 80 cm.

Important! Installation can be made directly to the shield or special rail.

  • Then connect the wires according to the marking to the corresponding terminals.
  • Next, clearly follow the manufacturer's instructions that come with each device.
  • Do not forget that the meter must be sealed.
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It is worth noting once again that it is quite difficult for an ordinary person to make such an installation. Therefore, doubting your strength by at least a few percent, it is better to entrust this work to a professional who is guaranteed to understand how to install an electric meter day and night with high quality and professionalism.

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